Ko kaže da ukusne paste možete da pojedete u Beogradu samo ako odete u elitni restoran? U poslednje vreme hit su postali fast food-ovi koji su na bazi italijanskog menija. Jedan od njih je svakako Street pasta bar koji definitivno zaslužno zauzima mesto na listi posećenih restorana Gastro policije.
Street pasta bar |
Ovaj fast food nalazi se u maloj poprečnoj ulici u koju se stiže iz Bulevara kralja Aleksandra (preko puta ETF-a), a odnedavno otvoren je na još jednoj lokaciji u Ulici kralja Milana. Čim uđete ovde osetićete duh Italije, i što je još važnije Street pasta bar uopšte ne podseća na fast food, već bih ga opisala kao neki mini bar restoran. Jarke boje, žuta tapacirana mesta za sedenje, detalji u vidu italijanskih pasti, začina i fotografija gradova Italije dokaz su da Street pasta bar zaista drži do svakog detalja. Na policama pored drvenih ukrasa i kulinarskih motiva stoje i mnogobrojne tegle sa pastama, kao zaštitni znak ovog fast food-a.
Street pasta bar - detalji |
Street pasta bar - Ulica kralja Milana |
Street pasta bar - Bulevar kralja Aleksandra |
U meniju su paste raspodeljene u tri grupe po cenama koje se kreću u proseku od 200 rsd do 300 rsd, a tu su i njihove najskuplje Premium paste koje koštaju 440 rsd. Svaku pastu možete da naručite u gramaži od 200 g ili 400 g pa kome koja porcija odgovara. Takođe imate i mogućnost izbora testenine uz sos za koji se opredelite. Pored pasti tu su i tortilje, obrok salate, italijanske palačinke kao i klasični italijanski deserti.
Gastro policija se opredelila za dva italijanska klasika, Pastu Carbonara (290 rsd) i Pastu Arrabbiata (230 rsd). Apsolutno sve pripremaju pred vama, tako da dok čekate možete i da se zabavite posmatrajući kuvare. Paste su bile skuvane al dente, sosovi su bili sočni i kremasti, tako da je celokupan utisak - odličan 5! Bez apsolutno ikakve zamerke (a verujte mi, ne pada mi teško da napišem kada mi se nešto ne svidi bez obzira koliko moji komentari smetali nekome)!
Pasta Arrabbiata |
Pasta Carbonara |
Za kraj mogu samo da kažem da pored prostora i hrane, osoblje takođe zaslužuje sve pohvale od mene. A vama ukoliko se svideo moj post, i želite da osetite ukus Italije po pristupačnim cenama, a iz nekog razloga vas mrzi da izađete iz toplog doma po ovako hladnim danima, Street pasta bar vrši i kućnu dostavu. Toliko od mene ove nedelje!
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Who says that, in Belgrade, you can eat tasty pasta only if you go to the elite restaurant? Lately, fast food bars based on Italian menu are becoming a big hit. One of them is definitely Street pasta bar, which is rightfully on the list of visited restaurants by Gastro police.
Street pasta bar |
This fast food bar is located in a small cross street intersecting the King Aleksandar Boulevard (across the ETF/Faculty of Electrical Engineering), and they recently opened another bar in King Milan Street. As soon as you enter you’ll feel the spirit of Italy, and more importantly, the Street pasta bar doesn’t look like a fast food bar at all, instead I would describe it as a mini bar restaurant. Bright colors, yellow upholstered furniture, details in the form of Italian pasta, spices and photos of Italian cities are proving that Street pasta bar really works on everything. On the shelves, in addition to the wooden ornaments and culinary motifs, there are numerous jars filled with pasta, the trademark of this fast food bar.
Street pasta bar - details |
Street pasta bar – King Milan Street |
Street pasta bar – King Aleksandar Boulevard |
The menu includes pastas divided into three groups, the price range is from 200 rsd to 300 rsd, and there are also their most expensive Premium pastas that cost 440 rsd. You can choose the grammage of any pasta to be 200 g or 400 g, according to one’s preference. You can also choose which type of pasta you want with the sauce that you previously chose. In addition to pastas, they have tortillas, meal salads, Italian pancakes, as well as classic Italian desserts.
Gastro police chose two Italian classics, Pasta Carbonara (290 RSD) and Pasta Arrabbiata (230 RSD). Absolutely everything is prepared in front of you, so while you’re waiting, you can also have fun watching the cooks. Pastas were cooked al dente, the sauces were luscious and creamy, so the overall impression is - excellent A+! Absolutely nothing bad to say (and believe me, I don’t mind stating my opinion when there’s something I didn’t like, no matter how much my comments bother someone)!
Pasta Arrabbiata |
Pasta Carbonara |
All in all, in addition to the look of the restaurant and the food, their staff also deserves a big praise from me. And if you liked my post, and if you want to feel the taste of Italy at affordable prices, and for some reason you don’t want to leave your cozy home during these cold days, there is Street pasta bar home delivery option. That’s all from me for this week!
Love, Gastro police !!
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