Zimski dan, gradska vreva, hladno vreme. Posle posla, umorna i gladna, tako bi mi prijalo da sednem negde na Trgu, ili okolini, jer prevelika je gužva i hladnoća da bih razbijala glavu gde pojesti nešto u prijatnom ambijentu. Moja najbolja drugarica i ja zaključujemo da je konačno došlo vreme da posetimo Boutique.
Ovaj caffe-restoran poznat je po konstantnoj gužvi, tako da ako hoćete da dođete bez rezervacije često nećete naći mesto, međutim, mi smo imale sreće, pa smo ovaj put našle slobodan sto i pored velike gužve.
Boutique |
Ukoliko volite gužvu i da budete u središtu gradskih zbivanja, Boutique je idealan za vas, a bilo da se odlučite da sednete dole, ili na spratu, uživaćete u pogledu na Trg republike. Lepo uređen i moderan enterijer svakako će doprineti da ugođaj bude potpun.
Boutique - enterijer |
Zanimljiv i raznoliki meni nas je malo bacio u nedoumicu šta prezalogajiti, ali na kraju smo se odlučile, ja za Hrskavu piletinu salatu (685 rsd), a drugarica za Caprese piletinu (945 rsd). Uz jelo su nas osvežile Coca-cola (200 rsd) i točeni Hoegaarden 0.3l (235 rsd). Uz Caprese piletinu drugarica je dobila i ukusan, svež hleb. Generalni utisak, što se tiče oba jela je da smo, iskreno, ipak očekivale malo više od Boutique-a. Jelo jeste bilo ukusno i lepo dekorisano, ali piletina je u oba jela bila suva, a jela su ipak bila takva da bi se očekivalo da bude sočnija, naročito u Caprese piletini. Ovako ste dobili dva jela koja nisu ništa specijalno i koja možete da pojedete na svakom drugom mestu. S obzirom na lokaciju i popularnost, trebalo bi malo više da se potrude, ima potencijala, ali ga treba iskoristiti.
Hrskava piletina salata |
Caprese piletina |
Hleb |
Za desert se drugarica odlučila za Čokoladnu mus tortu (335 rsd) za koju je rekla da je jedna od boljih, možda čak i najbolja koju je jela, idealna za ljubitelje čokolade. Lepa dekoracija ni ovde nije izostala. Ja sam se, možete da pretpostavite, i ovaj put odlučila za jedan od meni omiljenih kolača - Cheese cake (295 rsd) i moji utisci nisu ništa bili različiti od utisaka moje drugarice.
Čokoladna mus torta |
Cheese cake |
Za uslugu sve pohvale, konobar je bio izuzetno srdačan i ljubazan i doprineo je opuštenoj atmosferi. Što se tiče ekipe, mislim da je suvišno da naglašavam da ima svih generacija, kao i dosta stranaca, što je i više nego logično, s obzirom na lokaciju.
Ovo je svakako restoran koji ima dosta kvaliteta, na šta dodatno ukazuje to što se nalaze i u Knez Mihailovoj ulici i na Novom Beogradu (Bulevar Milutina Milankovića). Nadam se da će, uz neke korekcije, biti još bolji, kako bismo opet rado bile njihovi gosti.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija !!
Cold winter day, crowded city. After work, tired and hungry, it would feel so good to sit somewhere around The Republic square, or close to it, because it's too crowded and cold to even think about where to eat something in a pleasant atmosphere. My best friend and I conclude that it’s finally time to visit the Boutique.
This cafe-restaurant is known for being constantly full, so if you want to come without a reservation, you probably won’t find a table, however, we were lucky, so this time we found a table despite the large crowd.
Boutique |
If you like being in the crowd and being in the center of city events, Boutique is ideal for you, and no matter if you decide to sit on the ground floor or upstairs, you will enjoy the view of the Republic Square. Beautifully furnished and modern interior will certainly help to complete the atmosphere.
Boutique - interior |
The interesting and varied menu made it difficult for us to decide what to eat, but in the end I chose Crispy chicken salad (685 rsd), and my friend Caprese Chicken (945 rsd). With that we sipped Coca-cola (200 rsd) and draught Hoegaarden beer 0.3l (235 rsd). With the Caprese Chicken my friend got some tasty, fresh bread. The general impression, for both of the dishes, is that we, honestly, expected a little more of this reastaurant. The dishes were indeed delicious and beautifully decorated, but the chicken in both dishes was dry, and the dishes were such that it was expected them to be juicier, especially Caprese Chicken. Thus you get two dishes that are nothing special and that you can find in any other place. Due to the location and popularity, they should show a little more effort, the potential is there, but it needs to be used.
Crispy chicken salad |
Caprese Chicken |
Bread |
For dessert my friend chose The chocolate mousse cake (335 rsd), for which she said is among the better ones, maybe even the best she ate, ideal one for chocolate lovers. Beautiful decoration wasn’t missing here either. As you can assume, I decided for one of my favorite cakes -Cheese cake (295 rsd) and my impressions weren’t different from those of my friend.
Chocolate mousse cake |
Cheese cake |
All the praises to the service, the waiter was extremely kind and friendly and he contributed to the relaxed atmosphere. As for the guests, I think it is superfluous to point out that there’s a lot of foreigners, people of all generations, which is more than logical, given the location.
This is definitely a restaurant that has a lot of quality, and the fact that they have a restaurant both in Knez Mihailova Street and in New Belgrade (Boulevard of Milutin Milankovic) further indicates that. I hope they do even better, with some corrections, so we can gladly visit them again.
Love, Gastro police !!
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