U poslednje vreme smo moja najbolja drugarica i ja često komentarisale kako u Beogradu ne možete da pojedete dobar burger za cenu koja bi bila pristupačna svima, kako je teško naći dobar odnos cene i kvaliteta. Baš u periodu kad smo mislile da se to skoro neće promeniti, bilo nam je izuzetno drago kad smo otkrile Burger plus.
Jedno veče, nakon šopingovanja u Delta city-u predložila sam svojoj drugarici da pojedemo nešto i ona je rekla da bismo mogle da skoknemo do Belvila, jer je čula da tamo ima fast food sa sjajnim burgerima.
Burger plus (Belvil) - eksterijer |
Burger plus predstavlja lanac izuzetno simpatičnih lokalčića, u stilu tipičnih američkih snack barova. Možete da ih posetite na Novom Beogradu, Vračaru, Vidikovcu, Železniku ili Zvezdari, u skladu sa tim gde se nalazite, a ako vam nijedna od ovih lokacija ne odgovara, vrše i dostavu, tako da možete da degustirate njihove obroke i u toplini svog doma.
Burger plus (Belvil) - enterijer |
Burger plus (Kralja Milana) - enterijer |
Prvo što će vam zapasti za oko kad pogledate meni su veoma povoljne cene, da se zapitate da li će vam količinski biti dovoljno. Imate mogućnost da uzmete samo burger, ili obrok. Tako smo se drugarica i ja odlučile za Gurman i Pileći obrok, u kom se pored burgera nalazi i pomfrit i piće po izboru, u našem slučaju coca-cola. To zadovoljstvo koštalo nas je po 290 rsd i to mala porcija od koje ćete, verujte mi dugo biti siti. Ako ste ipak mnogo gladni i ako vam je apetit baš povećan, imate i opciju da uzmete veliki obrok. Uživale smo u svakom zalogaju, jer je meso kvalitetno i sveže, a pomfrit lepo spremljen. Posebno mi je drago što su u pitanju domaći proizvodi, što potvrđuje da i u Srbiji može nešto kvalitetno da funkcioniše, ako postoje uslovi za rad. Kao MC Donald's, ali bolje, tako bih na najjednostavniji način opisala Burger plus.
Bile smo i u onom u Kralja Milana i tamo smo probale Klasik i Onion obrok, koji nisu izneverili naša očekivanja. Pored burgera, ovde možete da pojedete i krilca i sladoled, koje još uvek nismo probale, ali verujemo da ništa ne zaostaju za burgerima.
Gurman i pileći obrok |
Pileći burger |
Gurman burger |
Klasik burger |
Poseban deo moram da posvetim osoblju. Kad smo bile u Belvilu videle smo da je velika gužva, što zbog gostiju, što zbog toga što su neprekidno zvonili telefoni radi dostave i bilo nam je jasno da ćemo malo čekati, što je u redu. Platila sam, devojka za kasom mi je rekla da sednem i da će me pozvati kad bude gotovo. Prošlo je više od pola sata, u lokalu smo ostale samo moja drugarica i ja, neki što su došli posle nas dobili su hranu pre nas. Išla sam logikom da su verovatno naručili telefonom i zato su dobili veoma brzo po dolasku. Taman kad sam se spremila da pitam o čemu je reč devojka za kasom me je pitala šta beše čekamo i ponovila sam joj našu porudžbinu. Rekla je kako su zaboravili da spreme jer se negde zagubio broj, na šta sam joj ja odgovorila kako čekamo više od pola sata a njen odgovor na to bilo je, drsko: ''j....ga''! Malo je reći da sam bila šokirana! Kao prvo, kakvo je to ponašanje?! Kao drugo, ja izgledam dosta mlađe za svoje godine, ali ja sam 30-ogodišnjakinja koja se tako nije ponašala ni sa 20, koliko ta devojka verovatno ima godina, znači nema ni elementarno vaspitanje. Samo sam se zapitala na šta bi ličilo da meni tako dođe pacijent u ordinaciju, da mu propišem lek koji mu je potreban i ja da mu kažem da nema tog leka uz komentar ''j....ga''! U ovom lokalu u Belvilu za osoblje 1 od mene.
