Ove nedelje verovali ili ne, Gastro policija nije patrolirala ni po Novom Beogradu, ni po Vračaru! Ove nedelje zaputili smo se u malo udaljenije delove Beograda, da izvidimo kakvo je stanje po restoranima tamo. Na preporuku par prijatelja rešile smo da posetimo Borču i bar restoran La'gano.
La'gano |
Bar restoran La'gano će vam zapasti odmah za oko velikom baštom sa preudobnim foteljama u nijansama bele kafe. U skladu sa eksterijerom, namešten je i enterijer gde preovlađuju tople zemljane boje. Izuzetno šarmantan, na dva nivoa, sa velikim šankom i ljubaznim osobljem mogu slobodno da kažem da svojim izgledom može da parira bar restoranima koji se nalaze po centru Beograda. Ali da vidimo da li i po hrani može da parira?
La'gano - eksterijer |
La'gano - enterijer
Što se tiče menija, izuzetno je šarenolik. Pored svakog jela i cene, imate i fotografiju jela, i sudeći po njima zaista deluje da za male pare možete lepo da jedete. Mi smo ovoga puta naručile Klub sendviče, Losos salatu, Svinjski file i Naćose. Pa da krenemo redom!
Klub sendvič (340 rsd) bio je serviran sa pomfritom za koji zaista nemam zamerki, međutim piletina u sendviču mi je bila isuviše suva i nezačinjena. Losos salata (390 rsd) me je oduševila, prvo zbog ogromne količine lososa, drugo zbog savršenog ukusa! Po gradu sam navikla da za tri puta višu cenu dobijem tri puta manju količinu lososa. Povrće u salati je bilo sveže, a dresing od maslinovog ulja i limete savršeno se uklopio u celo jelo. Svinjski file (470 rsd) je opet kao i piletina bio malo suvlji za moj ukus, ali s obzirom da je bio rolovan pršutom i dimljenim kačkavaljem bilo je manje primetno (ali nepcima Gastro policije ne može ništa da promakne). Uz ovo jelo kao prilog služio se začinjeni krompir koji je bio savršen. Naćosi (150 rsd) su bili servirani sa soja sosom i slatko ljutim sosom (koji naravno nisu bili home made već gotovi kupljeni proizvodi), ali za ovu količinu para nema potrebe za žalbom.
Klub sendvič |
Losos salata |
Svinjski file |
Naćos |
Jednom rečju - šarmantan lokalni bar. Osoblje na nivou, prostor izuzetno prijatan (po meni je donji nivo mnogo prijatniji od gornjeg), odnos cena-porcija savršen!! Pa tako, da ukoliko želite malo da izađete iz gradske gužve, i da za male pare lepo prezalogajite, toplo preporučujem ovo mesto. Nama je zaista prijala promena lokacije na kratak period, a sigurne smo da će i vama.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Believe it or not, this week, Gastro police wasn’t patrolling neither across New Belgrade, nor Vracar! This week we went to a bit more distant parts of Belgrade, to scout the situation in restaurants over there. On the recommendation of some friends, we decided to visit Borca and the bar restaurant La'gano.
La'gano |
Bar restaurant La'gano’s large garden, with comfortable armchairs in shades of white coffee, will immediately catch your eye. In keeping with the exterior, the interior is also designed in warm earth colors. Extremely charming, on two levels, with a large bar and friendly staff, I can freely say that with its design, this place can compete the bar restaurants in the city center. But let's see if the food can compete as well?
La'gano - exterior |
La'gano - interior |
As for the menu, it is very versatile. Next to the name of each dish and the prices, there is the photo of the dish, and according to those, it really seems that you can get a good, budget-friendly meal. This time, we ordered Club sandwiches, Salmon salad, Pork fillet and Nachos.So let's start!
Club sandwich (340 RSD) was served with fries for which I really have no complaints, however the chicken in my sandwich was too dry and unseasoned. I was thrilled with the Salmon salad (390 RSD), firstly because of the huge quantity of salmon, secondly because it tasted perfect! In the city center, I got used to getting three times smaller amount of salmon for three times bigger price. The vegetables in the salad were fresh and the olive oil and lime dressing was a perfect fit in the whole dish. Pork fillet (470 RSD), again like the chicken, was a little dry to my taste, but since it was rolled with prosciutto and smoked cheese, the dryness was less noticeable (but nothing can escape the palates of Gastro police). Seasoned potatoes were served as a side dish with this fillet and they were perfect. Nachos (150 RSD) were served with a soy sauce and with sweet and spicy sauce (of course, those weren’t home made but store bought), but for this price there’s no need for complaining.
Club sandwich |
Salmon salad |
Pork fillet |
Nachos |
In a word - a charming local bar. High level staff, very pleasant ambiance (in my opinion, the lower part of the restaurant is much cozier than the upper one), the perfect price-portion ratio!! So I highly recommend this place if you want to escape the city noise a little, and have a good meal on a budget. We really enjoyed in changing the location for a short period of time, and we are sure you will, too.
Love, Gastro police !!
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