Došao je i taj dan, Gastro policija je stigla u Novi Sad! Uživanje u lepom gradu kao što je Novi Sad svakako podrazumeva i uživanje u dobrim restoranima ovog grada, tako da je ova trodnevna proslava devojačke večeri bila prava mala avantura.
Šetnja po ovom divnom gradu nikako nije mogla da se ne kruniše dobrim obrokom u dobrom restoranu. Posle malo dužeg razmišljanja, odlučile smo da sednemo u Petrus, koji se nalazi u samom centru Novog Sada, u pešačkoj zoni, koji već sa ulice mami svojom elegancijom.
Lepa i prostrana bašta i uredan i moderan enterijer, sa velikim, staklenim prozorima učinili su da se osećamo veoma prijatno, naročito kad smo kroz njih gledale kako pada kiša, zaista romantičan prizor, kao što je i sam duh Novog Sada. Nadale smo se da će i hrana ostaviti takav utisak na nas.
Meni je raznovrstan, svako će naći nešto po svom ukusu. Čorbe, specijaliteti od mesa, pizze, paste, burgeri, salate, kao i deserti i ponude doručka su i više nego korektna ponuda, pa verujem da će i najprobirljiviji moći da izaberu nešto što im odgovara.
Naravno, kao i uvek, nisam se odmah odlučila šta ću da jedem, to je proces koji kod mene podrazumeva veliko premišljanje, dilemu, pa ako naručim ovo možda ću da se zeznem, možda je ipak bolje da naručim ono drugo, pa da li da naručim nešto što često jedem ili da probam nešto novo... Male muke za objektivnog čitaoca, za mene velike... I, na kraju, odlučila sam se za pastu Carbonara (590 rsd) (zamislite, kako je to moguće, pa ja to nikad ne jedem - malo sarkazma na svoj račun nije na odmet...). Moje drugarice su se odlučile za Italijanski burger (590 rsd), mnogo lakše nego ja. Što se tiče moje paste, pored toga što je bila veoma ukusna, ono što joj je posebno dalo šmek je što se na površini paste nalazio cvetić, na prvi pogled slučajnom prolazniku nejestiv ukrasni cvetić, međutim, u pitanju je bio vlašac koji je baš dao jednu lepu aromu i ukusnu notu, mala tajna velikog majstora, jer koliko god ponekad želeli da izbegnemo luk, ipak bez njega ne možemo. Ukusna pančeta je bila glavni nosilac ukusa i mogu reći da sam bila i više nego sita. Burger sa ukusnim mesom i povrćem je bio poslužen sa začinjenim, domaćinskim krompirom, a rukola i čeri paradajz su mu davali duh Italije, tako da nismo nijednog trenutka zažalile što je Petrus bio naš prvi izbor. Uz ovaj ručak smo po lepom, toplom danu, pile točeni Erdinger 0.5l (270 rsd).
Šetnja po ovom divnom gradu nikako nije mogla da se ne kruniše dobrim obrokom u dobrom restoranu. Posle malo dužeg razmišljanja, odlučile smo da sednemo u Petrus, koji se nalazi u samom centru Novog Sada, u pešačkoj zoni, koji već sa ulice mami svojom elegancijom.
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Petrus |
Lepa i prostrana bašta i uredan i moderan enterijer, sa velikim, staklenim prozorima učinili su da se osećamo veoma prijatno, naročito kad smo kroz njih gledale kako pada kiša, zaista romantičan prizor, kao što je i sam duh Novog Sada. Nadale smo se da će i hrana ostaviti takav utisak na nas.
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Petrus - enterijer |
Meni je raznovrstan, svako će naći nešto po svom ukusu. Čorbe, specijaliteti od mesa, pizze, paste, burgeri, salate, kao i deserti i ponude doručka su i više nego korektna ponuda, pa verujem da će i najprobirljiviji moći da izaberu nešto što im odgovara.
