среда, 10. октобар 2018.

Chez Nik

Ne volim da se ponavljam, ali već sam u nekim prethodnim tekstovima pisala o tome kako Novi Beograd ima pregršt dobrih restorana koji predstavljaju i njegov brend. Takav je i Chez Nik, koji se nalazi u Bulevaru Zorana Đinđića.

Chez Nik je mesto koje je sinonim za moderno. Enterijer teško da vas neće osvojiti. Prostran, sa udobnim foteljama i pažljivim odabirom boja, uređen je od strane osobe koja je očigledno umetnička duša. Tako dok sedite i bacite pogled na poneku sliku na zidu, na trenutak će vam se javiti i osećaj avangarde. Bašta se nalazi tik uz ulicu, pa ako vam ne smeta saobraćajna buka, obrok napolju može da bude vaš izbor.

Chez Nik - enterijer
Chez Nik - bašta

Meni je internacionalni, ali imaju i specijalitete srpske kuhinje. Cene su prosečne, kao i u većini beogradskih restorana. Kako je taj dan bilo toplo vreme, želele smo da evociramo leto, pa smo se odlučile za obrok salate i morski specijalitet. Cezar salata (RSD 750), Salata sa grilovanim biftekom (RSD 890) i Rižoto sa lososom (RSD 890) su bila jela za koja smo smatrale da će najviše prijati našim čulima. Obe obrok salate su bile ukusne, sa svežim sastojcima i količinski sasvim dovoljne. Rižoto sa lososom je bio odličan izbor. Jela sam rižoto na mnogim mestima i često usled neadekvatnog spoja sastojaka ne ostavi dobar utisak na mene. Ovde, srećom, to nije bio slučaj. Losos, pirinač i povrće (masline, šargarepa, tikvice, celer, paprika, bosiljak) su se pokazali kao veoma dobra kombinacija, pa je ukus svega dolazio do izražaja.

Cezar salata
Salata sa grilovanim biftekom
Rižoto sa lososom

Kao i na većini ovakvih mesta, gosti su svih uzrasta, što poslovni ljudi, što ljudi koji su došli da uživaju i odmore posle radnog dana. Osoblje je veoma ljubazno i mislim da je veoma mala šansa da se desi neka neprijatnost u komunikaciji sa zaposlenima. 

Moderan restoran u modernom, poslovnom delu Novog Beograda. Navratite, vidite i podelite utiske sa nama.

Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!


NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.

I don't like to repeat myself, but in some of my previous posts I have written about the fact that New Belgrade has a lot of good restaurants, which are making it more recognized. Like the restaurant Chez Nik, located in Zoran Djindjic Boulevard.

Chez Nik is like a new word for modern. The interior will surely fascinate you. Spacious, with comfortable armchairs, smart color selection, obviously designed by a person who is an artistic soul. Also, if you take a look at some of the pictures on the wall, you'll meet with some of the avant-garde work. The garden is by the street, so if you don't mind traffic noise, you can choose the option of having your meal outside.

Chez Nik - interior

Chez Nik - garden

The menu is international, but they also have Serbian cuisine specialties. The prices are average, as in most Belgrade restaurants. Since it was hot that day, we wanted to evoke the summer, so we decided to order two meal salads and one seafood specialty. Caesar salad (RSD 750), Salad with grilled beef steak (RSD 890) and Salmon risotto (RSD 890) were the dishes that we thought we would most likely enjoy. Both meal salads were delicious, made with fresh ingredients and more than enough in quantity. Salmon risotto was an excellent choice. I ate risotto in many restaurants and often, due to an inadequate combination of ingredients, it doesn't leave a good impression on me. But fortunately, not this time. Salmon, rice and vegetables (olives, carrots, zucchini, celery, bell peppers, basil) proved to be a very good combination, I enjoyed the taste of each ingredient.

Caesar salad

Salad with grilled beef steak 

Salmon risotto 
As in most of these places, you can see guests are of all ages, both business people and people who came to enjoy and relax after a long day at work. The staff is very polite and I think that there's a little chance that there'll be any kind of inconvenience with the employees.

A modern restaurant in the modern, business part of New Belgrade. Visit them and share the impressions with us.

Love, Angie Gastro police!!


NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.

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