Što se tiče Burger plusa u Kralja Milana, tamo bih osoblje nazvala pogubljenim. Prvi put kad smo bile tamo devojka koja radi nam je, dok smo se tek spremale da krenemo, odnela tacnu i u toj brzini nismo videle da nam je bacila bedž Gastro policije. Drugi put, druga devojka nam je umesto obroka donela samo burgere, ali je odmah ispravila grešku, kad smo joj rekle, naravno.
Za hranu čista 5-ica, sa iskrenim željama da se osoblje malo dovede u red. Ako želite ukusnu, pravu hranu koja će vas zasititi, nema dvoumljenja da li ovde da jedete.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Lately, my best friend and I often commented that, in Belgrade, you can’t find a good burger for a reasonable price, and how hard it is to find a good price-quality ratio. Just at the time when we thought that this won’t change soon, we were very pleased when we discovered Burger plus.
One evening, after our shopping spree in Delta city, I suggested that we get something to eat and my friend said that we could go to Belville, because she heard that there is this fast food bar with great burgers.
Burger plus (Belville) - exterior |
Burger Plus represents a chain of very nice little bars, resembling the typical American snack bars. You can visit them in New Belgrade, Vracar, Vidikovac, Zeleznik or Zvezdara, depending on where you are, and if any of these locations isn’t working for you there is also the option of delivery , so you can enjoy their meals in the comfort of your own home.
Burger plus (Belville) - interior |
Burger plus (King Milan Street) - interior |
The first thing that will catch your eye when you look at the menu are the very reasonable prices and it makes you wonder whether it will be enough in quantity. You have the option to order only a burger, or a meal. So my friend and I decided to order Gurman(Gourmand) and Chicken burger meal, in that meal, next to the burgers, you get fries and a drink of your choice, in our case Coca-cola. This satisfaction cost us 290 rsd each, and it was a small meal version, and believe me, your stomach will be full for a while after eating this. In case you are really hungry or have a big appetite, you have the option to order a large meal. We enjoyed every bite, because the meat was good and fresh, and the fries very tasty. I’m particularly pleased that they use local products, which confirms that in Serbia something can function well, if the working conditions are good. Like McDonald's, but better, that would be the simplest way to describe Burger plus.
We also visited Burger plus in the King Milan Street and there we tried Classic and Onion burger meal, which also met our expectations. Besides burgers, here you can eat chicken wings and ice cream, which we haven’t tried yet, but we believe that these are as good as the burgers.
Gurman(Gourmand) i Chicken burger meal |
Chicken burger |
Gurman burger |
Classic burger |
A special part I have to dedicate to the staff. When we were in Belville, there was a big line, due to the fact that there was a lot of guests and because the phones for the delivery were constantly ringing, and it was clear to us that we would wait a little, which was ok. I paid, the girl behind the counter told me to take a seat and that she would call me when the food is done. More than half an hour had passed, we remained the only guests in the bar, some people who came after us were given food before us. I thought that they probably ordered by phone, so they got their food very quickly upon arrival. Just when I got ready to ask what’s going on, the girl behind the counter asked me what we were waiting for and I repeated our order to her. She said that they forgot to prepare our food because the order number has been misplaced somewhere, to which I replied that we are waiting for more than half an hour, and she just rudely said : '' F.... it '! I was shocked! Firstly, what kind of attitude is that ?! Secondly, I look quite young for my age, but I'm a 30 year-old, I didn’t act like that even when i was 20, so the mother of that girl probably didn’t tech her any manners. I just wondered what it would look like if a patient comes to the clinic, where I work as a doctor, and he needs a presription for his medicine and I just tell him that we don’t have it anymore, and I just say '' f .... it '! A big minus for the staff in Belville.
As for the Burger plus in King Milan Street, I think the staff there is a bit confused. The first time we were there, the girl who works there, as we were preparing to leave, she took our tray away and in all that speed we didn’t see that she threw our Gastro police badge. The second time, another girl brought us only burgers instead meals, but she immediately corrected the mistake, when we told her, of course.
For the food I give them an A, with sincere wishes that the staff adjust themselves. If you want a delicious, real food that will fill you up, there's no doubt whether to eat here or not.
Love, Gastro police !!
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