Leto već uveliko traje, a ja sam se zapitala gde bih mogla da odem na neki ručak i pobegnem od osećaja gradske vreve makar na par sati kada mi već poslovne obaveze još uvek ne dozvoljavaju da odem na odmor. Po visokim temperaturama uvek mi prvo reka padne na um, te sam rešila da sa drugaricom prošetam po Savskom keju (koji baš dugo nisam obilazila). Nakon kraće šetnje primetila sam splav koji mi se u trenutku učinio kao pravo mesto za ručak. I nisam se pokajala! Dobrodošli na splav Suvenir!
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Splav Suvenir |
Plavo bele nijanse koje su me odmah podsetile na Grčku i more bile su presudne da se u momentu odlučim da posetim ovaj splav. Kada sam ušla na splav oduševljenje je bilo još veće. Stolnjaci sa plavo belim kockicama, brodski ukrasi po zidovima od belog drveta poput kormila, drvene stolice koje su takođe pratile nijanse ostalog dela kako enterijera tako i eksterijera bile su pun pogodak. Jednostavno ulaskom na ovaj splav imala sam utisak kao da sam na nekoj morskoj obali. Večiti romantik kao što sam ja odmah je pao na čari Suvenira. Da nije samo unutrašnji deo restorana u ovom stilu dokaz je i terasa splava koja je prepuna cveća, sa udobnim stolicama, i divnim pogledom na Savu. Omamljujuće, jednom rečju!
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Suvenir - bašta |
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Suvenir - enterijer |
S obzirom da smo došle na ručak u ranopopodnevnim satima, rezervacija nije bila potrebna, što je bilo olakšavajuće. Međutim ukoliko se pak odlučite da uveče posetite Suvenir, moj savet vam je ipak da se latite telefona. Nakon što smo zauzele poziciju, bacile smo se na proučavanje menija. Generalni utisak je da je ovo restoran srpske kuhinje, što mi se odmah dopalo. Roštilj, salate, glavna jela koja su u meniju razdeljena po vrsti mesa dodatno su me oduševila. Volim kad je meni urađen sistematski, da ne moram pola sata da istražujem gde se koje jelo nalazi. Tako da nije nam puno trebalo da se odlučimo.
Prva na redu našla se Teleća čorbica (190 RSD) - i da, da, znam da je vruće ali ja prosto ne mogu da sednem u restoran sa nacionalnom kuhinjom, a da je ne naručim. I bila je odlična! I prepuna teletine, bogato, što bi se reklo kod nas!
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Teleća čorbica |
Za glavno jelo odlučile smo se za srpske specijalitete - Pljeskavicu i Gurmanske uštipke. Pljeskavica (610 RSD) je bila ogromna, servirana sa pečenim krompirom i lukom, i bila je pravi srpski san.
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Pljeskavica |
Gurmanski uštipci (610 RSD) kada su mi bili servirani, prva misao mi je bila - E ovde ću da dovedem dečka, pa ako mi i za ovu porciju kaže da mu je mala onda mu nešto fali. Šalu na stranu, porcija je zaista bila ogromna, i da sam znala naručila bih pola porcije ili bih svoju podelila sa drugaricom. Bila sam vođena restoranima po centru grada gde za 1000 dinara dobijete dva zalogaja, te je ovo zaista bilo prijatno iznenađenje za mene. Osim što je bila ogromna porcija, bila je i preukusna, i sve sam pojela, ali jedva! Ovo je bilo jedno od onih jela koje vam je prosto žao da ne pojedete. Svaka čast za kuvara!
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Gurmanski uštipci |
Pored glavnog jela naručile smo i Bašta salatu za dve osobe (280 RSD) i opet je usledio šok kada nam ju je konobar doneo. Pola Kalenić pijace (ne preterujem) je bilo na tanjiru. I ja sam opet bila prijatno oduševljena, što količinom što svežinom povrća.
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Bašta salata za dve osobe |
Kada je reč o usluzi, konobar je bio izuzetno prijatan i raspoložen za saradnju. Malo smo ga duže čekale da nam donese meni, ali nema veze. Isplatio se svaki minut čekanja. Ljudi koji dolaze pretežno su bili porodični tipovi, ali bilo je i mlađih ljudi poput nas. Svakako sve pristojan svet, što bi rekla moja baka.
