Ovonedeljno popodne provela sam u Borči, u poseti kod prijatelja kog nisam dugo videla. Na njegov predlog otišli smo na ručak u jedan od poznatijih lokalnih bar restorana u ovom kraju - Ole. Moram da priznam da čim sam kročila u ovaj restoran, zaljubila sam se u enterijer. Roze i zeleni dvosedi i sive ogromne fotelje koje mame svojom udobnošću, uklopljene uz svetlo drvo podsetile su me na meni omiljene restorane u gradu.
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Ole - enterijer |
Nažalost, pošto je hladno, baštu nisam uspela uživo da ocenim, ali sudeći po fotografijama sa neta i komentarima mog prijatelja, mogla bih da je ocenim kao izuzetno prijatnu i romantičnu bašticu, idealnu za ispijanje jutarnjih kafica.
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Ole - eksterijer |
Osim što je restoran, Ole je i sportski centar, tako da je epicentar sportskih dešavanja u ovom delu grada, i pravo mesto ukoliko želite na video bimu da propratite neku utakmicu.
No, Gastro policija se kao i uvek baca na najbitniji deo - Meni. Meni je barskog tipa, što će reći da su zastupljenje paste, rižota, pice, kao i Ole specijaliteti sa mesom, tortilje, deserti, kao i meni doručka. Cene su izuzetno niske, a plus toga imate mogućnost i da naručite po pola porcije ukoliko niste baš gladni. Ovog puta izbor je pao na Pastu sa morskim plodovima (500 rsd), Pesto Đenoveze (510 rsd) i Carsku piletinu (560 rsd).
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Carska piletina |
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Pesto Đenoveze |
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Pasta sa morskim plodovima |
Moram da priznam da nisam očekivala da će hrana bita ovaaako dobra. Carska piletina je bila savršena (meso je bilo izuzetno sočno, marinada je učinila svoj deo posla kako treba), Pesto Đenoveze takođe je bio ukusan (pene su bile al dente kako ja volim), a Pasta sa morskim plodovima me je dodatno oduševila (očekivala sam jeftinu verziju maxi morskih plodova, ali umesto toga dobila sam izuzetno bogatu i sočnu porciju). Definitivno sve pohvale za kuvara! Pored toga što su jela bila i više nego ukusna, moram da pohvalim i način serviranja.
Što se tiče pića, moram da napomenem da sam se ozarila kada sam videla na listi točenih piva jedno od mojih omiljenih - Grimbergen! Međutim kada mi je konobarica donela pivo, to definitivno nije bio Grimbergen (jeste bila čaša, ali pivo nije). I da, Grimbergen u pola dana i pola noći mogu da prepoznam što po njegovom specifičnom mirisu, što po ukusu, i nema teoretske šanse da sam omašila. Umesto mog omiljenog piva, u čaši je definitivno bilo neko drugo. Na moj komentar konobarici da to nije Grimbergen, počela je da me ubeđuje da jeste. Ne, definitivno nije! Šanker se očigledno u brzini zbunio (nije mi prvi put da mi se ovo dešava, dešavalo mi se u nekim od najzvučnijih gradskih pabova da umesto ovog piva dobijem točeni Lav), no u svakom slučaju bili su izuzetno fini i doneli mi flaširani Grimbergen ( što je sigurno, sigurno je).
Ekipa ovog bar restorana je naravno lokalnog karaktera. Atmosfera je izuzetno živahna i prijatna. Ovo je definitivno bilo jedno prijatno iskustvo i drago mi je što i po periferiji grada može da se nađe ovako simpatično mesto za ručak. Sve preporuke od mene!
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
In addition to being a restaurant, Ole is also a sports center, so that makes it the epicenter of sports events in this part of the city, and the right place if you want to watch a game on a big screen.
But, as always, Gastro police shoots for the most important thing - the Menu. The menu is a typical menu which you can find in a bar- pastas, risottos, pizzas and Ole specialties with meat, tortillas, desserts, and breakfast menu. Prices are extremely low, plus there is the option of ordering half portions if you’re not really hungry. This time we chose Seafood pasta (500 rsd), Pesto Genovese (510 rsd) and Imperial Chicken (560 rsd).
This week's afternoon I spent in Borca, while I was visiting a friend whom I haven’t seen for a long time. At his suggestion we went for lunch at one of the famous local bar restaurants in that area - Ole. I must admit that I fell in love with the interior as soon as I set my foot in this restaurant. Pink and green loveseats and huge gray armchairs allure with its comfort, with addition of light wood, all reminded me of my favorite restaurants in the city center.
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Ole - interior |
Unfortunately, as it was cold outside, I didn’t manage to properly see the garden, but judging by the online photos and comments of my friend, I could say that it’s a very pleasant and romantic little garden, ideal for sipping morning coffee.
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Ole - exterior |
But, as always, Gastro police shoots for the most important thing - the Menu. The menu is a typical menu which you can find in a bar- pastas, risottos, pizzas and Ole specialties with meat, tortillas, desserts, and breakfast menu. Prices are extremely low, plus there is the option of ordering half portions if you’re not really hungry. This time we chose Seafood pasta (500 rsd), Pesto Genovese (510 rsd) and Imperial Chicken (560 rsd).
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Imperial chicken |
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Pesto Genovese |
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Seafood pasta |
I have to admit that I didn’t expect the food to be this good. Imperial chicken was perfect (meat was very juicy, the marinade did its job as it supposed to) Pesto Genovese was also tasty (penne were al dente as I like it), and Seafood pasta really impressed me (I expected to get a cheap version of seafood from the local supermarket, but instead I got a very rich and juicy portion). Definitely all the praise to the chef! In addition to the food being more than delicious, I have to commend the way of serving.
As for the drinks, I must mention that I lightened up when I saw one of my favorite beers on the beer list - Grimbergen! However, when the waitress brought me the beer, it definitely wasn’t Grimbergen (its glass yes, but not the beer). And yes, even in the middle of the night, I can recognize Grimbergen both by its specific smell and by its taste, and there is no way that I was wrong. Definitely, instead of my favorite beer, there was another one in the glass. When I said that to the waitress, she began to persuade me that it was Grimbergen. No, it definitely wasn’t! The bartender obviously made a mistake in all that speed (not the first time that this is happening to me, it has happened in some of the most known pubs of the city pubs that instead this beer I get draught Lav beer), but anyways, they were very nice and they brought me bottled Grimbergen beer(better safe than sorry).
The guests of this bar- restaurant are locals, of course. The atmosphere is very lively and pleasant. This was definitely a pleasant experience and I'm glad that you can find such a nice place for lunch in the suburbs of the city. All recommendations from me!
Love, Gastro police!!
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