Koliko već dugo obilazimo restorane, sa sigurnošću mogu da kažem da u današnje vreme uopšte nije lako držati restoran nacionalne kuhinje u Beogradu. Takvih mesta je na skoro svakom koraku i veoma je teško izboriti se sa konkurencijom. Tako smo, u moru navedenih mesta, jedan dan odlučile da odemo na večeru u Trpezu, da vidimo da li opravdano stoji ono što piše o njima na njihovom sajtu.
Trpeza |
Postoji jedna šaljiva "izreka" koja kaže da su najbolji restorani smešteni van centra grada. Sudeći po tome, vlasnici Trpeze su dobro uradili što su se locirali u Malom mokrom lugu. Isto tako kruži priča da su restorani sa najboljom hranom skromnog enterijera, bez "fenseraja", bez "napucanosti". Gle čuda, Trpeza i po tom pitanju ukazuje na to da u ovome ima istine. Unutrašnjost odgovara klasičnom nacionalnom restoranu gde vlada domaćinska atmosfera.
Trpeza - enterijer |
Jelovnik je isključivo nacionalni, pa na vama je da odlučite da li ćete izabrati roštilj, gotovo jelo ili specijalitet ispod sača. Mi smo se odlučile za Punjenu rolovanu vešalicu (pola porcije - RSD 745) i Punjenu pohovanu papriku (RSD 155), a kao prilog uzele smo Šopsku salatu (RSD 295) i Mešanu salatu (RSD 245). Ako želite lepinju, doplatićete RSD 60.
Kad sam probala punjenu pohovanu papriku, bila sam veoma i zadovoljna i iznenađena. Porcija se sastoji od dve velike ljute pohovane paprike, punjene sirom, servirane uz kupus salatu. Kao veliki ljubitelj ljutog, potvrđujem da je ovo pravi izbor. Neki će ovo uzeti kao predjelo, ali ja zaista nisam mogla, jer je porcija velika, ali ako su vam apetiti baš veliki, samo napred.
Punjena pohovana paprika |
Za punjenu rolovanu vešalicu, takođe, mogu da dam samo pozitivne komentare. Za pojedina jela na sajtu Trpeze možete da vidite sliku, među kojima je i ovo i uživo identično izgleda kao sa slike. Cela porcija je 1350gr, mi smo uzele pola porcije, koja nas je baš zasitila. Da sam nekim čudom uzela celu i još većim čudom je pojela, mislim da bih imala zalihe hrane za narednih nedelju dana. Vešalica je punjena kajmakom, kačkavaljem, šampinjonima i slaninom, a poslužuje se uz pomfrit i luk. Zaključak: ukusno i preobilno.
Punjena rolovana vešalica |
Šopska salata |
Mešana salata |
Odnos cena - kvalitet je i više nego povoljan, tako da nema sumnje da odavde niko neće izaći gladan. To potvrđuje i to što je preporučljivo da ovde rezervišete, jer teško da ćete naći mesto ako samo "banete". Često ćete videti i da se ovde slavi neki rođendan ili održava poslovna večera, jer svi vole lepo da jedu. Uslužnost konobara je takođe za svaku preporuku.
Ako ste željni domaćih specijaliteta, ili želite da probate odličnu srpsku kuhinju, rezervišite Trpezu i uživajte.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
After all the restaurants we visited over the years, I can guarantee that it’s really hard owning a national cuisine restaurant in Belgrade. There’s a lot of such restaurants throughout the city and it’s very difficult to deal with the competition. So, one day, among all those places, we decided to go to dinner at Trpeza, to check whether the comments written on their site are true.
Trpeza |
There is a funny "saying" that says that the best restaurants are located outside the city center. Hence, the owners of Trpeza chose well, concidering they’re located in Mali Mokri Lug. There’s also a saying that restaurants with the best food are the ones with the modest interiors, not the “fancy“ ones. Lo and behold, Trpeza confirms that saying, too. The interior corresponds to the classic national restaurant with homey atmosphere.
Trpeza - interior |
The menu is exclusively national, so it's up to you to decide whether you will choose something of the grill, a ready meal or a specialty made under the bell. We chose Stuffed pork tenderloin (half-size portion - RSD 745) and Fried stuffed peppers (RSD 155), and with that Shopska salad (RSD 295) and Mixed salad (RSD 245). If you want a bun, you have to add up RSD 60.
When I tried the stuffed pepper, I was very, very satisfied and surprised. The portion consists of two large, fried hot peppers stuffed with cheese, served with cabbage salad. As a big fan of spicy food, I confirm that this is the right choice. Some will have this as an appetizer, but I really couldn’t, the portion is big, but if your appetite is also big, just go-ahead.
Fried stuffed peppers |
Stuffed pork tenderloin was great as well. You can see the photos of some dishes on the Trpeza website, and this dish looks identical as in the photo. The whole portion weighs 1350gr, we ordered half-size portion, which was enough. If I had ordered a whole one and if I had eaten it all, I would have had food supplies for the next week. The tenderloin is filled with kaymak, cheese, mushrooms and bacon, and is served with fries and onions. All in all: delicious and large.
Stuffed pork tenderloin |
Shopska salad |
Mixed salad |
The price-quality ratio is great, so no one will leave hungry. This is confirmed by the fact that it’s better to make a reservation, because you will hardly find a free table if you just show up. Here, you’ll often see people celebrating birthdays or having business dinners, since everyone likes to eat good food. Also, all the praise for the service and the waiters.
If you crave local specialties, or just want to try excellent Serbian cuisine, book a table at Trpeza and enjoy.
Love, Angie Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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