Vodimo vas opet u, nama veoma dragu, Vojvodinu! Ovog puta smo posetili prelepu Suboticu. Ako ste gurman i ako držite do kvaliteta, sigurno ste prilikom boravka u navedenom gradu svratili u Boss.
Kad smo pitale Subotičane koje bi nam mesto preporučili, gde možemo da pojedemo ukusan obrok i solidne porcije, jednoglasno su nas uputili u ovaj restoran. Boss je prvobitno bila picerija, a uvođenjem novih i kvalitetnih jela prostor restorana se širio, pa tako se nalaze i preko puta ulice, poznatiji kao Fashion. Kada je lepo vreme, logičan izbor je terasa.
Enterijer je veoma lepo uređen, spoj starog i novog. Cigla, kamin, slike sa renesansnim motivima i zanimljive skulpture su sve ono što će upotpuniti ugođaj dok razmišljate šta ćete odabrati iz zanimljivog i bogatog menija. Dok sedite na terasi uživanje će biti podjednako, jer ste okruženi drvećem, cvećem i lepim građevinama.
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Boss - enterijer |
Ovo je restoran čiji jelovnik nam je možda zadao najviše muka. Veoma veliki izbor zanimljivih, internacionalnih jela (sa akcentom na italijansku kuhinju), a posebno je interesantno što je sve raspoređeno po kategorijama, što može dosta da vam olakša pri izboru. Većina jela postoji u obliku male i velike porcije, a kod nekih jela ima i XL porcija. Već vam je krenula voda na usta? Znam, i meni je, kad se setim.
Posle mnooogooo oklevanja i neodlučnosti, naručile smo Salatu od morskih plodova (RSD 1360), Punjeni svinjski file (RSD 940), Chicken taco rolls (RSD 765), Pileći file sa biberom (RSD 825) i Salatu Giardino (RSD 310).
Salata od morskih plodova je pravo osveženje za ove tople, letnje dane. Pored toga što je ukusna, bila je veoma lepo i servirana, kao i sva ostala jela. Ražnjići lososa, tunjevina sa susamom, račići, uz marinirane školjke, lignje i hobotnicu je bukvalno more u tanjiru, baš za prave ljubitelje ovih specijaliteta. Sve to ne bi bilo to bez miksa svežih salata, meni omiljene rukole, cherry paradajza, krastavca i šargarepe, uz nezaobilazni susam. Moja očekivanja su ispunili, a veliki sam fan svega iz vode.
Punjeni svinjski file je kao stvoren za mnogo gladne, kojima je neophodna nadoknada energije. Čini ga grilovani svinjski file punjen kajmakom sa začinskim biljem, rolovan sa pančetom i preliven topljenim kajmakom na krutonu sa sotiranim spanaćem. Uz njega se služi i fišek domaćeg prženog, začinjenog krompira i focaccia hleb. Spoj kajmaka i pančete će uvek biti nešto čemu nijedan gurman ne može da odoli, pa zaboravite na kalorije kada ovde dolazite. Možda je neodgovorno da kažemo da su one samo broj, ali zato je uživanje u ovom specijalitetu neprocenjivo, tako da se vredi prepustiti.
Chicken taco rolls odlično dođe ljubiteljima meksičke kuhinje. Sastoji se od dve tortilje punjene autentičnim meksičkim nadevom od pilećeg mesa. Uz nju se servira spicy wedges krompir, salata, kiseli sos i guacamole dip. Veoma ukusna kombinacija, posle koje vam ni najmanje neće biti žao ako ste prekršili dijetu.
Pileći file sa biberom je takođe jelo koje bih svakom preporučila. Biber je, što se mene tiče, kralj među začinima, tako da njegovo prisustvo u najvećem broju slučajeva može da izazove samo zadovoljstvo, pogotovo kada preliv ovog kraljevskog sastojka ukombinujete sa mariniranim grilovanim pilećim fileom. Kad se uz to dodaju i riža sa povrćem, pomfrit i zelena salata, možemo samo da kažemo da je ovo jelo pun pogodak.
