Dođoše hladni dani, a sa njima i prva kijavica i želja za odlaskom na neko mirno i ušuškano mesto. Posle malo druženja sa mojim vernim prijateljem Google-om, uspela sam da pronađem restoran koji bi trebalo da odgovara mojim trenutnim zahtevima. Pa da vidimo da li je zaista tako! Pravac na Novi Beograd u restoran Azzaro Belville!
Azzaro Belville |
Kao što u imenu stoji, restoran je smešten u naselju Belville, na Novom Beogradu. Kada sam ušla u ovaj restoran, to je bila zaista ljubav na prvi pogled. Malen, ušuškan, otmen, a opet opušten, imao je nešto posebno u sebi. Podsetio me je na neke francuske restorane, a opet sa dozom italijanskog duha, sa velikim tirkiznim žaluzinama koje su me pak asocirale na Mediteran i delovale smirujuće na mene. Jako brzo nam je preljubazna devojka našla mesto gde smo se smestile i na red je došao odabir hrane.
Azzaro Belville - enterijer |
Meni je internacionalnog karaktera, i jako mi se svidelo što pored svakog naziva jela stoji i slika, tako da nema nikakvog iznenađenja šta ćete dobiti na tanjiru. Posle jako dugog premišljenja jer izbor jela je zaista zanimljiv, odlučile smo se za Pileće rolnice i Obrok salatau sa piletinom i pomorandžom. Naravno uz jelo sam zbog gore pomenute kijavice naručila kuvano vino. Kao što sam i pretpostavila jela su zaista bila kao sa fotografija. Pileće rolnice su bile nadevene kačkavaljem, tikvicama i paprikom, a kao prilog uz njih je išao rižoto sa karijem i tikvicama, a obrok salata je pored piletine i pomorandže bila poslužena uz slatko ljuti sos, sveže povrće i indijski orah. Pored toga što su jela bila lepo servirana, bila su i ukusna. Cena salate je 450 rsd, a piletine 690 rsd, što zaista spada u jeftiniju varijantu. Kuvano vino bilo je posluženo sa nanom, što mu je zaista dalo savršen ukus.
Pileće rolnice |
Obrok salata sa piletinom i pomorandžom |
Kuvano vino |
Nakon večere, ostalo je još mesta u stomaku, tako da smo se odlučile za desert, a i moram da priznam da nisam mogla da odolim slikama kolača kada sam ih videla u meniju. Tako da je izbor pao na Azzaro čoko tortu i Domaći čizkejk. Čoko torta je bila servirana sa sladoledom i šumskim voćem što joj je dalo dozu svežine i razbilo preslatki ukus čokolade, a čizkejk samim tim što je domaći, znači da nije klasičan, te je bio sa pomorandžom (u Azzaru ga zovu Jaffa čizkejk, tako da možete da naslutite ostale sastojke). Oba deserta su bila savršena, i preukusna (čak i meni koja nisam toliki ljubitelj slatkiša).
Jaffa cheesecake |
Azzaro čoko torta |
Ekipa koja ovde dolazi su uglavnom lokalci, tako da nemate onaj osećaj uštogljenosti, još kad se tome pridoda izuzetna ljubaznost od strane osoblja, imate osećaj kao da ste kod kuće. Od srca ću preporučiti ovaj restoran svima, jer sam zaista očarana njime. Probudio je neku romantiku u meni, tako da ću mu se rado opet vratiti. A vi, ukoliko želite neku intimnu večericu sa svojom drugom polovinom - Azzaro belville je kao stvoren za to!
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Since the cold days arrived, and with them the first cold and the desire for going to a quiet and cozy place. After a little socializing with my trusty friend Google, I managed to find a restaurant that should suit my current requirements. Let's see whether that’s true or not! Heading to New Belgrade, in the restaurant Azzaro Belville!
Azzaro Belville |
As its name says, the restaurant is located in Belville, in New Belgrade.When I walked into this restaurant, it was really the love at first sight. Small, tucked away, stylish, yet relaxed, there was something special in it. It reminded me of some French restaurants, but still with a touch of Italian spirit, and large turquoise blinds that turned out to remind me of the Mediterranean and they had a calming effect on me. Very quickly, a kind girl found us a table and the time has come to select the food.
Azzaro Belville - interior |
The international menu, and I really liked that next to each meal there is a photo of it, so there's no surprise in what you’ll get on your plate. After a very long thinking, because the choice of dishes is really interesting, we decided to order Chicken rolls and Chicken and orange salad meal. Of course, along with the food, due to the above mentioned cold I ordered some mulled wine. As I assumed, the dishes were really like from the photos. Chicken rolls stuffed with cheese, zucchini and peppers, with a risotto with curry and zucchini as a side dish, and the sweet chili sauce was served with the salad beside chicken and oranges, fresh vegetables and cashew nuts. In addition to the dishes being served nicely, they were delicious as well. The price of the salad meal is 450 rsd, and for the chicken 690 rsd, which is really considered cheap. Mulled wine was served with mint, which was the perfect addition to the perfect taste.
Chicken rolls |
Chicken and orange salad meal |
Mulled wine |
After dinner, there was still some room in the stomach, so we decided to have a dessert, and I must admit that I couldn’t resist the cake photos when I saw them on the menu. So we chose Azzaro chocolate cake and Homemade cheesecake. Chocolate cake was served with ice cream and wild berries which gave a dose of freshness and it reduced the too sweet flavor of the chocolate, and the cheesecake since it was homemade, it wasn’t a classic one, and it was made with orange (in Azzaro they call it Jaffa cheesecake, so you get a hint of the other ingredients). Both desserts were perfect, and delicious (even to me, and I'm not a big fan of sweets).
Jaffa cheesecake |
Azzaro chocolate cake |
The guests that come here are mostly locals, so you don’t get that feeling of stiff atmosphere, and when we add the exquisite courtesy of the staff, you feel like you're at home. From my heart I will recommend this restaurant to everyone, because I'm really fascinated by it. It evokes romance in me, so I'd be happy to come back. And you, if you want an intimate dinner with your second half - Azzaro Belville is perfect for it!
Love, Gastro police!!
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