Toliko puta smo pisale o restoranima na Zemunskom keju da bi neko pomislio da potenciramo na njemu. Ovaj put ćemo isto uraditi, a svako ko je ovde bio makar jednom zna da je ovo deo grada koji je veoma bogat kvalitetnim restoranima.
Tricolore |
Restoran Tricolore se nalazi na kraju Zemunskog keja i predstavlja pravu oazu mira i elegancije, pa ko je u potrazi za tim - na pravom je mestu. U ovom italijanskom restoranu bićete dočekani na nivou, a kako popodne nije gužva, možete da birate gde ćete da sednete i na miru odlučite šta ćete da ručate. Prostor je veoma lepo uređen - gomila slika na zidu, sa stilskim nameštajem, kristalnim lusterima. U ovom restoranu je velika pažnja posvećena i toaletima, koji su zaista besprekorni.
Tricolore - enterijer |
Meni je striktno italijanski sa velikim izborom tradicionalnih italijanskih jela. Ono po čemu su poznati je da su sve paste, tj. testa homemade, tako da imate priliku da uživate u domaćoj, italijanskoj kuhinji. Nas tri smo se odlučile za Lazanju Toscana (750 rsd), Tagliolini Tricolore (700 rsd) i Il Petto di anatra - Pačije grudi u sosu od četiri vrste bibera (1200 rsd). Drugarice su za piće uzele koktele Mojito i Sex on the beach, jer im je zapalo za oko to što su oni bili izdvojeni kao kokteli dana, po ceni od 290 rsd, a ja sam uzela jedno od svojih omiljenih desertnih vina Graham's Fine Ruby 0.1l (550 rsd), jer su mi rekli da nema kupinovog vina, koje sam prvo tražilia. Uz sve to smo uzele gaziranu vodu Vrnjci 1l (210 rsd), jer smo znale da ćemo sigurno ožedneti. Kao kuver (170 rsd), bilo nam je posluženo parče pice Margarite, koje je bilo ukusno, mada mislim da je kuver mogao da bude kreativniji, ali dobro, dobijete ono što i piše.
Mojito i Sex on the beach |
Graham's Fine Ruby |
Kuver |
Što se glavnog jela tiče, sve tri smo zaista uživale. Lazanje su bile tople, sočne sa mekim testom, tako da opravdavaju ugled italijanskog restorana, jer danas se u Beogradu svašta naziva lazanjama. Taljolini isto, pravo italijansko jelo, a posebna pohvala za moje jelo, pačije grudi u sosu od četiri vrste bibera. Pačetina pečena taman kako i koliko treba, sa biberom koji je i više nego savršeno doprineo ukusu (u ovom slučaju sam skroz subjektivna, jer mi je to omiljeni začin), poslužena sa odličnim grilovanim povrćem.
Lasagna Toscana |
Tagliolini Tricolore | | |
Il Petto di anatra |
Uz glavno jelo bila nam je poslužena i Focaccia (200 rsd) - topli hlepčići sa belim lukom i maslinovim uljem koji su bili preukusni, ali mislim da je trebalo da pitaju da li ih želimo, jer je svakako mojim drugaricama ovo uz pastu i lazanju bilo suvišno, a ja ne jedem hleb, probale smo samo radi reda, ali šta je tu je, navikle smo na iznenađenja po restoranima.
Focaccia |
Moje drugarice su se odlučile i za desert, tako da je ovaj put izbor pao na Tiramisu (350 rsd), koji je ispunio sva njihova očekivanja i zadovoljstvo je bilo podjednako kao i prilikom konzumacije glavnog jela.
Tiramisu |
Na kraju je i plaćanje računa bila izuzetno zanimljiva stvar. Pored već pomenute focaccia-e, na računu je pisao da kokteli koštaju 385 rsd umesto 290 rsd. Ovde se uopšte ne radi o razlici od 95, tj. 180 rsd, nego o tome što se te stvari po restoranima redovno dešavaju. Odlučile smo da pitamo konobara o čemu je reč i kada smo to učinile i objasnile mu da u meniju piše da su to kokteli dana i da im je cena 290 rsd, bio je zbunjen. Rekao je da to novi kolega nije znao, da je ta ponuda ranije bila vikendom (nigde nije pisalo vikend), ali je rekao da će korigovati račun, što je i uradio.