Kao veliki ljubitelji salate, uzele smo i Giardino salatu, kombinaciju paradajza, krastavca, rukole i crnih maslina. Osvežavajuće i ukusno.
Sve smo uzele velike porcije i svima je, bar malo, ostalo u tanjiru. Bez obzira što su sva jela preukusna, ipak velike porcije prevazilaze naše kapacitete. Cene su i više nego pristupačne, dobijete i više nego dovoljno, pa je ovde odnos cena-kvalitet bolji nego i u mnogim beogradskim restoranima. Ono što me posebno raduje je što imaju vina vinarije Zvonko Bogdan, tako da sam mogla svaki put da uživam u čaši mog omiljenog crnog vina Život teče (RSD 370).
U Boss-u je uvek gužva. Posetile smo ih par puta i svaki put smo morale da čekamo da se oslobodi neki sto. I pored toga što su se proširili, uvek se traži mesto više, tako da su počeli da rade i dostavu, pa možete da uživate u njihovim specijalitetima i u kućnoj varijanti. Pored dostave, rade i ketering.
Što se gostiju tiče, mislim da ovde dolazi cela Subotica, kao i svi turisti. Usluga je veoma dobra, ovo je restoran u kojoj ne postoji reč neljubazno, a profesionalnost konobara je na najvišem nivou.
Ukoliko želite da osetite duh Italije u Subotici, Boss će vam to dočarati na najbolji mogući način.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
We are taking you to Vojvodina again, the very dear area to us! This time we visited beautiful Subotica. If you are a gourmet and if you require the quality, you must have visited the restaurant Boss, while staying in the mentioned town.
When we asked the people of Subotica which restaurant they would recommend us, to have a tasty and solid meal, they unanimously sent us to this restaurant. Boss was initially a pizzeria, but by introducing new, quality dishes on the menu, the restaurant extended, so they also have an area across the street, better known as Fashion. When the weather is nice, the logical choice is to sit on the terrace.
The interior is very nicely decorated, the combination of traditional and modern. Brick, fireplace, paintings with Renaissance motifs and interesting sculptures are the things that will complement your staying, while you think about what you will choose from the interesting and rich menu. You’ll also enjoy sitting on the terrace, surrounded by trees, flowers and magnificent buildings.
This is the restaurant whose menu was the hardest to choose from. The very large selection of interesting, international dishes (with emphasis on Italian cuisine), and it’s especially interesting that everything is sorted by categories, which can make it a lot easier for you to choose. They offer most of the dishes in small and large portions, and for some dishes there’s also XL portion. Are your mouth watering already? I know, mine were, too.
After a lot of thinking and hesitance, we ordered Seafood salad (RSD 1360), Stuffed pork fillet (RSD 940), Chicken taco rolls (RSD 765), Chicken fillet in pepper sauce (RSD 825) and Giardino salad (RSD 310).
Seafood salad is the right kind of refreshment for these hot summer days. In addition to being tasty, it was nicely served, as were the other dishes. Salmon skewers, sesame seared tuna, shrimps, marinated mussels, calamari and octopus, literally, sea on the plate, the right thing for the true lovers of these specialties. All this wouldn’t be perfect without a mix of fresh salads, my favorite rocket salad, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots, with unavoidable sesame seeds. My expectations were fulfilled, and I'm a big fan of seafood.
Stuffed pork fillet is a perfect choice for a very hungry person, requiring energy compensation. It consists of grilled pork fillet stuffed with cream cheese and herbs, rolled with pancetta and topped with melted cream cheese on crouton with sauteed spinach. It is served with fried homemade chips of spiced potatoes and focaccia bread. The combination of cream cheese and pancetta will always be something that no gourmet can resist, so forget about the calories when you come here. It may be irresponsible to say that they are only a number, but that's why the enjoying this specialty is invaluable, so it's worth it.
