Ottimo restoran nalazi se u mom komšiluku (opština Stari grad), tako da sam par puta bila njihov gost i moram da priznam da nijedan put nisam nešto bila preterano zadovoljna. Od skoro sam primetila da su ponovo postali aktivni na društvenim mrežama pa sam se zapitala da se nije nešto promenilo i rešila sam da oprobam treću sreću.
Ottimo |
Ottimo će vas svojim spoljašnjim izgledom definitivno privući makar da zavirite u restoran i zaista će vam se na prvu loptu učiniti kao sladak, mali i ušuškan italijanski restoran. Enterijer je pomešanog stila, tako da u jednom delu restoran čak vuče na neki moderniji stil sa toplim bojama drveta, dok u drugom delu restorana preovladava striktno stilski nameštaj, gobleni i figure koje prate ovaj stil. Gastro policija se odlučila da ručak provede u drugom delu.
Ottimo - enterijer |
Nakon što smo se smestile za sto, pogled mi je odmah pao na uglove ovog restorana koji su bili prepuni prašine i paučine. E sad da ne cepidlačim, moguće da su želeli da gosti imaju potpuni ugođaj, pa pored stilskog nameštaja da biste osetili neka starija vremena, mora da bude prisutna i paučina. Moram da priznam da sam se istog trenutka zapitala da li i kuhinja prati ovaj stil.
Nakon nekoliko minuta užurbani konobar nam je doneo meni i imate utisak kao da jedva čeka da vas usluži da biste što pre otišli kući. Skoro da sam ga jurila da mu kažem šta ću da popijem uz paste. Što se samog menija tiče, striktno je italijanski (bar što se tiče naziva jela), s tim što mi je odmah zapalo za oko da npr. pastu karbonare spremaju sa pavlakom (italijanski, nema šta). U zimskim mesecima imaju akciju pod nazivom - Dani paste - tako da paste umesto za 700 rsd možete da naručite za 350 rsd, tako da je Gastro policija iskoristila ovu priliku i naručila Lingvini Putaneska (310 rsd) i Taljatele sa pršutom i sušenim paradajzom (340 rsd). Za aperitiv smo se odlučile za Martini (185 rsd).
U ovom restoranu duže čekate meni nego što čekate da vam donesu hranu. Nakon 5 minuta bez preterivanja, konobar nam je doneo hranu, tako da odmah možete da zaključite kakvo je stanje stvari. Pa da počnem! Za početak oba tanjira su bila oštećena (da ne kažem - čvrknuta), kao i čaša u kojoj sam dobila martini (bila je polomljena, plus što sam martini dobila u običnoj čaši umesto u čaši za martini i plus što nisu imali leda), tako da što se tiče serviranja - ocena nula! A ne bi bilo loše i kada bi se neko setio da opere stolnjake u ovom restoranu. Što se tiče prvog pogleda na jela, toliko je očigledno da su jela spremljena ranije i samo podgrejana u mikrotalasnoj (kuvar se čak nije ni potrudo da pastu lepo raširi po tanjiru, nego je bukvalno bila još u komadu kako je podgrejana). Ukus kao ukus i nije bio toliko loš ako se uzme u obzir da je cena pasti sa popustom oko 300 rsd, sve iznad te cene bi bilo previše za ovo jelo. Koliko sam mogla da pročitam ove paste su domaća radinost, u šta jako teško mogu da poverujem. Paste su se bukvalno pušile od toplote kada smo ih dobile, a kada smo ih malo raširile po tanjiru one ispod su bile hladne (još jedan dokaz za korišćenje mikrotalasne). Jedina dobra stvar je što sam u pasti zaista dobila i sušeni paradajz, a ne sveži kao što mi se dešavalo po restoranima. Ovde bar dobijete ono što piše, e sad kako je to spremljeno to očigledno nikog ovde ne zanima.
Lingvini Putaneska |
Taljatele sa pršutom i sušenim paradajzom |
Martini |
Što se tiče gostiju koji ovde dolaze, jedan sto je bio rezervisan (gosti se nisu pojavili), a za susednim stolom je bio jedan mlađi par sa vaučerom za večeru, tako da zaista ne mogu da procenim ko i da li iko dolazi ovde. Po brzini kojom pripremaju jelo, rekla bih da su prepuni i da jedva mogu glavu da dignu od posla, ali realnost je sasvim drugačija. Kuvar kojeg mrzi da sprema svežu pastu, i konobar koji se nije udostojio ni da nas pita nakon jela da li je sve bilo u redu, nego je samo pokupio tanjire, doneo račun koji nakon što smo platile nismo ni bile upitane da li je u redu, već je sam zaključio da je dobio napojnicu i da ne treba da vraća kusur.