Tricolore je mesto gde ćete i više nego uživati u hrani, gde ćete biti ljubazno usluženi, sa malim pratećim iznenađenjima. O ekipi ne mogu ništa da kažem jer je pored nas ukupno bilo još nekoliko osoba, ali verujem da bi se većini svidelo. Ako želite da osetite ukus Italije u Beogradu, ovo je vaša destinacija.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
For so many times we wrote about restaurants in the Zemun quay that one would think that we potentiate on it. This time we’re doing the same, and anyone who has ever been here at least once knows that this part of the city is full of high-quality restaurants.
Tricolore |
The restaurant Tricolore is located at the end of the Zemun quay and it represents a true oasis of peace and elegance, so if you’re looking for that – this is the right place. In this Italian restaurant, the high- level service will welcome you, and as it isn’t crowded in the afternoon, you can choose where you want to sit and figure out what to eat for lunch. The restaurant is very nicely decorated - a bunch of photos on the walls, antique furniture, crystal chandeliers and the impeccable toilet- you’ll surely enjoy it.
Tricolore - interior |
The menu is mainly Italian, but there are other dishes, so there’s something for everyone. Their signature sign are pastas, ie. pasta dough, that are homemade, so you have the opportunity to enjoy local, Italian cuisine. The three of us chose the Lasagna Toscana (750 RSD), Tagliolini Tricolore (700 RSD) and Il Petto di anatra - Duck breast in a sauce of four kinds of pepper (1200 rsd). My friends were drinking cocktails Mojito and Sex on the beach, because they saw the offer on the menu, these cocktails have been singled out as the cocktails of the day, for a price of 290 rsd each, and I had one of my favorite dessert wines Graham's Fine Ruby 0.1l (550 RSD), because I was told that there’s no blackberry wine, which I wanted first. With all that we had mineral water Vrnjci 1l (210 RSD), because we knew that we’ll get thirsty. As Cover charge (170 RSD), we were served a slice of pizza Margarita, which was delicious, nice pastry with a nice topping, but I think that the cover charge could be a bit more creative, but well, you get everything that it says in the description of it.
Mojito and Sex on the beach |
Graham's Fine Ruby |
Cover charge |
As for the main course, the three of us really enjoyed. Lasagna was hot, juicy with soft pasta, so they justify their reputation of an Italian restaurant, since these days you can find a lot of so-called lasagnas in Belgrade. The same for Tagliolini, genuine Italian dish, and a special praise for my dish, Duck breast in a sauce of four kinds of pepper. Duck cooked just how it should be, with the pepper sauce which contributed to this perfect taste (in this case I'm totally subjective, because it's my favorite spice), served with excellent grilled vegetables, all of this was more than enough to make our day beautiful.
Lasagna Toscana |
Tagliolini Tricolore |
Il Petto di anatra |
With the main course, they served us Foccacia (200 RSD) - warm buns with garlic and olive oil, they were delicious, but I think they should’ve asked us whether we even want them, because it was needless to my friends with the pasta and lasagna, and I don’t eat bread, we only tried it to see what’s it like, but it is what it is, we’re used to surprises in restaurants.
Foccacia |
My friends wanted dessert as well, so this time the choice was Tiramisu (350 RSD), which met all their expectations and the satisfaction was about the same as it was during the main dish.
Tiramisu |
In the end, the bill payment was very interesting. In addition to the above-mentioned foccacia, it said on the bill that each cocktail costs 385 rsd instead 290 rsd. It’s not about the difference in 95, ie. 180 rsd, but instead in the fact that these things happen regularly in restaurants. We decided to ask the waiter what it was about and when we asked and explained to him that in the menu those cocktails were on the Cocktails of the day list and that their price is 290 rsd on that same list, he was confused. He said that the previous waiter, who just started working for them, wasn’t familiar with the fact that this offer is only during weekends (even though, in the menu, it doesn’t say that it’s weekend only offer), but he said the bill will be corrected, and indeed it was.
Tricolore is the restaurant where you will more than enjoy the food, where you will be kindly served with some little surprises. I can’t say anything about the type of guests, because there were only a few people, but I believe the majority of people would like this restaurant. If you want to feel the taste of Italy in Belgrade, this is your destination.
Love Gastro police!!
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