Kad hoću da vodim veće društvo na neku proslavu, to je uvek večita muka - treba udovoljiti svima i svim ukusima. U tim situacijama uvek biram proverena, stara mesta u Beogradu, sa tradicijom, i posle malo dužeg premišljanja ovaj put je izbor pao na Staru Carinarnicu.
Stara Carinarnica je restoran koji je poznat beogradskim gurmanima. Nalazi se na Zemunskom keju, u boemskoj četvrti, koja je poznata po dobrim restoranima i koja već decenijama održava svoj ugled. Gastro policija je došla da proveri da li je opravdan glas koji prati ovaj restoran.
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Stara Carinarnica |
Ovo mesto je raj za romantične duše - sav u cigli, starinske zavese i lusteri, sa vatricom koja pirka iz kamina, kada se smestite za sto i osmotrite enterijer, uz bogat i raznovrstan meni, prvo što će vam pasti na pamet je da želite ovde duže da ostanete i uživate, što čulom vida, što čulom ukusa. Leti je otvorena i bašta, koja je prostrana i lepo uređena, tako da romantika ni tad ne zaostaje.
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Stara Carinarnica - enterijer |
Odlučili smo da gastro užitak započnemo predjelom, po predlogu šefa kuhinje - njeguški i užički goveđi pršut, sjenički sir, turšija, ajvar i mladi kajmak. Sve je bilo zaista odlično, od nas čista 10-ka za predjelo, posebno zbog toga što su to njihovi domaći proizvodi, a ne nabavni.
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Predjelo |
Nakon bogatog i preukusnog predjela, usledila je Teleća čorba (220 rsd). Za nju isto imamo samo reči hvale, kao i za predjelo, preukusna, domaća, kao kod bake.
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Teleća čorba |
Potom je usledilo glavno jelo - kao što je već rečeno, trebalo je udovoljiti svim ukusima, tako da smo se odlučili za Jagnjeće (1800 rsd) i Teleće pečenje (2200 rsd) ispod sača, što su, ujedno, i specijaliteti ovog restorana. I ja i moja najbolja drugarica smo ljubitelji telećeg pečenja i za njega nemamo zamerke, bilo je besprekorno. Što se tiče jagnjećeg, bez obzira što nam ''ne leži'', i mi i ostatak ekipe (koji su, itekako, ljubitelji istog) smo se složili da je bilo više kostiju nego krtine, meso je bilo odlično, ali pošto su dominirale kosti nije bio potpun užitak.
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Jagnjetina i teletina ispod sača |
Uz jelo smo pili Crno vino kuće - Merlot (900 rsd), za koje slobodno možemo da kažemo da je jedno od najboljih vina koja smo pili u životu (a probali smo ih mnogo), tako da su i time dokazali zašto drže ugled tolike godine.
Ručak ne bi bio kompletan da na kraju nije išao desert, a pošto je do sad sve bilo u domaćinskom fazonu, odlučili smo se za miks domaćih pita (jabuka, višnja, bundeva - 200 rsd po komadu) i one su, takođe, učinile da se osetimo kao da smo kod bake na nedeljnom ručku.
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Miks domaćih pita (jabuka, višnja, bundeva) |
Kada se osvrnete oko sebe videćete ljude svih generacija, što znači da romantika ne zna za godine i da svi vole da uživaju u njoj.
Osoblje moram posebno da pohvalim, za njih bi morala da se smisli nova reč jer je preljubazno blaga - u svakom trenutku su tu za vas i sve će vam odgovoriti sa širokim osmehom.
Za kraj mogu samo da kažem da je ovo mesto koje ne smete da zaobiđete, kad krenete da posećujete restorane u ovom delu zemunskog keja, a uverićete se i zašto.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
When I want to go out with a larger company for a celebration, it’s always hard to choose a restaurant according to everyone’s taste. In these situations, I always choose traditional, respectable, old restaurants in Belgrade, and after some long thinking, this time I chose the Stara Carinarnica restaurant.
Stara Carinarnica is the very well known restaurant among Belgrade gourmets. It is located on the Zemun quay, in the Bohemian quarter, which is known for good restaurants and which maintains its reputation for decades. Gastro police came to check whether the reputation that accompanies this restaurant is legitimate.
When I want to go out with a larger company for a celebration, it’s always hard to choose a restaurant according to everyone’s taste. In these situations, I always choose traditional, respectable, old restaurants in Belgrade, and after some long thinking, this time I chose the Stara Carinarnica restaurant.
Stara Carinarnica is the very well known restaurant among Belgrade gourmets. It is located on the Zemun quay, in the Bohemian quarter, which is known for good restaurants and which maintains its reputation for decades. Gastro police came to check whether the reputation that accompanies this restaurant is legitimate.
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Stara Carinarnica |
This place is a paradise for romantics - all in brick, antique curtains and chandeliers, with cozy fire crackling in the fireplace, when take a seat and observe the interior, and rich and varied menu, the first thing that’ll come to your mind is that you want to stay here longer and enjoy, both with the sense of vision and taste. There’s a garden open during summer, which is spacious and nicely decorated, so the romance lasts during that time, too.
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Stara Carinarnica - interior |
We decided to start this culinary delight with the appetizer, recommended by the chef - Njegus and Uzice beef prosciutto, Sjenica white cheese, pickled food, ajvar and young kaymak. Everything was really perfect, A+ for the appetizer, especially because all of these products are home-made, not store bought.
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Appetizer |
After the rich and delicious appetizer, it was time for the Veal soup (220 RSD). We have nothing but praise for it, like for the appetizer, delicious, home-made, like grandma used to make.
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Veal soup |
Then came the main course - as I already said, it was necessary to satisfy everyone’s taste, so we chose the Lamb roast (1800 RSD) and Veal roast(2200 RSD) under the bell, which are the specialties of this restaurant. Both my best friend and I are fans of veal roast and we have nothing bad to say about this one, it was flawless. As for the lamb roast, no matter the fact that it’s not our “cup of tea”, the two of us and the rest of our friends (who are, indeed, fans of the lamb roast) agreed that there were more bones than the lean meet, the meat was excellent, but since the bones dominated, the satisfaction wasn’t complete.
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Lamb and veal roast under the bell |
With the meal we drank Red house wine - Merlot (900 RSD), for which we can say that it is one of the best wines we drank in our lives (and we have tried a lot of them), so even by the wine they proved why they maintain the good reputation for so many years.
Lunch would not be complete without some dessert at the end of it, and since so far everything was home-made, we decided for the mix of home-made pies (apple, cherry, pumpkin - 200 RSD per piece) and those also made us feel like we're at grandma's on Sunday lunch.
When you look around, you’ll see people of all ages, which means that the romance doesn’t have any age boundaries and that we all like to enjoy it.
The staff I have to commend in particular, for them I would have to come up with a new word because“ kind“ is not good enough - at any time they are there for you and they will give you an answer to any of your questions with a big smile on their face.
All in all, I can only say that this is the place you shouldn’t pass while visiting restaurants in this part of the Zemun quay, you will see why.
Love, Gastro police !!
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