U srcu Beograda, u Knez Mihailovoj ulici, smešten je već skoro 15 godina restoran pod nazivom - Via del gusto. Iako mi se nalazi u komšiluku, tek nedavno sam se odlučila ovde da svratim. I naravno da prenesem svoje utiske vama!
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Via del gusto |
Baštu ovog restorana ni po čemu ne mogu da izdvojim, sasvim klasična i standardna za ovaj deo grada. Verovatno zato što me spoljašnji izgled restorana nikada nije privukao nisam ni svratila ovde tolike godine. Sve dok jednog dana kada sam se vraćala sa posla, nisam slučajno provirila u unutrašnjost restorana i ostala očarana. Kada uđete u restorana, imate utisak kao da se nalazite u nekom lokalnom restoranu u Veneciji. Iscrtane žaluzine po zidovima, motivi Italije, stolice u duhu starih italijanskih restorana neki su od detalja enterijera koji će vas jednostavno kupiti na licu mesta, ako ste romantik kao i ja.
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Via del gusto - enterijer |
Jelovnik je mediteranskog karaktera sa akcentom na italijansku hranu, što je i za očekivati s obzirom na naziv samog restorana. Mi smo se ovog puta odlučile da zaobiđemo njihove italijanske specijalitete, i da probamo palačinke. Ja kao ljubitelj slanih, naručila sam Palačinku sa kulenom, kačkavaljem, pavlakom i barenim jajetom (RSD 350), a Angie kao ljubitelj slatkih odlučila se za Palačinku sa eurokremom, plazmom i bananom (RSD 330). Moram da naglasim da izbor palačinki uopšte nije preterano maštovit, s obzirom na to šta sve od namirnica pruža Italija, ali dobro.
Sama usluga restorana nije me nešto preterano oduševila. Dugo smo čekale da budemo uslužene, a samo jelo smo dobile za manje od desetak minuta. I odmah mi je bilo jasno da su palačinke samo podgrejane u mikrotalasnoj. Poslužene su skoro hladne, sa vrlo oskudnim sadržajem. Jedino što je bilo ok je način na koji su dekorisane.
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Slatka palačinka |
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Slana palačinka |
Gosti restorana su pretežno stranci, i skoro uvek se traži mesto više. Via del gusto iliti Ulica ukusa definitivno nije opravdala svoj naziv i moram da priznam da sam očekivala mnogo više od ovog restorana. Ukoliko vas pak put nanese ovde, definitivno zaobiđite palačinke, i okušajte sreću sa pizzama i podelite svoje utiske sa nama.
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
In the heart of Belgrade, in Knez Mihailova Street, located there for almost 15 years, there is the restaurant named - Via del gusto. Although it's in my neighborhood, I just recently decided to visit it. And of course, to share my impressions with you!
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Via del gusto |
The garden of this restaurant doesn't stand out from the rest, it's quite classic and standard for this part of the city. I think the exterior is the main reason why it took me this long to visit this restaurant. Until one day, while returning from work, I accidentally peeked into the restaurant and it fascinated me. When you enter the restaurant, you feel like you are in some local restaurant in Venice. Blinds painted on the walls, the motives of Italy, the chairs like in old Italian restaurants, those are just some of the interior details that will simply enchant you, if you're a romantic like me.
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Via del gusto - interior |
The Mediterranean menu with an emphasis on Italian cuisine, which is expected given the name of the restaurant. This time we decided to skip their Italian specialties, and try the crepes. As a fan of savory ones, I ordered Crepe with kulen, cheese, sour cream and boiled egg (RSD 350) and Angie, as a fan of sweet one, ordered Crepe with eurocrem, Plazma ground biscuits and banana (RSD 330). I must say that the choice of crepes is not very diverse, considering all the ingredients Italy provides, but never mind.
The service of the restaurant didn't impress me. We waited for a while to be served, and we got the food in less than ten minutes. I immediately realized that the crepes were only reheated in microwave. They were almost cold, with very poor filling. The only thing that was ok was the way they were decorated.
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Sweet crepe |
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Savory crepe |
Guests of the restaurant are mostly tourists, and it's always hard to get a table. Via del gusto aka Street of taste, definitely didn't live up to its name and I must admit that I expected a lot more from this restaurant. If the road takes you here, skip the crepes, try your luck with pizzas and share your impressions with us.
Love, Nada Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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