Toplo vreme uvek me asocira na uživanje pokraj reke. S obzirom da je Beograd smešten na ušću dveju reka, izbor mesta na koje ćete otići da biste pobegli koliko toliko od vrućine je zaista poveći. Kako živim na Dorćolu, logično je da ću ja svoj spas u najvećem broju slučajeva da potražim na 25om maju, iliti dorćolskom keju. Najpoznatiji splav na ovom keju svakako je splav Viva.
Splav Viva |
Odnedavno splav Viva proširio se na još jedan manji splav, pa su međusobo povezani mostićem. To svakako govori u prilog onome što sam već napomenula da je jedan od posećenijih, ako ne i najposećeniji na ovom keju. Sam enterijer i eksterijer ne bih mogla da izdvojim da je originalan po nečemu. Udobne fotelje, veliki broj stolova, koji su po mom mišljenju previše načičkani jedan pored drugog, neće vam dati taj osećaj intime koji biste možda želeli da osetite dok posmatrate zalazak sunca na Dunavu. Osim ogromne terase, i gornji nivo splava je kao i donji prenatrpan stolovima. Imate osećaj kao da ste u ogromnoj učionici, i samo je pitanje časa kada će zvono da zazvoni.
Splav Viva - enterijer |
Osim što je broj stolova ogroman, mislim da je ovo splav i sa najvećim brojem konobara. A kako je na splavu Viva sve mnogobrojno, tako je i njihov meni prebogat velikim brojem jela - što je za pohvalu. Meni je internacionalnog karaktera, i pored svakog jela imate i fotkicu da vidite unapred šta možete da očekujete na tanjiru. Mi smo se ovog puta odlučili za Chicken salatu, Pizzu Pepperoni, Slatke palačinke i Ice palačinke. Sve to dodatno smo zasladili koktelom Pina Colada.
Chicken salata (RSD 650) je bila osvežavajuća zahvaljujući mixu zelenih salata, rukoli i čeri paradajzu, a posebni šmek koji je izdvaja od ostalih salata ovog tipa dali su joj dimljeni sir, kao i lajm dressing.
Chicken salata |
Kod pizza je interesantno to što imate mogućnost da odaberete da li želite pizzu sa Čikago, standardnim ili italijanskim testom, i u zavisnosti od toga variraće cena pizze. Mi smo odabrali da naša Pizza Pepperoni (RSD 780) bude sa standardnim testom. Testo je bilo odlično, a tabasco joj je dao onu dozu ljutine koja se i očekivala.
Pizza Pepperoni |
Kada je desert došao na red palačinke su bile definitivni izbor. Slatke palačinke Twix (RSD 380) bile su sa plazmom i nutelom, a Ice palačinke (RSD 430) su osvežavajuća verzija za sve palačinkoljupce i bile su punjene nutelom i šumskim voćem, a svežu notu dali su im šlag i sladoled.
Slatke palačinke Twix |
Ice palačinke sa šumskim voćem |
Svako jelo je bilo servirano kao sa fotografije u jelovniku, bez ikakvih neprijatnih iznenađenja. Porcije su osrednje, i zadovoljavaju apetit, a cene su standardne za ovaj deo grada.
Osim što može da se pohvali odličnom klopom, splav Viva sprema i sjajne koktele. Koktel Pina Colada (RSD 445) je definitivno jedan od mojih favorita.
Pina Colada |
Spas od vrućine uz odličnu klopu i hladne koktele slobodno potražite na splavu Viva, a za intimu ćete se već snaći na nekom drugom mestu.
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Warm weather always reminds me of relaxing by the river. Since Belgrade is located at the confluence of two rivers, there is a lot of places you can choose to go to in order to escape hot city weather. As I live in Dorćol, in most of the cases I go to the promenade of May 25th, known as Dorcol Quay. The most famous raft restaurant in this area is definitely Viva.
Viva raft restaurant |
Recently, the Viva has expanded to another minor raft, so they are connected by a little bridge. This certainly supports the above-mentioned fact that this raft restaurant is among the most visited ones, if not the most visited on this quay. The interior and the exterior are not original in any special things. Comfortable armchairs, a large number of tables, which in my opinion are too squeezed next to each other, and that doesn’t give you that dose of intimacy that you might want while watching the sunset on the Danube. Besides the huge terrace, the upper floor of this raft is the same as the lower one, cramped. You get a feeling of being in a huge classroom, and it's just a matter of time before the bell rings.
Viva raft restaurant - interior |
This raft restaurant has a lot of tables, but also a lot of waiters. Considering that fact, it is expected their menu to be so rich with a lot of dishes - which is for praise. The menu is of international character, and besides every dish there is a photo of it, so you can see what you can expect on a plate. This time, we ordered Chicken salad, Pepperoni pizza, Sweet crepes and Ice crepes. With all that we sipped Pina Colada cocktail.
Chicken salad (RSD 650) was refreshing thanks to the mix of green mix, rocket salad and cherry tomatoes, with a special flavor, that separates it from other salads of this type, given by smoked cheese, as well as lime dressing.
Chicken salad |
It is interesting that you have the option of choosing whether you want pizza with Chicago, standard or Italian dough, and that will determine the final price of your pizza. We chose to have our Pepperoni pizza (RSD 780) with a standard dough. The dough was great, and the tabasco sauce gave that expected piquant flavor.
Pepperoni pizza |
The crepes were our choice for dessert. Sweet Twix crepes (RSD 380) were filled with Plazma ground biscuits and nutella, and Ice crepes (RSD 430) were a refreshing version for all crepe lovers, and they were filled with nutella and forest berries and with whipped cream and ice cream that gave them a refreshing note.
Twix crepes |
Forrest berries Ice crepes |
Every dish resembled its photo in the menu, there weren’t any unpleasant surprises. Portions are medium, they satisfy appetite, and the prices are average for this part of the city.
In addition to the great food, the Viva raft restaurant can also be proud of their great cocktails. Pina Colada cocktail (RSD 445) is definitely one of my favorites.
Pina Colada |
At the Viva raft restaurant, you’ll surely find the rescue from the heat, along with great food and cold cocktails, as for the private atmosphere, you’ll find it somewhere else.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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