Leto se polako ali sigurno približava kraju, te sam iskoristila priliku da odem na doručak na beogradsko more. Početak septembra i kraj maja su mi uvek bili omiljeni periodi za posetu Adi, jer ne podnosim kada počnu vrućine i gužve, pa čovek ne može da uživa u prirodi i pogledu na jezero kako dolikuje. Omiljeni restoran na Adi mi je definitvno Druga kuća, pa da počnem.
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Druga kuća |
Druga kuća se nalazi na beogradskoj strani, što je i logično čim spada u moje omiljene restorane. Makišku stranu obiđem samo kada se odlučim za vožnju bajsem ili šetnju oko celog jezera. Malo isfolirane novopečene sorte Beograđana u kombinaciji sa razuzdanim tinejdžerima ne čine ciljnu grupu uz koju se opuštam. Osim što se nalazi na Adi, postoji i restoran na Banovom brdu, ali o njemu možda nekom drugom prilikom. Nalazi se skoro na početku šetališta te se vrlo brzo dolazi pešice. Prepoznaćete ga odmah, jer se zaista izdvaja od ostalih beach style kafića. Crveno beli kockasti stolnjaci, drvene klupe, uređen deo oko jezera je ono što ga čini jedinstvenim na Adi.
Meni je nacionalni, te obavezno probajte ćevapčiće ukoliko ga posetite. Cene su niže, a svaku porciju je moguće naručiti upola. Posebno mi se sviđa njihov meni za doručak, te sam se ovog puta odlučila za Druga kuća doručak (RSD 350). Ovo je najobilniji doručak kada je ovaj restoran u pitanju, te ćete za ove pare dobiti 3 jaja na oko, 2 kobasice sa vrlo sočnom prženom slaninom, grilovane pečurke kao i domaći sir sa paradajzom. Uz doručak gratis dobijate i đus. Jedina mana ovog restorana po mom mišljenju je to što ukoliko želite da sednete za sto koji se nalazi tik uz jezero tamo će vam konobar naglasiti da ne možete da doručkujete, nego samo u gornjem delu uz šetalište. Mislim da nema potrebe za tim, naročito kada su manje gužve, jer svi mi više volimo da budemo bliže vodi.. Zato smo i došli na Adu, zar ne?
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Druga kuća doručak |
Što se tiče generalno usluge, ovde se konobari vrlo često menjaju. Nekad se desi da vam zapadne stvarno uslužni konobar, a nekad mi se dešavalo da čekam konobara u polupraznom restoranu duže od 20 minuta, i došao bi tek kad bih se toliko razmahala, kao da ću da poletim. Tako da nema pravila, nadajte se najboljem.
U svakom slučaju, ukoliko želite malo da pobegnete od gradske vreve i uživate u prirodi, moj savet vam je da svratite u Drugu kuću na njihov doručak. Bićete siti i puni energije da ćete bez pauze moći da prepešačite ceo krug oko jezera. Po mom mišljenju savršen početak jednog lepog dana!
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
This summer is slowly but surely coming to its end, so I took the opportunity to go and have breakfast at Belgrade's Sea (Ada Ciganlija). I prefer visiting Ada in early September or end of May, because I can’t properly enjoy the nature and the view of the lake when it’s too hot or crowded. My favorite restaurant at Ada is definitely Druga kuća, so let’s begin.
Druga kuća is on the “Belgrade side“ of the lake, which is logical since it’s on my list of favorite restaurants. I only visit the Makiš side when I decide to ride my bike or stroll around the lake. I really can’t relax while being surrounded by teenagers gone wild and fake wannabe Belgraders. In addition to this restaurant, there’s also one at Banovo Brdo, but about that one maybe some other time. It’s located almost at the beginning of the promenade, so you won’t need much time to get to it by foot. You’ll immediately recognize it because it really stands out from other “beach style“ cafes. The red and white checkered tablecloths, wooden benches, arranged area around the lake, all that makes it unique among others at Ada.
The menu is national, so if you visit, be sure to try kebabs(ćevapčići). The prices are lower, and each dish can be ordered in half-size portion. I especially like their breakfast menu, so this time I decided for Druga kuća breakfast (RSD 350). This is the largest breakfast in quantity when this restaurant is in question, and you will get 3 sunny-side up eggs, 2 sausages with juicy fried bacon, grilled mushrooms and homemade cheese with tomatoes. With breakfast, you also get a glass of juice for free. In my opinion, the only disadvantage of this restaurant is that if you want to sit right next to the lake, the waiter will tell you that you can’t have breakfast there, but only in the upper part of the restaurant, by the promenade. I don’t think that’s justified, especially when there’s not a lot of people, because we all prefer to be closer to the water. That's why we come to Ada, right?
As for the service in general, the waiters are very often changing here. Sometimes it happens that you get a very good waiter, but sometimes I had to wait for a waiter in a half-empty restaurant for more than 20 minutes, actually, he noticed me after I waved my hands so hard I could almost fly. So you never know, hope for the best.
Anyways, if you want to escape the city hustle and bustle and enjoy nature, my advice is to visit Druga kuća and have breakfast there. You will fill your tummy with food and your body with energy, enough to go and take a walk around the entire circle around the lake, without taking a break. In my opinion, the perfect start of a lovely day!
Love, Nada Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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Druga kuća |
The menu is national, so if you visit, be sure to try kebabs(ćevapčići). The prices are lower, and each dish can be ordered in half-size portion. I especially like their breakfast menu, so this time I decided for Druga kuća breakfast (RSD 350). This is the largest breakfast in quantity when this restaurant is in question, and you will get 3 sunny-side up eggs, 2 sausages with juicy fried bacon, grilled mushrooms and homemade cheese with tomatoes. With breakfast, you also get a glass of juice for free. In my opinion, the only disadvantage of this restaurant is that if you want to sit right next to the lake, the waiter will tell you that you can’t have breakfast there, but only in the upper part of the restaurant, by the promenade. I don’t think that’s justified, especially when there’s not a lot of people, because we all prefer to be closer to the water. That's why we come to Ada, right?
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Druga kuća breakfast |
Anyways, if you want to escape the city hustle and bustle and enjoy nature, my advice is to visit Druga kuća and have breakfast there. You will fill your tummy with food and your body with energy, enough to go and take a walk around the entire circle around the lake, without taking a break. In my opinion, the perfect start of a lovely day!
Love, Nada Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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