субота, 30. септембар 2017.

Grand Jezero - Zlatibor

Ovaj vikend odlučila sam da provedem sa svojim dragim na meni najomiljenijoj planini Srbije - Zlatiboru. Osim što je bogata prirodnim bogatstvima, ova planina je itekako bogata i restoranima. Nakon šetnje oko jezera koje se nalazi u srcu Zlatibora, odlučili smo se da predahnemo baš u restoranu čija terasa se nalazi na samom jezeru. A s obzirom na lokaciju restorana, pretpostavljam da već većina od vas može da pretpostavi da smo seli u jedan od najčuvenijih zlatiborskih restorana - Grand Jezero.

Grand Jezero
Na terasi prepunoj ljudi, nekako smo uspeli i mi da ugrabimo svoj sto pod suncem. Pogled na jezero je jedan od primarnih razloga zbog kojeg se većina odluči da baš na ovom mestu uživa u ručku. Još ako ste toliki srećković da vaš sto bude smešten tik uz jezero, onda je to pun pogodak. Ovde nema nikakvog pravila što se tiče starosne granice. Restoran je bio prepun kako turista (što domaćih, što stranih), tako i stanovnika samog Zlatibora i okoline. 

Meni restorana je šarenolik, ali sa akcentom na nacionalnu kuhinju, te pored kuvanih jela i specijaliteta srpske kuhinje ovde možete i da naručite paste i pizze. Mi smo se ipak odlučili da ispoštujemo Zlatibor kako dolikuje, pa smo kao aperitiv naručili po jednu rakiju - Medovaču (200 rsd) i Kajsijevaču (200 rsd). Iako moram da priznam da nisam neki ljubitelj i poznavalac ovog alkoholnog pića, nakon ove rakije sam se odlučila za još jednu, pa mislim da je to sasvim dovoljno da shvatite kakva je.

Nakon aperitiva, naručili smo Teleću čorbu (190 rsd). U ovom restoranu možete da se skoro kod svakog jela opredelite da li želite malu ili veliku porciju, pa tako čak i čorba postoji u dve veličine što bih ja rekla. Mi smo se opredelili za malu porciju koja je bila i više nego dovoljna, a kada je ukus u pitanju bila je sjajna. I ne, nije se štedelo na teletini nimalo!

Teleća čorba
Za glavna jela rešili smo da naručimo Pljeskavicu na kajmaku sa pomfritom (420 rsd), Podvarak sa mesom (550 rsd) i Svinjska rebra sa koskom (780 rsd). Kada je salata u pitanju izbor je kao i u većini slučajeva pao na Šopsku salatu (280 rsd). 

Pljeskavica na kajmaku sa pomfritom

Pljeskavica je bila sočna, a tu sočnost je imala zahvaljujući pravom domaćem zlatiborskom kajmaku. Prste da poližeš! Naravno i ovde sam imala mogućnost izbora između male i velike porcije i odlučila sam se za malu (i nju sam jedva pojela), a takođe možete i da birate da li kao prilog želite pomfrit ili domaći krompir. Što se po slici da primetiti ja sam se odlučila za prvu varijantu.

Podvarak sa mesom
Od kuvanih jela smo rešili da probamo podvarak sa mesom. I ovde imate mogućnost izbora mesa, te uz podvarak možete da birate da li želite pljeskavicu ili belo meso. Mi smo nešto bili više u "pljeskavičastom" raspoloženju ovog dana. Elem, da zanemarim pljeskavicu, i da kažem da je ovo najbolji podvarak koji sam jela (izvini, mama, ali tako je)! Porcija je bila ogromna, tako da smo oboje mogli da uživamo podjednako u ukusu.

Svinjska rebra sa koskom
Što se tiče rebaraca, ona su bila poslužena uz podvarak i domaći krompir (čiji ukus nije odudarao od ostatka hrane). Međutim moram da priznam da smo bili malo zbunjeni rebarcima koja su nam bila poslužena. U meniju piše da su rebarca sa koskom, a mi je nismo dobili u tanjiru. Nije da se žalim što nije bilo koski u tanjiru, ali ipak sam očekivala malo drugačiji koncept ovog mesa. Bilo kako bilo i ona su bila preukusna bez obzira na to kako su servirana.

Šopska salata

Ono što me je posebno oduševilo je način posluženja hleba. U ovom restoranu ćete na dasci dobiti veknu vrućeg Hleba (40 rsd) tek izvađenog iz pećnice, a zajedno na dasci sa hlebom serviran vam je i nož, te uz zvuke korice koja se kruni dok sečete hleb širiće se miris svežeg i toplog peciva, te ćete imati utisak kao da ste kod bake na selu.


