Evo još jednog teksta u kom će doći do izražaja moj novobeogradski lokal-patriotizam. Ovaj put vodimo vas u Umbrella-u.
Ova restoran postoji nešto više od godinu dana i za to vreme okupio je veliki broj posetilaca, što uslugom, što ponudom. Nalazi se u 38-om bloku i pravo je osveženje za ovaj i okolne blokove, jer skoro nismo imali mesto koje pleni elegancijom, ljubaznošću i vedrinom. Dok prolazite pored ovog restorana, ne može da vam ne zapadne za oko - cigla i prostrana, lepa bašta, koja osvaja već na prvi pogled, a na drugi vas čini svojim redovnim gostom.
Umbrella |
Ono što bih, svakako, izdvojila kao posebno lep deo je već pomenuta bašta. Leti, ili u proleće, kao i u ranu jesen, zadovoljstvo je ovde sedeti i konzumirati nešto iz ponude jela i/ili pića. Drvene i raznobojne stolice sa saksijama na stubovima od cigli daju vam dodatni osećaj lepote i opuštencije, pa će dan ili veče provedeno ovde biti nešto čemu ćete se rado vratiti. Kad je hladno, ne treba da očajavate što vam bašta nije pristupačna. Možete da se smestite unutra, na stolice ili visoko (mekano) sedenje i bilo da želite da provedete ugodno vreme sa društvom, lepšom/jačom polovinom ili da održite poslovni sastanak, svako će biti zadovoljan kad bude sumirao utiske.
Umbrella - enterijer |
S obzirom da sam iz susednog bloka, logično je da ovde relativno često boravim, ali sam odlučila da sa svojom najboljom i još jednom drugaricom konačno posetim ovo mesto kao Gastro policija. Bez obzira što je meni bogat, nije nam dugo trebalo da se odlučimo, pa smo naručile Burger (495 rsd), Tortilju sa piletinom (435 rsd) i Picu sa morskim plodovima (880 rsd). Zaista je sve bilo i više nego lepo: burger sa svežim mesom i ukusnim, svežim lepinjama sa susamom, čeri paradajzom i prilozima kojih je bilo tačno u skladu sa veličinom burgera, kao i ukusnim pomfritom. Tortilja kod koje, takođe, svežina i prilozi nisu oskudevali, poslužena uz domaćinski krompir, bilo je ono što nas je zasitilo na više sati tog dana. Pica sa morskim plodovima zaslužuje posebne pohvale, jer pored toga što je bila preukusna moram da napomenem da je pravljena od crnog testa, koje je i više nego ukusno, a drugarici, koja je veliki ljubitelj rukole, su po želji stavili rukolu na picu, koja u osnovi nije sastav iste i kad spojite njen ukus sa pelatom, mocarelom, morskim plodovima, čerijem, belim lukom i maslinama, zaista dobijate jednu ekspoloziju ukusa, u kojima će uživati i najveći hedonisti. Uz izvanrednu hranu, osvežili smo se Paulaner-om i koktelima Sex on the beach i Blue lagoon. Ponuda piva, kao i koktela, je, inače, veoma solidna, pa za šta god da se odlučite, nećete pogrešiti.
Burger |
Tortilja sa piletinom |
Pica sa morskim plodovima (nero) |
Sex on the beach i Blue lagoon |
Preko dana, ekipu ovog restorana uglavnom čine poslovni ljudi, a veče je rezervisano za lokalce, svih uzrasta. Kad se spoje lep ambijent sa mnogo zanimljivih detalja, ukusna hrana i ljubaznost konobara, do koje se ovde izuzetno drži, retko ko ovde može da ostane ravnodušan.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Here is another post in which my local patriotism(New Belgrade) will become prominent. This time, we’re taking you to Umbrella.
This restaurant exist for a little over a year now, and during that time it has gathered a large number of visitors, both because of their service and their offer. It’s located in 38th block and it’s a real novelty for this block and the surrounding ones, because it’s been a while since we had such a place that captivates with elegance, courtesy and serenity. You’ll surely notice this restaurant while passing by - bricks and spacious, beautiful garden, which wins you over at first glance, and at the second one, it makes you their regular guests.
Umbrella |
What I would certainly single out, as a particularly beautiful area, is the, already mentioned, garden. During the summer, or in the spring, in the early fall as well, it’s a pleasure to sit here and try something from their menu/drink list. Wooden colorful chairs, flower pots on the brick pillars, these give you an extra sense of beauty and peace, so the day or evening spent here will be something you'll be happy to return to. When the weather is cold, there’s no need to despair about the inaccessible garden. You can sit inside, there are lounge chairs and high soft seating, and whether you want to spend a pleasant time with your friends, or your better half or have a business meeting, everyone will be pleased when they summ up their impressions.
Umbrella - interior |
Since I live in the block next to this one, it’s logical that I often come here, but this time I decided that I finally visit this restaurant as Gastro police, with two of my friends. No matter the fact that the menu is big, it didn’t take long for us to decide, so we ordered a Burger (495 RSD), Chicken tortilla (435 RSD) and Seafood pizza(880 RSD). Everything was really more than good, fresh meat in the burger and delicious, fresh buns with sesame seeds, cherry tomatoes and other ingredients, in the amount perfectly in line with the size of the burger and delicious fries. Tortilla, which was also fresh and not lacking in ingredients, served with potato wedges, we were full up for several hours after eating it. Seafood pizza deserves a special praise, because in addition to being delicious, I must mention that it was made out of black pizza dough, which is more than delicious, and by my friend’s desire, who is a big fan of rocket salad, they put some rocket salad on the pizza, even though they don’t normally make it like that, and when you combine its taste with tomato sauce, mozzarella, seafood, cherry tomatoes, garlic and olives, you get a real explosion of tastes, which would satisfy even the greatest hedonists. Along with the excellent food, we sipped the Paulaner beer and cocktails Sex on the beach and Blue lagoon. Their offer of beers and cocktails is very good, but you won’t go wrong for whatever you decide.
Burger |
Chicken tortilla |
Seafood pizza( black pizza dough) |
Sex on the beach and Blue lagoon |
During the day, the guests are mostly business people, and the evening is reserved for locals of all ages. There’s hardly anyone that can stay indifferent when you combine a nice ambience with a lot of interesting details, delicious food and kindness of waiters, which they cherish.
Love, Gastro police !!
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