Chicken taco rolls are great for Mexican cuisine lovers. This dish consists of two tortillas stuffed with authentic Mexican chicken meat stuffing. It is served with spicy potato wedges, salad, sour sauce and guacamole dip. It’s a very tasty combination, you won’t be sorry if you broke your diet because of it.
Chicken fillet in pepper sauce is also a dish that I would recommend to everyone. In my opinion, pepper is the king among spices, so its presence, in most cases, can only cause satisfaction, especially when you combine the sauce made out of this royal ingredient with marinated grilled chicken fillet. When you add rice with vegetables, french fries and lettuce to all that, we can only say that this dish hit the bull’s eye.
As big salad lovers, we also ordered Giardino salad, a combination of tomato, cucumber, rocket salad and black olives. Refreshing and tasty.
We all ordered larger portions and in everyone’s plate there was some food left. Even though the dishes were delicious, the larger portions exceed our capacities. The prices are more than affordable, you get more than enough, so the price-quality ratio is even better than in many Belgrade restaurants. The particular thing that makes me happy is that they offer wines of the Zvonko Bogdan winery, so I enjoyed the glass of my favorite red wine Zivot tece(Life flows) (RSD 370), every time.
Boss is always full of people. We visited them a couple of times and every time we had to wait for a table. Despite the resturant being expanded, there’s always a need for more tables, so they started to deliver their food, as well, so you can enjoy their specialties at home. In addition to the delivery, they also cater.
As for the guests, I think that the whole Subotica comes here, as well as all the tourists. The service is very good, in this restaurant you won’t hear the word inpolite, and the professionalism of the waiters is at the highest level.
If you want to feel the spirit of Italy in Subotica, Boss will show provide it in the best possible way.
Love, Angie Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
Posle mnooogooo oklevanja i neodlučnosti, naručile smo Salatu od morskih plodova (RSD 1360), Punjeni svinjski file (RSD 940), Chicken taco rolls (RSD 765), Pileći file sa biberom (RSD 825) i Salatu Giardino (RSD 310).
Salata od morskih plodova je pravo osveženje za ove tople, letnje dane. Pored toga što je ukusna, bila je veoma lepo i servirana, kao i sva ostala jela. Ražnjići lososa, tunjevina sa susamom, račići, uz marinirane školjke, lignje i hobotnicu je bukvalno more u tanjiru, baš za prave ljubitelje ovih specijaliteta. Sve to ne bi bilo to bez miksa svežih salata, meni omiljene rukole, cherry paradajza, krastavca i šargarepe, uz nezaobilazni susam. Moja očekivanja su ispunili, a veliki sam fan svega iz vode.
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Salata od morskih plodova |
Punjeni svinjski file je kao stvoren za mnogo gladne, kojima je neophodna nadoknada energije. Čini ga grilovani svinjski file punjen kajmakom sa začinskim biljem, rolovan sa pančetom i preliven topljenim kajmakom na krutonu sa sotiranim spanaćem. Uz njega se služi i fišek domaćeg prženog, začinjenog krompira i focaccia hleb. Spoj kajmaka i pančete će uvek biti nešto čemu nijedan gurman ne može da odoli, pa zaboravite na kalorije kada ovde dolazite. Možda je neodgovorno da kažemo da su one samo broj, ali zato je uživanje u ovom specijalitetu neprocenjivo, tako da se vredi prepustiti.
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Punjeni svinjski file |
Chicken taco rolls odlično dođe ljubiteljima meksičke kuhinje. Sastoji se od dve tortilje punjene autentičnim meksičkim nadevom od pilećeg mesa. Uz nju se servira spicy wedges krompir, salata, kiseli sos i guacamole dip. Veoma ukusna kombinacija, posle koje vam ni najmanje neće biti žao ako ste prekršili dijetu.
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Chicken taco rolls |
Pileći file sa biberom je takođe jelo koje bih svakom preporučila. Biber je, što se mene tiče, kralj među začinima, tako da njegovo prisustvo u najvećem broju slučajeva može da izazove samo zadovoljstvo, pogotovo kada preliv ovog kraljevskog sastojka ukombinujete sa mariniranim grilovanim pilećim fileom. Kad se uz to dodaju i riža sa povrćem, pomfrit i zelena salata, možemo samo da kažemo da je ovo jelo pun pogodak.
