Prvi dani jeseni ako su topli i sunčani imaju itekako draž, a kada se dogovorite sa drugaricom da subotnje popodne provedete u Vinskoj kući ''Kovačević'', verujte mi da će uživanje biti potpuno.
Vinska kuća ''Kovačević'' nalazi se u Irigu, mirnom mestašcu u Vojvodini i smatram da je ovo idealna lokacija za njih. Mir, prijatna atmosfera i bezbrižan osećaj su ono što u meni budi Vojvodina. Takva je bila i naša poseta ovom mestu.
Prvo što će vas oduševiti kod Vinske kuće ''Kovačević'' je veoma lepo uređeno dvorište, sa raskošnim zelenilom, uredno pokošenom travom i zanimljivim detaljima. Po lepom danu možete da sedite u bašti.
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Vinska kuća ''Kovačević'' |
Enterijer ništa ne zaostaje za eksterijerom, lepo uređen restoran sa stilom, koji odiše elegancijom.
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Vinska kuća ''Kovačević'' - enterijer |
Pre nego što smo došle ovde, na njihovom sajtu smo pogledale meni, ali to nam nije pomoglo da lakše donesemo odluku šta ćemo ručati. Pregršt zanimljivih jela su nam mamila čulo ukusa. Drugarica se na kraju odlučila za Ćureće belo meso u sosu od badema (850 rsd - 300 gr porcija), a ja za Ćureće medaljone u sosu od brusnice (850 rsd - 300 gr porcija). Posebno mi se svidelo to što ovde, u skladu sa pravom vinarijom, ispod svakog jela piše preporuka za vino koje ide uz njega. Tako sam se ja, po preporuci, odlučila za, meni veoma dobro poznato, Rosetto Kovačević 0.15l (280 rsd). Drugarica ipak tog dana nije bila raspoložena za vino, tako da je uzela pivo Estrella 0.33l (240 rsd).
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Rosetto Kovačević 0.15l |
Ovo nam je bio ''ćureći'' dan, kako smo u šali rekle, i to se ispostavilo kao odlična stvar. Moje jelo je, pored sosa od brusnice, pavlake i ajvara u sebi imalo još i sezonsko povrće i začinjeni krompir i za hedonistu kao što sam ja to je bio pravi izbor. Drugaricino jelo se sastojalo od listića badema, kikiriki putera, sezonskog povrća i začinjenog krompira. Obe smo bile ste i zadovoljne, a utisci pozitivni.
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Ćureći medaljoni u sosu od brusnice |
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Ćureće belo meso u sosu od badema |
Gosti su tog dana bili pretežno bio ljudi srednjih godina sa malom decom, jer je tada bila proslava dečijeg rođendana. Verovatno da ovde svakako nije retko da dolazi cela porodica, naročito kad je vikend, tako da za najmlađe postoji poseban deo gde mogu da se igraju. Pored njih, bilo je i ostalih generacija, što je sasvim očekivano, s obzirom na privlačnost ove vinarije.
Cene su kao i u svakom boljem restoranu u Beogradu, a osoblje ljubazno i predusretljivo.
Prvom prilikom, kad budete želeli da provedete vikend (ili radni dan) van Beograda, ne razmišljajte, posetite Vinsku kuću ''Kovačević''.
If the first days of fall are warm and sunny, they sure have a lot of charm, and when you make a deal with a friend to spend Saturday afternoon at the Wine house "Kovacevic", believe me, you’ll completely enjoy.
The Wine house "Kovacevic" is located in Irig, a quiet town in Vojvodina, and I consider this an ideal location for this place. Peace, a pleasant atmosphere and a carefree feeling are what Vojvodina evokes in me. Exactly like our visit to this place.
The first thing that you’ll be delighted with at the Wine house "Kovacevic" is a very nice yard, with luxurious greenery, neatly mowed grass and interesting details. On a sunny, you can sit in the garden.
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Wine house ''Kovacevic'' |
The interior is equally nice as the exterior, a tastefully decorated restaurant that exudes elegance.
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Wine house ''Kovacevic'' - interior |
Before we came here, we looked at the menu on their website, but that didn’t help us much making a decision about what to eat. A lot of interesting and enticing dishes and each had something that tempted us. In the end, my friend ordered Turkey breast in almond sauce (850 rsd - 300 gr portion), and I chose Turkey tenderloin medallions in cranberry sauce (850 rsd - 300 gr portion). I particularly liked that, below each dish, there is a written recommendation of a wine that goes well with that dish, the true spirit of a winery. So, led by the recommendation, I chose a wine, well known wine to me, Rosetto Kovacevic 0.15l (280 rsd). My friend, however, wasn’t in the mood for wine that day, so she ordered Estrella beer 0.33l (240 rsd).
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Rosetto Kovacevic 0.15l |
We joked that that day was our "turkey" day, and that turned out to be a great thing. In addition to the cranberry sauce, sour cream and ajvar, my dish also had some vegetables and seasoned roasted potatoes, and as a true hedonist, I was very happy with my choice. My friend’s dish consisted of sliced almonds, peanut butter, vegetables and seasoned roasted potatoes. We were both satisfied, and the impressions were positive.
On that day, the guests were predominantly middle-aged people with little children, because there was a birthday party. It certainly isn’t rare for a whole family to come here, especially on weekends, so there is a special section for the youngest where they can play. Besides them, there were people of other generations, too, which is quite expected, given that this winery is a big attraction.
Prices are like in every better restaurant in Belgrade, and the staff is polite and helpful.
When you want to spend a weekend(or working day) out of Belgrade, do not hesitate, go to the Wine house "Kovacevic".
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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Turkey tenderloin medallions in cranberry sauce |
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Turkey breast in almond sauce |
On that day, the guests were predominantly middle-aged people with little children, because there was a birthday party. It certainly isn’t rare for a whole family to come here, especially on weekends, so there is a special section for the youngest where they can play. Besides them, there were people of other generations, too, which is quite expected, given that this winery is a big attraction.
Prices are like in every better restaurant in Belgrade, and the staff is polite and helpful.
When you want to spend a weekend(or working day) out of Belgrade, do not hesitate, go to the Wine house "Kovacevic".
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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