Naravno, kao i uvek, nisam se odmah odlučila šta ću da jedem, to je proces koji kod mene podrazumeva veliko premišljanje, dilemu, pa ako naručim ovo možda ću da se zeznem, možda je ipak bolje da naručim ono drugo, pa da li da naručim nešto što često jedem ili da probam nešto novo... Male muke za objektivnog čitaoca, za mene velike... I, na kraju, odlučila sam se za pastu Carbonara (590 rsd) (zamislite, kako je to moguće, pa ja to nikad ne jedem - malo sarkazma na svoj račun nije na odmet...). Moje drugarice su se odlučile za Italijanski burger (590 rsd), mnogo lakše nego ja. Što se tiče moje paste, pored toga što je bila veoma ukusna, ono što joj je posebno dalo šmek je što se na površini paste nalazio cvetić, na prvi pogled slučajnom prolazniku nejestiv ukrasni cvetić, međutim, u pitanju je bio vlašac koji je baš dao jednu lepu aromu i ukusnu notu, mala tajna velikog majstora, jer koliko god ponekad želeli da izbegnemo luk, ipak bez njega ne možemo. Ukusna pančeta je bila glavni nosilac ukusa i mogu reći da sam bila i više nego sita. Burger sa ukusnim mesom i povrćem je bio poslužen sa začinjenim, domaćinskim krompirom, a rukola i čeri paradajz su mu davali duh Italije, tako da nismo nijednog trenutka zažalile što je Petrus bio naš prvi izbor. Uz ovaj ručak smo po lepom, toplom danu, pile točeni Erdinger 0.5l (270 rsd).
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Carbonara |
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Italijanski burger |
Da su utisci bili i više nego pozitivni, mislim da sasvim dovoljno govori i to što smo ovde sutradan došle i na doručak. Ja sam se, naravno, opet premišljala i odlučila za Sendvič sa pršutom i rukolom (310 rsd), drugarica za Sendvič sa mozzarelom i piletinom (340 rsd), a druga drugarica za Omlet sa pršutom i feta sirom (280 rsd). Uz sva tri doručka bio je poslužen i pomfrit i dodatak u vidu raznog povrća, tako da ni oni zahtevniji gosti ne bi ostali gladni. Kombinacija ukusa, sveži sastojci, lepo posluženo i dekorisano sigurno bi nas naveli da ovde doručkujemo i sutradan, međutim, Gastro policija je morala da obiđe i druge restorane.
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Sendvič sa pršutom i rukolom |
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Sendvič sa mozzarelom i piletinom |
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Omlet sa pršutom i feta sirom |
Cene su, što ste i sami mogli da primetite, veoma slične cenama hrane u prosečnim beogradskim restoranima, odnos cena-kvalitet je, po našem mišljenju ispunjen, stoga vam preporučujemo da ih posetite, bilo da spadate u Novosađane, bilo da ste ovde turistički.
Ponekad je malo teže dozvati konobara, što je, pretpostavljam, posledica gužve i za njih nemam neki generalan utisak, neki su zaista ljubazni, neki su nadmeni i teži za saradnju. Ovde nije retkost da vam nekad treba rezervacija čak i za doručak. Ekipa je svih uzrasta, što je i logično, s obzirom da se nalaze u centru gradske vreve.
Naš prvi izbor u Novom Sadu se pokazao kao pravi, nadamo se da ćete i vi deliti takve utiske.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
The day has come, Gastro police arrived in Novi Sad! Enjoying a beautiful city like Novi Sad surely includes eating in good restaurants of this city, so our three-day bachelorette party was a real mini adventure.
A walk in this beautiful city had to end with a good meal in a good restaurant. After a bit of thinking, we chose Petrus, located in the center of Novi Sad, in the pedestrian zone, which immediately lures by its elegance.
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Petrus |
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Petrus - interior |
Diverse menu, everyone will find something to their liking. Soups, meat specialties, pizzas, pastas, burgers, salads, as well as desserts and breakfast menus, more than enough to choose from, so I believe that even the pickiest eaters will easily find something.
