Kad god treba nešto porodično da slavim, imam nedoumicu gde da vodim goste, jer to su uglavnom ljudi različitih generacija i treba naći mesto koje će odgovarati svačijem ukusu. Uz malo guglanja, raspitivanja i preporuka ovaj put smo odlučili da posetimo dušanovački restoran Stari bunar.
Stari bunar |
Kao što i na sajtu samog restorana piše, ovo je mesto gde se spajaju duh novog, modernog i duh starog, umirujućeg. Elegantan enterijer, sa drvenim detaljima, fontanicom u bašti, kao i kaminom kao neizostavnim detaljom, čine da se već kako zakoračite u ovaj restoran osećate prijatno, dodatno motivisani da probate specijalitete Starog bunara.
Stari bunar - enterijer |
Kad smo pogledali meni, videli smo da će se zaista za svakog naći po nešto, jer je jelovnik domaćeg, tradicionalnog karaktera, tj. bogat, pa svako može da zadovolji svoja čula. Starija ekipa gostiju odlučila se prvo za pihtije, koje ja lično ne volim, ali oni su se svi složili da su to najbolje pihtije koje su jeli. Sudeći prema njihovom iskustvu, ovaj restoran slobodno može, između ostalog, da navodi pihtije kao poseban specijalitet.
Pihtije |
Dok je deo društva uživao u pihtijama, mi ostali smo se odlučili za srpsku zakusku (700 rsd), koja se sastojala od pršute, sira, zelene salate i projica. Naše uživanje bilo je potpuno kao i uživanje ljubitelja pihtija, kvalitetna pršuta i ukusan sir sa toplim projicama su još jednom pokazali da su kombinacija koja ne može da omane.
Srpska zakuska |
Kad je došlo na red naručivanje glavnog jela, tu smo se podelili na ljubitelje jagnjetine (2000 rsd 1kg) i teletine ispod sača (980 rsd) i u ljubitelje ribe. Ja spadam u ljubitelje teletine i mogu samo da vam kažem da mi je izuzetno drago što sam otkrila još jedan beogradski restoran sa kvalitetnom, tradicionalnom hranom, koja i uslugom i specijalitetima drži visoke standarde. Jagnjetinu lično ne volim, ali po osmesima i pohvalama ostatka mojih gostiju znam da sam ih dovela na pravo mesto. Drugarica i sestra koje su jele soma na žaru (2200 rsd 1kg) takođe su rekle da je to jedan od boljih ribljih specijaliteta koje su jele. Vina Život teče (2500 rsd) i Chardonnay Radovanović (2300 rsd) su nam svima kompletirali ovaj gastro užitak.
Jagnjetina ispod sača |
Teletina ispod sača |
Som na žaru |
Prosek godina gostiju je, kao u većini restorana ovog tipa, raznovrstan, pa shodno tome svi imate moje preporuke da ih posetite. Ljubazno osoblje će vam pomoći u tome da osetite maksimalan užitak.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
I’m always facing a dilemma choosing where to go whenever I need to celebrate something with my family, because they are mostly people of different generations and I need a place that will suit everyone's taste. With a little help from google, inquiries and recommendations, this time we decided to visit the restaurant Stari bunar, at Dusanovac.
Stari bunar |
As the website of the restaurant says, this is where you combine the spirits of the new, the modern and the old, soothing. The elegant interior, wooden details, garden fountain, not to forget the fireplace, all these make you feel comfortable as soon as you step into this restaurant, extra motivated to try the specialties of the Stari bunar.
Stari bunar - interior |
When we looked at the menu, we saw that there really is something for everyone, because the menu is local, traditional, ie. rich, so everyone can satisfy their senses. Older members of the family decided for some Aspic, which I personally don’t like, but they all agreed that those were the best ones they ate they ate. Judging by their experience, this restaurant is free to advertise their Aspic as a specialty, among the other ones.
Aspic |
While they enjoyed the aspic, the rest of us ordered Serbian hors d’oeuvre (700 rsd), which consisted of prosciutto, cheese, lettuce and corn bread muffins. Our enjoyment was complete as the one of the aspic lovers, quality prosciutto and delicious cheese with warm corn bread muffins once again showed that they are the perfect combination, one that never fails.
Serbian hors d’oeuvre |
When the time to order the main course came, we divided into three groups- the fans of lamb roast(2000 rsd per kg) ,the fans of veal roast(980 rsd) and the fans of fish. I belong to those who like the veal and I can only say that I'm very glad I discovered another Belgrade restaurant with high-quality, traditional food, in which both the service and the cuisine hold to a higher standard. I personally don’t like lamb, but after the smiles and compliments of the rest of my guests, I know that I brought them to the right place. My friend and my sister who ate Catfish cutlets on grill (2200 rsd per kg) also said that it was one of the best fish dishes they ate. Wines Zivot tece(2500 rsd) and Chardonnay Radovanovic (2,300 rsd) were a perfect complement to this gastronomic delight.
Lamb roast |
Veal roast |
Catfish cutlets on grill |
The average age of guests is varied, as in most restaurants of this type, and accordingly, I recommend to everyone to pay them a visit. The friendly staff will help you in experiencing the maximum delight.
Love, Gastro police !!
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