Gastro policija je poznata po tome da voli da patrolira po mestima koja pored klope imaju i neku specifičnost. Tako smo se ovaj put odlučile za Camelot u Novom Sadu.
Camelot |
Ako govorimo o ambijentu, Camelot zasigurno drži jedno od prvih mesta po originalnosti. Ako ste ikada zamišljali kako je izgledao dvorac kralja Artura, ovde to može da vam bude dočarano, makar približno. Kad uđete, imaćete osećaj da vam je pripremljen svečani doček, od strane vitezova, koji se nalaze oko vas, a kako koračate ka drvenim stolovima odaje se utisak kao da vas pozdravljaju srednjovekovne trube. Pregršt motiva i simbola iz tog doba, raspoređenih po celom pabu, samo doprinose kao da će otpočeti viteški turnir. Na trenutak ćete čak pomisliti da se samo čeka kralj Artur i predstava može da počne.
Camelot - enterijer |
Sa tako lepim utiscima o enterijeru, logično da su i očekivanja o hrani velika. Meni je zanimljiv, internacionalnog karaktera i deluje kao da može da zadovolji većinu ukusa, sa skroz korektnim cenama. Ono što je još karakteristično za njih je da imaju u ponudi svoja piva, svetlo, crveno i tamno. Mi smo se odlučile za Camelot burger (RSD 480) i Svinjske medaljone u sosu od pečuraka (RSD 680 - mala porcija 150gr). Vrlo primamljivo zvuči kada vidite da se burger sastoji od lepinje, začinjenog mlevenog mesa, dimljenog sira, zelene salate, crvenog luka, paradajza, kiselih krastavčića i pomfrita. Tako i drugo jelo čini svinjski file sa dimljenim sirom, sos od pečuraka, ćušpajz od šargarepe, pomfrit i lepinja. Kad ovo pročitate, pomislite da bi i sam kralj Artur uživao u ovim jelima. Međutim, realnost je malo drugačija. Ono što je sigurno je to da u Camelot-u imaju mikrotalasnu. Lepinja koja je bila tvrda, sa poluhladnim mesom i ne preterano svežim povrćem, svakako nisu mogli da ostave dobar utisak. Isti slučaj je bio i sa svinjskim medaljonima. Pecivo posluženo uz medaljone se isto nije odlikovalo svežinom. Jedino ako ideja nije bila da imamo osećaj da je spremljeno još u doba kralja Artura, onda bar da kažemo da imaju ne baš tako dobar smisao za humor.
Camelot burger |
Svinjski medaljoni u sosu od pečuraka |
Lepinja |
Ekipa je pretežno mlađa i ovo mesto zaista jeste na glasu u Novom Sadu, mada verujem da je to primarno zbog ambijenta. Verovatno da je i njihovo pivo ono što mami goste, jer po onome što smo mi jele, teško da je primarna posećenost zbog hrane.
Ako tražite zanimljiv eneterijer, Camelot je mesto koje vredi posetiti. Mi ćemo možda opet nekad svratiti, ali samo na piće.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Gastro police is known for loving to patrol the places that have something unique, besides food. So, this time, we chose The Camelot in Novi Sad.
The Camelot |
If we talk about the ambience, The Camelot surely holds one of the first places in originality. If you have ever imagined what King Arthur's castle looked like, this place can roughly show you. Upon entering, you’ll have the feeling that the knights surrounding you organized a welcome ceremony just for you, and as you walk to the wooden tables, you can almost hear the medieval trumpets greeting you. A lot of motifs and symbols from that time period, throughout the pub, it only makes you think that a knights’ tournament is about to start. For a moment, you’ll even think that everyone’s waiting for King Arthur to come and the show can begin.
The Camelot - interior |
Logically, with such nice impressions of the interior, our food expectations were high. The menu is interesting, international, and it seems that it can satisfy almost everyone, and the prices are quite okay. What is even more interesting is that they offer their own beer, light, red and dark. We ordered The Camelot burger (RSD 480) and Pork medallions in mushroom sauce (RSD 680 - small portion 150g). It sounds very tempting and delicious when you see a burger consisting of a bun, spicy minced meat, smoked cheese, lettuce, red onion, tomato, pickles and fries. And the other dish consists of a pork tenderloin with smoked cheese, mushroom sauce, carrot stew, fries and a bun. When you read all this, you get the impression that King Arthur himself would enjoy these meals. However, the reality is a little different. What is certain is that in The Camelot, they have a microwave. The bun that was hard, and semi-cold patty with not so fresh vegetables, certainly couldn’t leave a good impression. The same case was with pork medallions. The bun served with medallions also wasn’t fresh enough. Maybe their idea was that we think that the dishes were made in the time of King Arthur, but even then, we can only say that they don’t have a good sense of humor.
The Camelot burger |
Pork medallions in mushroom sauce |
Bun |
The guests are mainly younger, and this place really is popular in Novi Sad, although I believe that this is primarily due to the ambience. It is likely that their beer is also the thing that lures the guests in, because according to what we tried, I don’think the food is the main reason of their popularity.
If you’re looking for a restaurant with an interesting interior, The Camelot is a place worth visiting. One day, we may visit again, but only for a drink.
Love, Angie Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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