I za kraj prosto ne znam šta bih vam više rekla, a što već nisam. Suvenir je po meni pravo mesto ukoliko želite da odvedete porodicu ili prijatelje iz inostranstva na ručak koji ima pristojne cene, preukusan je, a pri tom ne morate da se plašite da će neko otići kući praznog stomaka. Jer to je ovde prosto nemoguće!
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
It’s summer for a while now, and I wondered where I could go for lunch and run away from the city noise, at least for a couple of hours since because of my work I still can’t go on a vacation. When it’s hot outside, the first thing that comes to my mind is the river, and I decided to take a walk with my friend on the Sava quay (which I haven’t visited for a long time). After a short walk, I noticed a restaurant raft that seemed like the right place for lunch. And I wasn’t wrong! Welcome to the Suvenir restaurant raft!
The blue white shades that immediately reminded me of Greece and the sea were enough for me to decide to visit this raft. When I entered the raft, the enthusiasm was even greater. Blue and white checkered tablecloths, white wood walls with boat decorative objects like helms, wooden chairs in the same shades like the interior and the exterior, were the right choice. Simply by entering this raft, I had the impression that I was on a seashore. A hopeless romantic, like myself, immediately fell to the charms of the Suvenir. The interior part of the restaurant isn’t the only part in this style, there is also the terrace full of flowers, with comfortable chairs, and a beautiful view of the Sava river. Breathtaking!
Since we came for lunch in the early afternoon, the reservation wasn’t needed, which helped a lot. However, if you decide to visit Suvenir in the evening, my advice is to grab your phone and make a reservation. After we took our position, we started to study the menu. The general impression is that this is the restaurant of Serbian cuisine, which I immediately liked. Grill dishes, salads, I especially liked that the main dishes are divided by the type of the meat. I love it when the menu is done systematically, so I don’t have to spend half an hour exploring where certain dish is. So it didn’t take us long to decide.
We started with the Veal soup (190 RSD) - and, yes, I know it's a hot day, but I just can’t sit in a restaurant with national cuisine without ordering one. And it was great! And full of veal, as we say in Serbia -rich!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
It’s summer for a while now, and I wondered where I could go for lunch and run away from the city noise, at least for a couple of hours since because of my work I still can’t go on a vacation. When it’s hot outside, the first thing that comes to my mind is the river, and I decided to take a walk with my friend on the Sava quay (which I haven’t visited for a long time). After a short walk, I noticed a restaurant raft that seemed like the right place for lunch. And I wasn’t wrong! Welcome to the Suvenir restaurant raft!
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Restaurant raft Suvenir |
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Suvenir - garden |
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Suvenir - interior |
We started with the Veal soup (190 RSD) - and, yes, I know it's a hot day, but I just can’t sit in a restaurant with national cuisine without ordering one. And it was great! And full of veal, as we say in Serbia -rich!
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Veal soup |
For the main course we decided for Serbian specialties – Pljeskavica(Burger) and Gourmet meat fritters. Burger (610 RSD) was huge, served with roasted potatoes and onions, and it was a real Serbian dream.
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Burger |
Gourmet meat fritters (610 RSD) when they served them, my first thought was - I'll bring my boyfriend here, and if he says that the portions here are small, he’s not normal. A joke aside, the portion was really huge, and if I knew that, I would order half a portion or I’d share with my friend. I guided myself by the restaurants in the city center, where for 1000 rsd you get two bites, and this was a really pleasant surprise for me. Except that it was a huge portion, It was delicious, too, and I ate the whole thing, but barely! This was one of those dishes that you just feel sorry for not eating it whole. All the praise to the chef!
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Gourmet meat fritters |
In addition to the main dish, we ordered the Garden salad for two (280 RSD) and again it took us by surprise when we the waiter served it. Half of Kalenic's farmers market (I do not exaggerate) was on the plate. And again, I was pleasantly surprised both with quantity and freshness of the vegetables.
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Garden salad for two |
When it comes to the service, the waiter was extremely nice and easy to speak to. We waited a little longer for him to bring us the menu, but it doesn’t matter. Every minute of waiting paid off. The people who come here are mostly family types, but there were also younger people like us. Polite world, as my grandmother would say.
All in all, I simply don’t know what I would say more that hasn’t been said already. In my opinion, The Suvenir is the right place if you want to take your family or friends from abroad to lunch for a decent price, with delicious food, and plus, you don’t have to worry whether someone will go home with an empty stomach. Because that just isn’t possible in this place!
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu until our blog post.
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