Gastro policija je opet odlučila da ode u deo grada koji je poznat po odličnim restoranima, a da ne bi ispalo da moja najbolja drugarica previše potencira na svom vračarskom lokal-patriotizmu, ovaj put sam ja preuzela na sebe i da biram mesto i da pišem o njemu. Ovaj put posetile smo Patlidžan.
Patlidžan je, kao i većina restorana na ovoj opštini, ušuškan u maloj ulici i mami svojim simpatičnim logoom u vidu veselog patlidžana i ne preterano velikim prostorom.
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Patlidžan |
Modernog dizajna, u kom preovladava ljubičasta boja, inače jedna od mojih omiljenih, sa ispisanim plafonom, ovaj restoran odiše toplinom i gostoprimstvom i već sam pogled na enterijer će učiniti da se osećate prijatno.
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Patlidžan - enterijer |
Kad smo se smestile u udobne fotelje, pored prozora, pažljivo smo pregledale meni, koji je neobičan, sa veoma originalnim spojevima. Dok smo razmišljale za koji specijalitet da se odlučimo, naručile smo po čašu našeg omiljenog vina Život teče, vinarija Zvonko Bogdan (370 rsd). Posle 10-ominutnog dvoumljenja, ja sam se odlučila za Pileće grudi špikovane jabukom u sosu od pistaća, pomorandže i kajsija (850 rsd), a drugarica za Svinjski file sa suvim šljivama i mocarelom u krem sosu od badema i žalfije (890 rsd). Pre glavnog jela bio nam je poslužen Kuver (80 rsd) koji se sastoji od sjajnih, toplih lepinjica, projica sa paprikom i krem sosom sa belim lukom. Jedan od boljih kuvera koje sam jela i nadala sam se da oduševljenje neće ništa biti manje za glavno jelo. I nisam se prevarila. Moje jelo se pokazalo kao sjajan spoj ukusa, piletina je bila u sjajnoj harmoniji sa navedenim sosom i jabukom, a doza ljutine bila je baš onaj ''tajni začin'' koji nazivaju malom tajnom velikih majstora. Krompir kao prilog je odlično išao uz ovaj spoj ukusa. Utisci moje drugarice nisu bili ništa manje pozitivni, pored sjajnog spoja filea i suvih šljiva, bila je i više nego oduševljena kroketom od krompira koji je bio serviran uz njeno jelo. Ukus kroketa upotpunila je hrskava slanina i mocarela, koja se nalazila u njemu.
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Kuver |
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Pileće grudi špikovane jabukom u sosu od pistaća, pomorandže i kajsija |
Što se tiče cena, primetila sam da su niže u odnosu na restorane u okolini Vračara, tj. odnos cena-kvalitet je i više nego korektan. Osoblje je izuzetno ljubazno i na svaki način će gledati da vam izađe u susret. Primera radi, za stolom blizu našeg bio je par sa detetom, dečakom oko 5 godina i ljubazna konobarica je ponudila dečaku da mu donese bojice i bojanku, tako da ko dolazi sa decom, da zna da ima zanimacije i za njih. Ekipa je, kad smo mi bile, bila pretežno između 30-40 godina, ali verujem da i mlađi i stariji rado biraju ovaj restoran.
Za kraj mogu samo da zaključim da je lokal-patriotizam moje drugarice skroz opravdan, bar kad su vračarski restorani u pitanju.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
And again, Gastro police decided to visit the part of the city that is known for its excellent restaurants, and not to turn out that my best friend emphasizes her local-patriotism (Vracar), this time I took it upon myself both to choose the restaurant and to write about it. This time we visited Patlidzan.
Like most restaurants in this municipality, Patlidzan is tucked away in a small street , it allures with its charming logo in the form of a playful eggplant, and with its not overly large space.
Like most restaurants in this municipality, Patlidzan is tucked away in a small street , it allures with its charming logo in the form of a playful eggplant, and with its not overly large space.
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Patlidzan |
Modernly designed, with color purple predominanting, one of my favorites btw, with the decorated ceiling, this restaurant shows warmth and hospitality, even after taking one look at the interior, it will make you feel comfortable.
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Patlidzan - interior |
When we settled into the comfortable armchairs, by the window, we carefully looked at the menu, which is unusual, with a very original compounds. While we were thinking about which speciality to order, we ordered a glass of our favorite wine Zivot tece, winery Zvonko Bogdan (370 RSD). After 10 minutes of deciding, I ordered Chicken breast lightly stuffed with crispy apples served in a pistachio, orange and apricot jam sauce (850 RSD), and my friend Pork fillet with prunes and mozzarella in an almond and sage cream sauce (890 RSD). Before the main course they served us the Cover charge (80 RSD), which consists of great, warm buns, corn bread muffins with bell pepper and garlic cream sauce. One of the better cover charges that I had and I was hoping that enthusiasm won’t be less for the main course. And I wasn’t wrong. My dish turned out to be a great blend of flavors, the chicken was in perfect harmony with the above mentioned sauce and apples,and a little dose of spiciness was like the ''secret spice'', the small secrets of the great chefs. Potatoes as a side dish went along great with this blend of flavors. Impressions of my friends were no less positive, in addition to the great combination of fillet and prunes, she was more than delighted with potato croquette that was served with her dish. The taste of that croquette was complemented by the crispy bacon and mozzarella, which was in it.
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Cover charge |
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Chicken breast lightly stuffed with crispy apples served in a pistachio, orange and apricot jam sauce |
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Pork fillet with prunes and mozzarella in an almond and sage cream sauce |
As for the prices, I noticed that they are lower compared to the restaurants around Vracar, ie. the price-quality ratio is more than fair. The staff is extremely friendly and they wil try to meet your demands. For example, the table was close to ours there was a couple with a child, a boy about 5 years old, and the kind waitress offered the boy to bring him some crayons and a coloring book, so when you come with children, know that there are some fun activities for them. During our visit, the guests were mostly people between 30-40 years, but I believe that both younger and older generation gladly choose this restaurant.
All in all, I can only conclude that the local patriotism of my friend is totally justified, at least when it comes to the restaurants in Vracar Municipality.
Love, Gastro police !!
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