Of course, as always, I couldn’t decide right away what to eat, in my case this is a process which includes a lot of deliberation, the dilemma, if I order this thing I might be wrong, perhaps it is better to order the other thing, and whether to order something that I often eat or try something new ... Small troubles to the objective reader, tantalizing to me... and finally, I chose pasta Carbonara (590 rsd) (imagine that, how is that possible, I never eat that - a little sarcasm won’t hurt my ego...). My friends chose much easier than me: the Italian burger ( 590 rsd). As for my pasta, despite the fact that it was very tasty, the thing that specifically gave it some charm was that there was a flower on top of the pasta, at first glance the casual observer would think that it was an inedible decorative flower, however, it was the shallots which really gave a nice flavor and a delicious touch, little secret of the great master, because as long as you sometimes want to avoid onions, it’s simly better with it. Delicious pancetta carried the taste and I can say that I was more than full. Burger with tasty meat and vegetables was served with seasoned, homemade potatoes and rocket salad and cherry tomatoes gave that Italian taste to it, so we didin’t regret for a single moment that Petrus was our first choice. And while eating this lunch ,on that nice, warm day, we sipped draught Erdinger beer 0.5l (270 rsd).
Of course, as always, I couldn’t decide right away what to eat, in my case this is a process which includes a lot of deliberation, the dilemma, if I order this thing I might be wrong, perhaps it is better to order the other thing, and whether to order something that I often eat or try something new ... Small troubles to the objective reader, tantalizing to me... and finally, I chose pasta Carbonara (590 rsd) (imagine that, how is that possible, I never eat that - a little sarcasm won’t hurt my ego...). My friends chose much easier than me: the Italian burger ( 590 rsd). As for my pasta, despite the fact that it was very tasty, the thing that specifically gave it some charm was that there was a flower on top of the pasta, at first glance the casual observer would think that it was an inedible decorative flower, however, it was the shallots which really gave a nice flavor and a delicious touch, little secret of the great master, because as long as you sometimes want to avoid onions, it’s simly better with it. Delicious pancetta carried the taste and I can say that I was more than full. Burger with tasty meat and vegetables was served with seasoned, homemade potatoes and rocket salad and cherry tomatoes gave that Italian taste to it, so we didin’t regret for a single moment that Petrus was our first choice. And while eating this lunch ,on that nice, warm day, we sipped draught Erdinger beer 0.5l (270 rsd).
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Carbonara |
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Italian burger |
That the impressions were more than positive, I think it’s enough to say that we came back here the next day for breakfast. Of course, I had to think what to choose but I decided for Sandwich with prosciutto and rocket salad(310 rsd), friend decided for Sandwich with mozzarella and chicken (340 rsd), and the other friend for Omelette with ham and feta cheese (280 rsd). With each breakfast, as a side dish we were served some fries and some vegetables, so even those demanding guests wouldn’t leave hungry. The combination of flavors, fresh ingredients, beautifully served and decorated, certainly would lead us to have breakfast here the next day as well, however, Gastro police had to visit other restaurants, too.
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Sandwich with prosciutto and rocket salad |
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Sandwich with mozzarella and chicken |
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Omelette with ham and feta cheese |
As you can see, the prices are very similar to the food prices in average Belgrade restaurants, the price-quality ratio is, in our opinion, fulfilled, so we recommend you to visit them, whether you live in Novi Sad or you are a tourist there.
Sometimes it's a little harder to catch the waiter’s attention, I presume it’s because of a lot of guests, I don’t have any general word for them, some are really nice, some are arrogant and a bit difficult to work with. It's not rare that you need a reservation here, even for breakfast. The guests are of all ages, which is logical, given that they are in the center of city life.
Sometimes it's a little harder to catch the waiter’s attention, I presume it’s because of a lot of guests, I don’t have any general word for them, some are really nice, some are arrogant and a bit difficult to work with. It's not rare that you need a reservation here, even for breakfast. The guests are of all ages, which is logical, given that they are in the center of city life.
Our first choice in Novi Sad proved to be the right one, we hope that you will share these impressions as well.
Love, Gastro police !!
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