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Pileći file sa biberom |
Kao veliki ljubitelji salate, uzele smo i Giardino salatu, kombinaciju paradajza, krastavca, rukole i crnih maslina. Osvežavajuće i ukusno.
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Giardino salata |
Sve smo uzele velike porcije i svima je, bar malo, ostalo u tanjiru. Bez obzira što su sva jela preukusna, ipak velike porcije prevazilaze naše kapacitete. Cene su i više nego pristupačne, dobijete i više nego dovoljno, pa je ovde odnos cena-kvalitet bolji nego i u mnogim beogradskim restoranima. Ono što me posebno raduje je što imaju vina vinarije Zvonko Bogdan, tako da sam mogla svaki put da uživam u čaši mog omiljenog crnog vina Život teče (RSD 370).
U Boss-u je uvek gužva. Posetile smo ih par puta i svaki put smo morale da čekamo da se oslobodi neki sto. I pored toga što su se proširili, uvek se traži mesto više, tako da su počeli da rade i dostavu, pa možete da uživate u njihovim specijalitetima i u kućnoj varijanti. Pored dostave, rade i ketering.
Što se gostiju tiče, mislim da ovde dolazi cela Subotica, kao i svi turisti. Usluga je veoma dobra, ovo je restoran u kojoj ne postoji reč neljubazno, a profesionalnost konobara je na najvišem nivou.
Ukoliko želite da osetite duh Italije u Subotici, Boss će vam to dočarati na najbolji mogući način.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
We are taking you to Vojvodina again, the very dear area to us! This time we visited beautiful Subotica. If you are a gourmet and if you require the quality, you must have visited the restaurant Boss, while staying in the mentioned town.
When we asked the people of Subotica which restaurant they would recommend us, to have a tasty and solid meal, they unanimously sent us to this restaurant. Boss was initially a pizzeria, but by introducing new, quality dishes on the menu, the restaurant extended, so they also have an area across the street, better known as Fashion. When the weather is nice, the logical choice is to sit on the terrace.
The interior is very nicely decorated, the combination of traditional and modern. Brick, fireplace, paintings with Renaissance motifs and interesting sculptures are the things that will complement your staying, while you think about what you will choose from the interesting and rich menu. You’ll also enjoy sitting on the terrace, surrounded by trees, flowers and magnificent buildings.
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Boss - interior |
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Boss - terrace |
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Boss - Fashion |
After a lot of thinking and hesitance, we ordered Seafood salad (RSD 1360), Stuffed pork fillet (RSD 940), Chicken taco rolls (RSD 765), Chicken fillet in pepper sauce (RSD 825) and Giardino salad (RSD 310).
Seafood salad is the right kind of refreshment for these hot summer days. In addition to being tasty, it was nicely served, as were the other dishes. Salmon skewers, sesame seared tuna, shrimps, marinated mussels, calamari and octopus, literally, sea on the plate, the right thing for the true lovers of these specialties. All this wouldn’t be perfect without a mix of fresh salads, my favorite rocket salad, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots, with unavoidable sesame seeds. My expectations were fulfilled, and I'm a big fan of seafood.
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Seafood salad |
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Stuffed pork fillet |
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Chicken taco rolls |
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Chicken fillet in pepper sauce |
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Giardino salad |
Boss is always full of people. We visited them a couple of times and every time we had to wait for a table. Despite the resturant being expanded, there’s always a need for more tables, so they started to deliver their food, as well, so you can enjoy their specialties at home. In addition to the delivery, they also cater.
As for the guests, I think that the whole Subotica comes here, as well as all the tourists. The service is very good, in this restaurant you won’t hear the word inpolite, and the professionalism of the waiters is at the highest level.
If you want to feel the spirit of Italy in Subotica, Boss will show provide it in the best possible way.
Love, Angie Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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