Tako da ukoliko želite da u ovakvim uslovima uživate u kvazi italijanskoj kuhinji, moja preporuka vam je ovaj restoran. Ovde se očigledno nikada ništa neće promeniti, tako da četvrti put definitivno neću doći. A umesto što je menadžer ovog restorana glavni akcenat stavio na kačenje (zasita savršenih) slika na fejs i instagram, možda bi bilo pametnije da baci pogled u kuhinju svog restorana, ukoliko želi da mu se neki gost ovde vrati i da preporuči ovo mesto svojim prijateljima.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
The restaurant Ottimo is located in my neighborhood (Municipality Stari grad), so I was their guest a couple of times and I have to admit that each time I haven’t been really pleased. Lately, I’ve noticed that once again they became active on social media, so I wondered if something has changed and I decided to try my luck for a third time.
Ottimo |
Ottimo will definitely catch your eye with its exterior, at least it’ll make you just to take a peek at the restaurant and indeed, at first sight it will seem like a cute, small and tucked away Italian restaurant.The interior is mixed in styles, so in one part of the restaurant there’s this modern style with warm wood colors, while in the other part the restaurant is filled with the antique furniture, tapestries and ornaments that accompany this style. Gastro police had decided to spend the lunch in the second part.
Ottimo - interior |
After we settled, my eyes immediately caught the corners of the restaurants, which were full of dust and cobwebs. But, not to nag about it, it’s possible that they want to offer their guests the perfect atmosphere, and to be able to feel that you’re in the older times, in addition to antique furniture there must be some cobwebs as well. I must admit that I immediately wondered if the kitchen is the same.
A few minutes later, the hasty waiter brought us the menus and you have the impression that he can not wait to serve you so you can leave as soon as possible. I almost had to chase him in order to tell him which drinks we want with our pastas. As for the menu, it’s strictly Italian (at least as far as the names of the dishes), but what immediately caught my eye is that they prepare the pasta carbonara with cooking cream (Italian, yeah right). During winter, they have the offer called – Pasta days - so instead 700 rsd, you can order for 350 rsd, so Gastro police used this opportunity and we ordered Linguine Puttanesca (310 rsd) and Tagliatelle with prosciutto and dried tomatoes (340 rsd). For an aperitif, we ordered Martini (185 RSD).
In this restaurant, you wait for the menu longer than you wait for your food. After 5 minutes, without exaggeration, the waiter brought us our food, so you can immediately get what is the deal there. Let’s begin! For starters, both plates were chipped, as well was the glass in which I got my martini (it was broken, plus I got the martini in an ordinary glass instead of martini glass and plus they had no ice), so as far as for the serving – big fail! And it wouldn’t hurt if someone remembered to wash the tablecloths at this restaurant. My first impression of the food- it was so obvious that the dishes were prepared earlier and they were just reheated in the microwave (the cook didn’t even make an effort to spread the pasta nicely on the plate, instead it was literally still in one big piece). Taste wasn’t so bad if you take into account that the prices of pastas are around 300 rsd including the discount, anything above this price would be too much for this dish. I read that these pastas are made fresh, but I hardly believe it. When we got our pastas there was steam rising from them, but when we spread them a little, they were cold in the middle (another proof of the use of the microwave). The only good thing is that in my pasta I got some dried tomatoes, not fresh, like it happened in some other restaurants. At least here you get what it says on the menu, but obviously no one cares how to make it properly.
Linguine Puttanesca |
Tagliatelle with prosciutto and dried tomatoes |
Martini |
As for the guests who come here, one table was reserved (but those guests didn’t show up), and at the next table, there was a young couple with a voucher for dinner, so I really can’t estimate when and if anyone comes here. Judging by the speed the dishes leave the kitchen, I would say that they are full and that they can barely pick up the pace, but the reality is quite different. The cook who is bothered to make fresh pasta, and the waiter who didn’t even ask us if everything was all right with our meal, instead, he only picked up the plates, gave us the bill and after we paid, without saying a word to us, he decided that there’s no need to return the change, so he basically tipped himself.
So if you want to enjoy in the conditions of the so-called Italian cuisine, I recommend you this restaurant. It’s obvious that nothing will ever change here, so I definitely won’t visit them for the fourth time. And it might be better for the manager of this restaurant to take a look into their kitchen, instead on focusing on posting the photos( which actually look perfect) on social media , if he wants for their guests to come back and recommend this place to their friends .
Love, Gastro police !!
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