недеља, 9. октобар 2016.


Večera petkom uveče u restoranu hotela? Moguće ili ne? Na beogradskoj gastro sceni sve je veći hit izlazak baš po hotelskim restoranima. Cene su sve pristupačnije, da se skoro izjednačavaju sa vodećim beogradskim restoranima. Pomalo skeptično, Gastro policija je rešila da izvidi šta to jedan hotelski restoran može da pruži i da li svim čulima može da se uživa u ovakvoj vrsti izlaska. Mi smo se odlučile da to bude Credo, restoran koji je u sklopu hotela Courtyard.

Hotel Courtyard nalazi se u samom srcu Beograda, u ulici Vase Čarapića. Restoran Credo se nalazi na prvom spratu ovog hotela, lepo odvojen od ostatka hotela, tako da se apsolutno gubi svaki osećaj da ste u hotelu. S obzirom da je smešten na spratu, i da su mu zidovi od stakla, imate pogled na Trg republike. Čarobno, zaista.. mogu samo da zamislim kako taj pogled izgleda zimi pred Novu godinu kada ceo grad izgleda kao čarobna bajka. Ali dobro, da sad ne sanjarim, i jesenji pogled je zaista očaravajući, tako da je čulo vida već zadovoljeno. Stolovi tamne boje drveta sa udobnim stolicama malo življih boja su pun pogodak koji se zaista lepo uklapa u već opisane staklene površine. Pored enterijera tu je i mala terasa hotela na kojoj se nalazi par stolova koji su leti pravo mesto za užitak.

Credo - enterijer

Credo - detalji
A sada da se pozabavimo drugom bitnom stavkom. Hranom! Meni je internacionalnog karaktera (kompletan meni sa cenama možete da pogledate na njihovom sajtu), što i jeste za očekivati od jednog hotelskog restorana. Cene su za nekih 10 % više u odnosu na standarne cene restorana. Međutim ovaj restoran je mislio i na budžet svojih gostiju pa tako postoje mnoge akcije ovog restorana kao što su - Happy friday (kada svakog petka jedno jelo, jedan desert i jedno piće budu na popustu, tako da možete da večerate na lepom mestu po cenama koje su ispod proseka) i Business lunch (kada u vreme ručka možete da se odlučite za neko od ponuđenih menija koji su na akciji). Gastro policija je ovog puta došla na degustaciju njihovog novog, jesenjeg menija, koji će se uskoro naći na njihovom meniju. Pa da počnemo!

Credo - kuhinja

Prvo jelo na našem meniju je bio Karpaćo od patlidžana koji je bio serviran sa svežim paradajzom koji mu je dao pravu dozu svežine, i dresingom od belog luka koji je začinio celu priču. Serviran na velikom providnom tanjiru zračio je elegancijom.

Karpaćo od patlidžana - pola porcije

Sledeće što smo želele da probamo je naravno neka salata. Salata sa grilovanim sirom se savršeno nadovezala na prethodnu priču. Bogata miksom zelenih salata, sa grilovanim kravljim sirom, i avokadom (koji je bio malo nezreliji za moj ukus) i blagim ukusom bez dodatnih začina bila je pravi uvod za ono što tek sledi. 

Salata sa grilovanim sirom - pola porcije

A sada jela sa mesom! Rolovani svinjski file u slanini sa sosom od brusnice serviran sa pireom od slatkog krompira bio je FENOMENALAN! Meso je bilo kao puter koje se topilo u ustima, a brusnice i batat su mu dodale slatku notu koju ja obožavam. Drugo jelo od mesa je bilo nadaleko čuveni Šatobrijan. Kuvar ga priprema pred vama, tako da dobijate i mini show koji će vam sigurno dugo ostati u sećanju. Govedina je bila i više nego sjajno pripremljena, a biber, peršun i ostali začini su bili dodati baš u pravoj količini koja je potrebna da ovo jelo dobije savršen ukus. Cela priča je dostigla viši nivo kada je kuvar servirao ovo jelo sa pireom od tartufa i mladog spanaća. Savršen spoj boja na tanjiru!

Rolovani svinjski file - pola porcije

Šatobrijan - pola porcije

I naravno, najslađe za kraj. Moram da napomenem da nisam baš neki ljubitelj slatkog ali Tiramisu ovog restorana me je oduševio. Uz to sam probala i Pana Kotu i objektivno mogu da kažem da je bila ukusna, ali da sam njen ljubitelj i nisam, ali se zato drugi član Gastro policije oduševio i za mene. 

Tiramisu i Pana Kota - pola porcije

A da Gastro policija voli da upotpuni svako jelo i dobrim vinom (ili pivom, u zavisnosti od prilike, jela i ambijenta) je nadaleko poznata stvar. Ovoga puta naravno izbor je pao na vino i to na Kovačević, jedno od mojih omiljenih. 

Vinarija Kovačević

A naravno pored dobrog jela i pića da bi ugođaj bio potpun potreban vam je i neki muzički program, zar ne? E, pa Credo restoran je mislio i na to, tako da vikendom ovde možete da uživate uz zvuke džeza, bluza ili pop-rocka u zavisnosti od nedelje u mesecu. 

