U centru grada, u ulici Braće Jugovića, primetila sam još jedan italijanski fast food. Paste su u Beogradu izgleda postale ili mnogo popularne ili se svi vode politikom da je to najlakše i najbrže za spremiti. Upoznajmo se sa fast food-om Pasta Ricco.
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Pasta Ricco |
Iako je smešten na sjajnoj lokaciji, moram da primetim da ovde apsololutno nikada nisam primetila gužvu, a vrlo često prolazim ovuda. Ipak to me nije sprečilo da isprobam ukuse ovih pasti, jer nikad se ne zna. Sam enterijer je simparičan, sa par detalja koji bi mogli da vas asociraju na italijansku kuhinju, ali ništa originalnije u odnosu na ostala mesta ovog tipa. Nisam neki preterani fan metalnih barskih stolica, ali vidim da su one postale jedan od neizostavnih komada nameštaja po restoranima.
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Pasta ricco - enterijer |
Kada sam bacila pogled na meni, za oko mi je zapalo da nema Paste Milanese, jedne od must have pasti. Osim toga za drugo oko su mi zapale cene koje uopšte nisu niske s obzirom da sam se ipak našla u fast food-u, a ne u italijanskom restoranu. Na ovakvim mestima cena pasti ne bi trebalo da prelazi cifru od RSD 350 što ovde nije slučaj, te u Pasta Ricco možete da naručite i pastu koja će vas koštati i do RSD 550. Mi smo se odlučile za Pastu Carbonaru i Pastu Vegetarianu. Pasta Carbonara (RSD 380) kao i u većini italijanskih restorana nije bila spremljena po originalnoj italijanskoj recepturi. Pasta Vegetariana (RSD 230) je bila nedovoljno začinjena, ali za ove pare je zasitila glad sasvim korektno. Porcije su zaista ogromne, gramaže od 500 g, i pakovanje je jedno od detalja po kojima se razlikuju od ostalih fast food-ova ovog tipa. Sama ocena celokupnog užitka bila bi neka malo jača trojka.
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Pasta Vegetariana |
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Pasta Carbonara |
S obzirom da je mesto skoro uvek prazno, sam osećaj dok sedite tamo malo je neprijatan. Naravno kuhinja je odmah iza vas tako da možete da posmatrate kuvara dok vam priprema pastu, što i nije tako loše jer možete da bacite pogled na sastojke koji se koriste u spremanju vašeg jela.
Ukoliko ste ljubitelj pasti, a niste preterano sitničavi, a želite na brzaka da utolite glas, Pasta Ricco bi mogao da bude jedna od opcija u tu svrhu.
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policja!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
In the city center, in Brace Jugovic Street, I came across another Italian fast food restaurant. It’s obvious that pastas have become very popular in Belgrade, or everyone is thinking that it’s the easiest and quickest thing to cook. Let me introduce you to the fast food restaurant Pasta Ricco.
Although the location of this fast food restaurant is great, I must say that I’ve never seen a lot of people here, and I pass by it very often. However, that didn’t scare me off, because if you never try, you’ll never know. The interior is nice, with a few details that could remind you of Italian cuisine, but nothing more original than other restaurants of this type. I'm not a big fan of metal bar stools, but I see that they’ve become one of the most used furniture pieces in restaurants.
When I looked at the menu, it caught my eye that they don’t have Pasta Milanese, one of the must have pasta dishes. Besides that, another thing that caught my eye are the higher prices, which is a bit odd to me considering I found myself in the fast food and not in the Italian restaurant. In these places, the price of the dishes should not exceed a figure of RSD 350, which is not the case here, so in Pasta Ricco you can order a pasta that will cost you up to RSD 550. We chose Pasta Carbonara and Pasta Vegetariana. Pasta Carbonara (RSD 380), as in most Italian restaurants here, wasn’t cooked by the original Italian recipe. Pasta Vegetariana (RSD 230) was a bit blend, but for that price it was more than fair. The portions are really huge, 500 g, and they serve it in a different container than the other fast food restaurants of this type. For the overall impression, I would give them a C+.
Since the place is almost always empty, it’s a bit awkward sitting there. Of course, the kitchen is right behind you, so you can watch the cook prepare your pasta, which is not so bad as you can see which ingredients they’re using for your dish.
If you’re a fan of pasta dishes, and you’re not too picky, and if you just want to sate your hunger fast, Pasta Ricco could be one of the best options for that.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
In the city center, in Brace Jugovic Street, I came across another Italian fast food restaurant. It’s obvious that pastas have become very popular in Belgrade, or everyone is thinking that it’s the easiest and quickest thing to cook. Let me introduce you to the fast food restaurant Pasta Ricco.
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Pasta Ricco |
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Pasta Ricco - interior |
When I looked at the menu, it caught my eye that they don’t have Pasta Milanese, one of the must have pasta dishes. Besides that, another thing that caught my eye are the higher prices, which is a bit odd to me considering I found myself in the fast food and not in the Italian restaurant. In these places, the price of the dishes should not exceed a figure of RSD 350, which is not the case here, so in Pasta Ricco you can order a pasta that will cost you up to RSD 550. We chose Pasta Carbonara and Pasta Vegetariana. Pasta Carbonara (RSD 380), as in most Italian restaurants here, wasn’t cooked by the original Italian recipe. Pasta Vegetariana (RSD 230) was a bit blend, but for that price it was more than fair. The portions are really huge, 500 g, and they serve it in a different container than the other fast food restaurants of this type. For the overall impression, I would give them a C+.
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Pasta Vegetariana |
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Pasta Carbonara |
If you’re a fan of pasta dishes, and you’re not too picky, and if you just want to sate your hunger fast, Pasta Ricco could be one of the best options for that.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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