Vikend na planini za mene je pravi spas kada su letnje vrućine u pitanju. Ovog puta odlučila sam se da posetim Divčibare i da uz svež vazduh, zvuk ptičica pronađem i mesto za ručak. Put me je naneo na restoran Bob Petošević.
Bob Petošević |
Bob Petošević nalazi se na nekih 700 m od centra Divčibara, i zapravo ovo je kompleks vile sa restoranom u kome mogu da ručaju i posetioci Divčibara koji nisu gosti same vile. Sama spoljašnjost je blago zapuštena, ali to nas nije sprečilo da svratimo u ovaj restoran, jer smo se vodili politikom - Ne sudi o knjizi na osnovu korica.
Kada smo kročile u restoran, moram da priznam da je i on bio još više zapušten nego spoljašnjost restorana. Stare stolice u krem boji, kamin u centru sale koji nije u upotrebi ko zna otkad, prljavi zidovi i dotrajali stolnjaci prvo je što će vam zapasti za oko. Drugo što ćete primetiti je da ovde uopšte nema gostiju, tako da osim nas, bila su zauzeta još dva stola. Ipak ni to nas nije sprečilo da sednemo.
Bob Petošević - enterijer |
Konobar koji nas je služio bio je u najmanju ruku zbunjen i neobavešten. Na pitanja šta se servira uz glavna jela, nije ni znao da nam da odgovor. A kada bismo se napokon odlučili za jelo i salatu, on bi izlazio iz kuhinje i obaveštavao nas da BAŠ toga nema više. Na kraju podužeg pregovaranja šta ima, a šta nema u kuhinji i njegovog trčkaranja od kuhinje do našeg stola "odlučile smo se" za Pileće ražnjiće (RSD 500), Leskovačke uštipke (RSD 550), Bečku šniclu (RSD 600), Kiseli kupus (RSD 120) i Svež kupus (RSD 100). Vrlo brzo nakon naše porudžbine stigla su i jela koja naravno nisu bila servirana sa prilogom koji nam je nagovestio konobar pa smo uz glavna jela umesto pomfrita dobili domaćinski krompir. I da ne grešim dušu, bili smo izuzetno prijatno iznenađeni ukusom jela. Bila su sočna, domaćinski spremljena i porcije su bile zaista poveće. Pecivo koje je bilo posluženo u korpici (RSD 150) bilo je polubajato i dodatni nepotrebni trošak.
Pileći ražnjići |
Leskovački uštipci |
Bečka šnicla |
Kiseli kupus |
Svež kupus |
Pecivo |
Što se tiče atmosfere u restoranu, prosudite sami šta možete da očekujete kada ste u restoranu u kojem su pored vas zauzeta još dva stola. Muzika sa cd-a, i to vam je što vam je. Uostalom, došli ste na planinu da odmorite, a ne da ludujete, zar ne?
Sve u svemu, bila je ovo jedna zanimljiva avantura. A vi, ukoliko se nađete na Divčibarama, i volite restorane koji izgledaju polunapušteno, onda je Bob Petošević svakako dobar izbor. Mi ćemo ubuduće da pokušamo da pronađemo neko mesto koje ipak ima malo više posetilaca.
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
When the weather is hot, a weekend spent on the mountain is a real life savior. This time I decided to visit Divičibare and find a place for lunch to enjoy fresh air and sounds of birds chirping. The road led me to the restaurant Bob Petošević.
Bob Petošević |
Bob Petošević is located around 700 m from the center of Divčibare, and, in fact, this is a complex of the villa with the restaurant where all visitors can have a meal, not only the guests staying there. The outside itself is slightly neglected, but we weren’t taken back by it because we were led by the phrase - Do not judge the book by its covers.
When we walked into the restaurant, I must admit that it was even more unkempt than the outside. Old beige chairs, the fireplace in the center of the room that hasn’t been in use since who knows when, dirty walls and worn out tablecloths are the first thing that you’ll notice. Another thing you'll notice is that there are no guests at all, so besides ours, two more tables were occupied. Even that didn’t take us back from taking a seat.
Bob Petošević - interior |
The waiter who served us was in the least confused and uninformed. He didn’t even know which side dishes come with the main ones. And when we finally decided which dish and salad we want, he would come out of the kitchen and inform us that JUST that particular dish is not available at the moment. After a long negotiation over existing dishes, and his running in and out from the kitchen to our table, we "chose" Chicken skewers (RSD 500), Meat fritters Leskovac style (RSD 550), Wiener schnitzel (RSD 600), Sour cabbage (RSD 120) and Fresh cabbage (RSD 100). The dishes arrived very soon after ordering, of course, they weren’t served with the side dishes indicated by the waiter, so we got home-style potatoes instead of French fries. I can’t lie, we were pleasantly surprised with the taste of the dishes. They were juicy, homemade and the portions were really big. The bread basket (RSD 150) which was served was a bit stale, so it was an additional unnecessary cost to us.
Chicken skewers |
Meat fritters Leskovac style |
Wiener schnitzel |
Sour cabbage |
Fresh cabbage |
Bread basket |
As for the atmosphere in the restaurant, judge by yourself what you can expect when you are at a restaurant where, besides yours, there are only two more tables occupied. Music playing from a CD, and that’s it. After all, you go to the mountains to relax, not to party, right?
All in all, this was an interesting adventure. So, if you find yourself at Divčibare, and you like restaurants that seem half-abandoned, then Bob Petošević is definitely a good choice. In the future, we’re actually try to find a place that still has a few more visitors.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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