Ali Gastro policija ima još jednu stavku na svom spisku. Ali ako je poslednja to ne znači da je i najmanje važna, po meni to je čak i najbitnija stavka, a to je - osoblje! Ali, avaj, pa mi ni na to nemamo ni najmanju zamerku. Od kuvara, preko menadžerke do konobara, apsolutno svi su bili i više nego opušteni i prijatni. Bez ikakve arogancije i nadmenosti (nažalost tako nešto se očekuje od osoblja po fensi hotelima) ugostili su nas tako da smo se osećali kao kod kuće, tako da ukoliko se dvoumite da li da posetite neki od hotelskih restorana - naša topla preporuka je Credo!!

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija !!


Friday night dinner in a hotel restaurant? Is that possible or not? Dining out in hotel restaurants is becoming the next big thing on Belgrade gastronomic scene. Prices are becoming more and more reasonable, almost equal to those in the leading Belgrade restaurants. Since that is a bit skeptical, Gastro police decided to see what one of the hotel restaurants can exactly provide and whether you can fully enjoy in this type of night out. We chose Credo,  the restaurant within the hotel Courtyard.


Courtyard Hotel is located in the heart of Belgrade, in Vase Čarapića street. Credo Restaurant is located on the first floor of this hotel, nicely separated from the rest of the hotel, so you don’t even feel like you’re in one at all. Since it’s located on the first floor, and that its walls are made of glass, you can enjoy the view over the Republic Square. Really enchanting.. I can only imagine how that looks during Winter holidays, when the whole city seems like a place out of a fairy tale. But, enough of daydreaming, the view is truly enchanting during the fall too, so eyes are already pleased. Dark wood tables with comfortable chairs in more vibrant colors are a perfect fit for the already described glass surfaces. Besides the interior, there is a small terrace of the hotel with a couple of tables, a perfect space to enjoy the summer days.

Credo - interior

Credo - details

And now, let’s take a look at the next key item . Food! The menu with international cuisine (you can find the complete menu with prices look at their website), which is expected in a hotel restaurant. Prices are about 10% higher than in the standard restaurants. However, this restaurant thought of the budget of its guests so there are many offers such as - Happy Friday (each Friday, they offer a discount for a certain dish, dessert and drink, so you can have dinner, in a nice place, for a lower than average price) and Business lunch (there is a discount during lunch hours, you can choose some of the course selections). This time, Gastro police came to the tasting of their new, fall menu, which will soon be on their menu. So let's start!

Credo - kitchen

The first dish on our menu was the Eggplant Carpaccio which was served with fresh tomato, that gave the right dose of freshness, and with garlic dressing to spice everything up. Served on a big clear glass plate, it radiated elegance.

Eggplant Carpaccio – half portion

Of course, the next thing we wanted to try was one of the salads. Salad with grilled cheese was a perfect fit for a previous dish. Enriched with mixed green salads, with grilled cottage cheese and avocado (which was a bit unripe, to my taste), mild-tasting without extra added spices, it was a great prelude to what is yet to come.

Grilled cheese salad – half portion

And now, meat dishes! Rolled pork filet, in bacon with cranberry sauce served with mashed batata, was PHENOMENAL! The meat melted like butter in my mouth, and cranberries and batata added a characteristic sweetness, which I adore. The second meat dish was the famous Chateaubriand. A chef prepares it in front of you, so you get to see a mini show that you will certainly remember for a long time. The beef was more than delightfully prepared, and pepper, parsley and other spices were added in just the right amount that was needed to make this dish taste perfect. The whole thing reached a higher level when the chef served this dish with puree with truffles and baby spinach. A perfect combination of colors on the plate!

Rolled pork filet – half portion

Chateaubriand – half portion

Save the best for last. I have to mention that I’m not a big fan of sweets, but I was delighted by this restaurant’s Tiramisu. I tried their Panna Cotta too, and I can objectively say that it was delicious, but still, I’m not big fan of it, nonetheless, the second member of Gastro police was thrilled for both of us.

Tiramisu and Panna Cotta – half portion

It is widely known that Gastro police likes to complement each dish with a good wine (or beer, depending on the occasion, dish and environment). This time, of course, we ordered wine, from Kovačević Winery, one of my favorite.

Winery Kovačević

And of course, along with the good food and drinks, you need some music events to complement the atmosphere, right? Well, Credo restaurant thought of that too, so on weekends, you can enjoy the sounds of jazz, blues or pop-rock, depending on the week of the month.

But, Gastro police have one more item on their list. Even though it’s the last one, it doesn’t mean that it’s the least important one, in my opinion, it’s even the most important item of all, and that is - the staff! But, alas, we don’t have the slightest objection regarding the staff. Everyone, from the chef, the manager over to the waiters, absolutely everyone was more than laid-back and pleasant. Without any signs of arrogance and impudence (unfortunately something like that is expected of staff in fancy hotels), their welcome made us feel like at home, so if you are unsure of visiting one of the hotel restaurants - we warmly recommend Credo !!

Love, Gastro police !!


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