I pored ogromnog broja gostiju osoblje ovog restorana je bilo uslužno i nasmejano, a to posebno doprinosi celokupnom utisku. Što se samih cena jela u restoranu tiče, mogu slobodno da kažem da čak spadaju u niže ako ih uporedimo sa cenama po beogradskim restoranima. A što se nas tiče, mi smo svim čulima uživali, a vas ukoliko put nanese na Zlatibor, pravac u šetnju oko jezera, a kada se umorite i kada vas opije svež planinski vazduh, odmorite u ovom restoranu uz prave domaće ukuse Srbije.

Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!

NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.


I decided to spend this weekend with my significant other, on my favorite Serbian mountain - Zlatibor. Besides being rich in natural resources, this mountain is also rich in restaurants. After taking a walk around the lake located in the heart of Zlatibor, we decided to take a break in the restaurant whose terrace is located exactly on that lake. And given the location of the restaurant, I assume that most of you can already guess that we chose one of the most famous Zlatibor restaurants - Grand Jezero.
Grand Jezero
Even though the terrace was crowded with people, somehow we managed to find our place in the Sun. The view of the lake is one of the primary reasons why the majority of people decides to have lunch here. And if you are lucky enough to find a table which is placed right next to the water, then you hit the bull's-eye. Here, there is no rule regarding the age limit. The restaurant was full of tourists (both domestic and foreign), as well as the locals of Zlatibor and its surroundings. 

The menu of the restaurant is diverse, but with the emphasis on national cuisine, so besides the usual dishes and specialties of Serbian cuisine, here you can order pastas and pizzas, too. However, we decided to follow Zlatibor’s tradition to the fullest, so, as an aperitif, we ordered rakia( Serbian fruit brandy)- Honey brandy (200 rsd) and Apricot brandy (200 rsd). I have to admit that I’m neither a big fan nor an expert of this alcoholic beverage, but after tasting this brandy I ordered another one, so I think you get the point.
Honey brandy
After the aperitif, we ordered Veal soup (190 rsd). In this restaurant, you can determine whether you want a smaller or larger portion, almost of every meal, so, as I would say, even the soup comes in two sizes. We ordered a smaller portion which was more than enough, and as for its taste, it was great. And they don’t skimp on the veal at all!

Veal soup
For the main courses, we ordered Burger in kaymak with French fries (420 rsd), Podvarak( sauerkraut) with meat (550 rsd) and  Pork ribs (780 rsd). As for the salad, as in most cases, we chose Shopska salad (280 rsd).  

Burger in kaymak with French fries
The burger was juicy, and that juiciness was due to the traditional homemade Zlatibor kaymak. Finger licking good! Again I had the option of choosing between smaller and larger portion, and I decided for small (and I could barely finish it), and you can also choose between French fries and homemade potatoes as a side dish. You can see on the photo that I chose the first option.

Podvarak( sauerkraut) with meat
The cooked meal we decided to try was podvarak. Here you have the option of choosing the meat in the dish, so you can decide between a burger and chicken breast. This time, we were more in the "burger" mood. Anyway, forget the burger, I have to say that this was the best podvarak I ever ate (sorry, Mom, but it’s the truth!)! The portion was huge, so we both could enjoy it.

Pork ribs
As for the pork ribs, they were served with podvarak and homemade potatoes (which was evenly tasty as the rest of the food). However, I must admit that we were a bit confused by the served ribs. The menu says that they come with the bone, but we got the boneless version. It's not that I regret that there were no bones on the plate, I was simply expecting a slightly different concept of this meat dish. Either way, they were delicious, no matter how they were served.
Shopska salad
What I especially liked was the way bread is served. In this restaurant, you’ll get a hot loaf of bread (40 rsd) on a wooden board, straight from the oven, you get a bread knife, too, so with the sound of a knife cutting thick bread crust with crumbs falling onto plate, the scent of fresh and warm pastry spreads around, and you’ll get the impression of being somewhere in the countryside.
Despite the huge number of guests, the staff of this restaurant was helpful and kind, and this in particular contributes to the overall impression. As for the prices of meals in the restaurant, I can say that they are even lower, if we compare them with the prices at the Belgrade restaurants. We enjoyed with all our senses, and if the road takes you to Zlatibor, take a walk around the lake, and when you get tired and intoxicated with the fresh mountain air, take a rest in this restaurant and enjoy the authentic tastes of Serbia.

Love, Nada Gastro police !!


NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.

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