Za vikend mi se nešto nije ostajalo u Beogradu, te sam rešila da posetim jedan grad u komšiluku i isprobam njihove specijalitete. Jedan poziv mom dragom bio je dovoljan, da se kroz par sati nađemo u gradu Temišvaru.
Temišvar |
Temišvar me je oduševio svojom arhitekturom, te ga ne zovu bez razloga Mali Beč. Od tri najveća trga u ovom gradu, mi smo se odlučili za ručak na Trgu Pobede, u restoranu Lloyd.
Lloyd |
Restoran Lloyd je jedan od najpoznatijih restorana u Temišvaru, i vrlo često je meta naših turista, verovatno iz razloga što ovaj restoran drži Srbin. Ceo restoran podseća me na stare beogradske kafane, i najviše bih mogla da ga uporedim sa čuvenim restoranom Proleće.
Osim što imaju meni na rumunskom i engleskom, tu je i meni na srpskom jeziku. Ovde možete da pojedete veliki izbor kuvanih jela, jela sa roštilja, razne specijalitete u kojima se vidi uticaj okolnih država na rumunsku kuhinju, a pod tim prvenstveno mislim na Mađarsku i Srbiju. U skladu sa tim ja sam se odlučila za Paprikaš sa palentom (RON 35), a moj dragi za srpski klasik - Karađorđevu šniclu (RON 29).
Paprikaš sa palentom bih opisala kao rumunsku verziju mađarskog gulaša. Meso je bilo fantastično spremljeno i začinjeno, i bilo je servirano sa palentom i jajima na oko, što mi je na prvu loptu izgledalo kao neobičan spoj, međutim ubrzo sam promenila mišljenje. Karađorđeva šnicla bila je servirana uz
Pomfrit (RON 7) koji se dodatno plaća što je malo bez poente, jer niko u restoranu neće naručiti klot Karađorđevu šniclu. Za salatu uzeli smo
Pečene paprike (RON 9) jer je to jedna od mojih omiljenih salata. Porcije su zaista ogromne, i nećete ostati gladni, a što se tiče usluge zaista su i više nego ljubazni i uslužni.
Karađorđeva šnicla sa pomfritom |
Pečene paprike |
Paprikaš sa palentom |
Od mene sve preporuke, pa ako ste u poseti Temišvaru pravac u Lloyd na jedan obilan obrok!
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
This weekend, I didn't feel like staying in Belgrade, so I decided to visit a city in the neighborhood and try their specialties. One call to my significant other was enough, and a couple of hours later, we arrived in the city of Timisoara.
Timisoara |
Timisoara impressed me with its architecture, I get why people call it Little Vienna. Out of the three biggest city squares , we decided to have lunch at Victory Square, in Lloyd Restaurant.
Lloyd |
Lloyd Restaurant is one of the most famous restaurants in Timisoara, it is often a target place of tourists from our country, probably because the owner of this restaurant is a Serb. The whole restaurant reminds me of old Belgrade taverns, and I could compare it with our famous restaurant of Proleće.
The menu comes in Romanian, English and Serbian. Here you can try a wide selection of cooked dishes, grilled dishes, various specialties in which you see the influence of neighboring countries on Romanian cuisine, especially between Hungary and Serbia. Accordingly, I ordered Stew with polenta (RON 35), and my significant other chose the Serbian classic - Karadjordje's steak (RON 29).
I would describe the Stew with polenta as the Romanian version of Hungarian goulash. The meat was beautifully cooked and spicy, served with polenta and sunny-side up eggs, which looked like an unusual mix to me at first, but I changed my mind soon . The Karadjordje's steak was served with Fries (RON 7), which isn't included in the price of the dish, you pay for it separately, that's a bit ridiculous, since nobody would order a plain Karadjordje's steak in a restaurant. We ordered some Roasted peppers (RON 9) because those are one of my favorite salads. Portions are really huge, you won't leave hungry, and as for the service, they are more than friendly and helpful.
Karadjordje's steak with fries |
Roasted peppers |
Stew with polenta |
I highly recommend this restaurant, so if you find yourself in Timisoara, be sure to visit Lloyd and have a good meal!
Love, Nada Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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