Dođe i taj septembar. Za mene je to bio uvek mesec kada prestaje sva letnja čarolija, kao kad sat otkuca ponoć u Pepeljuzi (ili Pepeljugi, nisam baš sigurna da li ovde dolazi do sibilarizacije). I zato sam rešila da iskoristim još ovo malo toplih dana koji su preostali i da leto ispratim kako dolikuje! Odlučila sam da to izvedem u duhu srpske tradicije, u restoranu "Stara trešnja".
Stara trešnja |
Stara trešnja je restoran srpske kuhinje sa dugogodišnjom tradicijom. Nalazi se ušuškan na Banovom brdu i moram da napomenem da mi je žao što nisu negde u blizini mog kraja, pa je to jedan od razloga što ne dolazim češće ovde na ručak. Sa visokom kamenom ogradom nema šanse da ga ne primetite. Restoran mi je leti veći favorit u odnosu na zimu zbog svoje predivne bašte sa debelom hladovinom. Idealno mesto za uživanje gde ćete izgubiti pojam o visokim temperaturama. Enterijer odiše starim duhom srpske tradicije.
Stara trešnja - bašta |
Stara trešnja - enterijer |
Meni je strogo nacionalni. Ukoliko ste ljubitelj domaće kuhinje na pravom ste mestu. I ono što je fascinantno u ovom restoranu su izuzetno niske cene za izuzetno ogromne porcije. Mi smo se ovom prilikom odlučile da ručak započnemo Telećom čorbicom koja (znam da ćete mi teško poverovati) košta 100 rsd. Za glavno jelo odlučile smo se za Pljeskavicu sa kajmakom, Porciju ćevapa i Vešalicu. Cene jela sa roštilja u proseku se kreću od 400 rsd do 500 rsd. Verujte mi da porcije na slikama deluju manje nego što su uživo. Apsolutno sve što smo naručile bilo je preukusno i sjajno spremljeno. Naravno i aranžiranje hrane je strogo tradicionalno, te u Staroj trešnji ne očekujte da vidite tanjir bez čuvene šargarepe i cvetića od svežeg krastavca.
Teleća čorbica |
Porcija ćevapa |
Pljeskavica sa kajmakom |
Vešalica |
Šopska salata i lepinja |
Kompletna atmosfera u ovom restoranu je domaćinska. Gosti su opušteni, svih generacija i definitivno se oseća u vazduhu da su ljudi ovde došli da uživaju i da se dobro najedu, a ne da se slikaju za instagram. Osoblje je nasmejano i raspoloženo, nenametljivo a opet tu kad god vam zatreba. E to se zove - dobra usluga!
A što se našeg ispraćaja leta tiče, mi smo misiju obavile dostojanstveno kako dolikuje! A vi ukoliko ste mnogo gladni, tradicionalista u duši i željni nekih lepših vremena kada je sve bilo smirenije i bez tenzije - pravac u Staru trešnju, tada će vam biti jasnije o čemu pričam!
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Here comes September. For me, this is the month when all the summer magic stops, like when the clock strikes midnight in Cinderella. And that's why I decided to make the best of the remaining summer days! I decided to do it in the spirit of Serbian tradition, at the restaurant "Stara trešnja".
Stara trešnja |
The Stara trešnja is a restaurant of Serbian cuisine with a long tradition. It is tucked away in Banovo brdo and I must say that I feel unhappy about the restaurant not beign somewhere closer to my neighborhood, so that is one of the reasons why I don’t come here more often for lunch. There is no way you’ll miss the restaurant’s high stone fence. I prefer to come here during summer because of the beautiful garden with thick shade. An ideal place to enjoy and escape high temperatures. Interior exudes the old spirit of Serbian tradition.
Stara trešnja - garden |
Stara trešnja - interior |
The menu is strictly national. If you are a fan of local cuisine, you are in the right place. And what's fascinating about this restaurant are extremely low prices for extremely huge portions. This time, we decided to start our lunch with Veal ragout soup which costs (I know you will find it hard to believe) 100 rsd. For the main course we chose Serbian style burger with kaymak, Portion of kebabs and Pork tenderloin. Grilled dishes prices range from 400 to 500 rsd. And trust me, the portions in the photos seem smaller than they are in person. Absolutely everything we ordered was delicious and well-prepared. Of course, even the presentation of food is strictly traditional, so don’t expect to see the plate without the famous carrots and fresh cucumber garnish.
Veal ragout soup |
Kebabs |
Serbian style burger with kaymak |
Pork tendeloin |
Shopska salad and flatbread |
The atmosphere in this restaurant is homely. The guests are casual people, of all generations and you can definitely feel that people came here to enjoy and eat well, and not just to take photos for Instagram. The staff is smiling and cheerful, unobtrusive but again available whenever you need something. And that’s what I call - good service!
And as far as for our farewell to the summer, we completed the mission with dignity as it fits! And if you are very hungry, a traditionalist or feeling nostalgic for some better times when everything was calmer and stress free – hit the road and go to the Stara Trešnja, then you’ll understand what I’m talking about!
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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