Ove nedelje bilo mi je potrebno da provedem mirno popodne sa drugaricom. Tako je uvek sa mnom par dana pred ispit. Osim faktora mira, bitan je i faktor blizine, tako da je po stavkama ovonedeljni pobednik Duomo. I naravno Stari grad.
Duomo |
Smešten u ulici Strahinića bana, ovaj restoran me je odmah namamio da provirim šta se to krčka u njemu. Pravi duh osterije se odmah primeti, sa tamnim drvetom koje dominira i udobnim dvosedima (što je meni jedan od bitnijih faktora u restoranima). Pošto je u mom kraju ranije sam par puta svraćala na vince, ali nisam ništa probala od hrane. Ni sama ne znam kako sam uspela da odolim mirisima, ali ženski karakter je čudo. Zato sam ovog puta rešila da sve nadoknadim. Pa da se bacimo na meni!
Duomo - eksterijer |
Duomo - enterijer |
Duomo je restoran-osterija-picerija tako da je meni u skladu sa tim. Duh Italije se prosto oseti na svakoj stranici. Posebno oduševljenje bilo je kada smo u meniju videle - Pasta Karbonare - po italijanskoj recepturi! Moram da naglasim da je meni ovog restorana jedan od onih koje obožavam, sva jela vas mame da ih naručite, prosto ne možete da se odlučite šta da naručite. Međutim, odluka je morala biti donesena, tako da je izbor ovog puta pao na Rolovane suve šljive, Taljatele Karbonara i Piletinu sa brokolijem i gorgonzolom.
Rolovane suve šljive |
Piletina sa brokolijem i gorgonzolom |
Ćabata |
Taljatele Karbonara |
Pa da krenemo redom. Predjelo - Rolovane suve šljive (380 rsd) - bilo je servirano sa palentom i čeri paradajzom. Šljive su zaista bile savršene, dok je sa palentom bilo i više nego jasno da je podgrejana, i spremljena mnogo ranije. Prosto mislim da je bezveze da restorani na takvim sitnicama kao što je palenta koja je i više nego jeftina kada se nabavlja, dobijaju minuse od gostiju. Što se tiče drugog jela - Taljatele Karbonara (750 rsd) - istina je! Zaista su pripremljene po originalnoj italijanskoj recepturi! I bile su preukusne! Pored recepta, naravno bitni su i sastojci, te pohvaljujem ovim putem kuvara na izboru pančete. Treće jelo bilo je - Piletina sa brokolijem i gorgonzolom (750 rsd) - i ovo je jedno od boljih jela koja sam jela. Piletina je bila toliko sočna da se topila u ustima, sir i brokoli su dodatno doprineli mom užitku. Jednostavno, ovo je jelo u kojem sam svim čulim uživala dok sam ga jela. Svaka čast!! Pored ovih jela, naručile smo i ćabatu, koja je bila sveža, topla, i ukusna. Pravi italijanski obrok, nema šta.
Pored bogatog menija, ovaj restoran ima i bogatu vinsku kartu. Pored naravno vina na flašu, imate mogućnost i naručivanja vina na čašu. Ovde ćete čašu vina platiti od 180-450 rsd. Ranije sam bila skeptična u naručivanju jeftinih vina, pošto sam se par puta opekla, međutim ovde to nije bio slučaj. Ovde sam čašu crnog italijanskog vina platila 180 rsd i bila sam prezadovoljna! Postalo je jedno od mojih omiljenih vina što zbog ukusa što zbog cene.
Kada se sve sabere i oduzme ovo je zaista jedan kvalitetan italijanski restoran. Kuvar zna šta radi, i definitivno ono što piše u meniju ćete i dobiti. Cene su takođe i više nego korektne, čak se može reći da su i malo niže nego što smo navikli da viđamo po restoranima. Što se tiče gostiju. što bi moja baka rekla - dolazi fin svet, pa je i to jedan od pluseva i razlog više da se ponovo vratim. Tople preporuke!!
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
This week I needed to spend a quiet afternoon with my friend. I always need that a few days before taking the exam. In addition to quietness, proximity is also an important factor, so according to these conditions the winner of this week is Duomo. And of course the Municipality Stari grad.
Duomo |
Located in Strahinjića bana Street, this restaurant immediately lured me into taking a peek of what's cooking inside it. The true spirit of osteria is immediately noticeable, dark wood dominating and comfortable loveseats (which for me is one of the most important factors in restaurants). Since it’s in my neighborhood, I stopped a couple of times before for having some wine, but I haven’t tried the food. I don’t even know how I managed to resist the smells, but the nature of woman is a miracle. Therefore, this time I decided to make up for all. So let's get to the menu!
Duomo - exterior |
Duomo - interior |
Duomo is a restaurant-osteria-pizzeria so the menu is in accordance with that. You can simply feel the spirit of Italy on every page. We were especially glad when we saw in the menu - Pasta Carbonara - traditional Italian recipe! I must emphasize that the menu of this restaurant is one of those that I love, all meals entice you to order them, you just can’t decide what to order. However, the decision had to be made so this time we chose Rolled prunes, Tagliatelle alla Carbonara and Pollo con gorgonzola and broccoli.
Rolled prunes |
Pollo con gorgonzola and broccoli |
Ciabata |
Tagliatelle alla Carbonara |
So let's begin. Starter - Rolled prunes (380 rsd) – served with polenta and cherry tomatoes. Prunes were really perfect, but it was more than clear that the polenta was made much earlier and just reheated. I just think it’s bad that restaurants get bad reviews based on such small things as polenta, which is more than cheap when purchased. As for the other dishes - Tagliatelle Alla Carbonara (750 rsd) - it's true! Indeed they are prepared according to traditional Italian recipe! And they were delicious! In addition to the recipe, ingredients are also important, and I commend the chef’s choice of pancetta. The third dish was – Pollo con broccoli and gorgonzola (750 rsd) - and this was one of the best dishes I ate. The chicken was so juicy, it melted in my mouth, cheese and broccoli have further contributed to my enjoyment. Simply, I enjoyed with all of my senses while eating this dish. Well done!! Besides these dishes, we ordered Ciabata, which was fresh, warm and delicious. Real Italian meal, indeed.
In addition to the rich menu, this restaurant has an extensive wine list. Next to bottled wines, you have the option of ordering wine by glass. For a glass of wine here you will pay from 180-450 rsd. Earlier, I was skeptical about ordering inexpensive wines, since it wasn’t good a couple of times, but this time that wasn’t the case.Here, I payed 180 rsd for a glass of red Italian wine and I was very happy! It has become one of my favorite wines both because of its taste and its price.
All in all, this really is a quality Italian restaurant. The chef knows what he's doing, and you definitely get what it says on the menu. Prices are also more than fair, I can even say that they are a little lower than the ones we are used to see in restaurants. As for the guests. as my grandmother would say – refined people come here, this is one of the pluses and all the more reason to come back. Warm recommendations !!
Love, Gastro police!!
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