Miholjsko leto u Beogradu nije retka pojava, naprotiv, svake godine svi (ili bar većina nas) željno iščekujemo tih nekoliko toplih i sunčanih dana, kada živnemo, što psihički, što fizički. Ja te dane najviše volim da provedem u šetnji i ručku sa svojom najboljom drugaricom, najčešće na Zemunskom keju.
Tog dana smo izabrale destinaciju za šetnju, ali ne i restoran. Rekle smo da ćemo da šetamo, pa gde nas put nanese i kad ogladnimo, tu ćemo sesti. Nikad se nije lako odlučiti za restoran u ovom delu grada, jer je većina njih veoma dobra i na dobrom glasu, a mi uvek biramo mesto na kom još uvek nismo bile, tako da je to otežavalo izbor. Nakon mnooogooo razmišljanja, odlučile smo se za Supermarket Talas.
Ovaj, relativno nov, restoran vam već na prvi pogled, dok šetate, privuče pažnju. Izuzetno zanimljivo je uređen, sa stilom i ukusom, da treba da ga opišem u jednoj reči glasilo bi - hipsterski. I ovde, kao i na većini originalnih mesta, ćete videti preplitanje stilova, pa već na ulazu u baštu nalaze se okrugli drveni stolovi i zelene stolice koje pripadaju stilskom nameštaju, kao i moderne bele stolice sa četvorougaonim stolovima. Ima i drugih boja u bašti, ali ove dominiraju. Kako je već bilo kasno popodne, postalo je malo hladnjikavo, pa smo se ipak odlučile da sednemo unutra, gde je, isto, veoma lepo uređeno i prijatno. Smestile smo se za sto pored prozora na spratu, a tu dominiraju visoke, drvene stolice, ja bih ih opisala kao one iz školske klupe, samo u modernijem fazonu. Bile su mi veoma simpatične, ali i malo neudobne, ali da smo htele, mogle smo da se premestimo za neki sto sa udobnijim stolicana. Pregršt zanimljivih detalja čini ovo mesto posebnim i specifičnim, kao što rekoh, hipsterskim, pa imaju pohvalu od mene i za enterijer i za eksterijer.
Supermarket Talas - eksterijer |
Supermarket Talas - enterijer |
Meni mi se odmah svideo, jer je kao i ambijent, originalan i par jela su mi odmah zapala za oko. Posle kraćeg razmišljanja, odlučila sam se za Stir fry beef chilli (komadi bifteka spremljeni u ojster soja sosu, serviran sa jasmin rižom) - 920 rsd, a drugarica za Super magic steak (ćureći stek zapečen sa čedar sirom preliven magičnim tamnim sosom) - 890 rsd. Oba jela su bila fenomenalna, malo više posoljena, što nama savršeno odgovara jer je to baš po našem ukusu, ali moram priznati da mi se jelo moje drugarice, kad sam ga probala, za nijansu više svidelo, tako da ću ga sledeći put kad dođem ovde definitivno i ja naručiti. Uz jelo smo pijuckale pivo, čiji je izbor veliki, odlučile smo se da probamo neko pšenično koje do sad nismo pile i izbor je pao na Hacker-Pschorr i mislim da sam, pored Paulanera, otkrila novo omiljeno pivo.
Stir fry beef chilli |
Super magic steak |
Da li zbog uzbuđenja što nam se malo vratilo sunce ili zbog nečeg drugog, Gastro policija je ovaj put odlučila da uzme i desert! Uglavnom ga ne jedemo samo iz razloga što nam nikad apetit nije toliki, ali ovaj dan je bio izuzetak. Ja sam se odmah odlučila za cheese cake (360 rsd), a drugarica za hladne palačinke sa francuskim kremom i prelivom od pomorandže (350 rsd). Moj, inače, omiljeni desert su palačinke i kad mi se jede nešto slatko one su najčešće moj izbor, ali ovaj put mi se nešto mnogo jeo cheese cake, a i bila sam skeptična kakav je taj krem u palačinkama. Tog dana moja draga drugarica je imala bolji feeling za biranje jela, njene palačinke su bile fenomenalne, a moj cheese cake, možda bi najbolje bilo da kažem, neobičan. Nekako rustičan, definitivno drugačiji, nije imao izgled, a ni ukus klasičnog cheese cake-a. U meniju piše da je sa borovnicom, ali pored nje, još nešto je davalo neku specifičnu notu, više je imao ukus domaće pite, to bi bio najpribližniji opis. Svakako nije bio klasičan cheese cake, mislim da neke stvari ipak ne treba menjati i da treba da se drže klasičnog recepta, a da naglase ako je drugačije.
Cheese cake |
Hladne palačinke sa francuskim kremom i prelivom od pomorandže |
Zanimljiv restoran koji vredi posetiti, naročito posle jedne dobre šetnje Zemunskim kejom.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Indian summer in Belgrade is not a rare phenomenon, on the
contrary, every year, we all (or at least most of us) eagerly await those few
warm and sunny days, when we liven up, both mentally and physically. During
those days I prefer taking a walk and having lunch with my best friend, most
often down the Zemun quay.
That day, we have chosen the destination for our walk, but not a
restaurant.We said that we would let the road take us and when we get hungry,
we'll go to the nearest place. It’s never easy to decide on a restaurant
in this part of the city because most of them are very good, with a good
reputation, and as we always choose the place where we still haven’t been, it's
a difficult choice.After a lot of thinking, we decided for Supermarket Talas.
This relatively new
restaurant will attract your attention at first glance. Very interestingly decorated,
with style and taste, if I had to describe it in one word it would be - hipsterish. Here,
as well as in the most original places, you’ll see the interweaving of styles, so
at the entrance to the garden there are parlor round wooden tables and green
chairs and also modern white chairs with rectangular tables. There are
other colors in the garden, but these dominate. As it was already late in
the afternoon, it became a little chilly, so we decided to sit inside, where everything
is very nicely decorated and cozy, too. We chose a table by the window on
the first floor, and high, wooden chairs dominate in this area, I would describe
them as those we can find in the classroom, only in more modern way. I
liked them a lot, but they were also a little uncomfortable, but if we wanted,
we had a choice to move to a table with more comfortable chairs. A wealth
of interesting details makes this place special and specific, as I said, hipsterish,
so I compliment them for interior and exterior.
Supermarket Talas - exterior |
Supermarket Talas - interior |
I instantly liked the menu, because it’s original like
the restaurant itself, and a couple of dishes immediately caught my
eye. After some thinking, I decided for Stir fry beef chilli (steak
slices prepared in oyster soy sauce, served with jasmine rice) - 920 rsd, my
friend chose Super magic steak (turkey steak with cheddar
cheese, topped with dark magic sauce) - 890 rsd.Both dishes were phenomenal, a
bit more salted, which perfectly suits us because it’s according to our taste,
but I must admit that, when I tried it, I liked my friend’s dish a bit more, so
the next time I come here, I will definitely order that one. During our
meal we sipped beer, there’s a big selection of it, we decided to try some
wheat beer that we haven’t tried so far, so we chose the Hacker-Pschorr,
and I think that I have discovered my new favorite beer, in addition to
Stir fry beef chilli |
Super magic steak |
Whether because of the excitement about the sunny days
or something else, this time Gastro police this time decided to order a dessert! We
basically don’t eat it just because our appetite is not that big, but we made an
exception this day. I immediately chose Cheese cake (360
RSD), and my friend Cold crepes with French filling and orange dressing (350
RSD). Anyway, crepes are my favorite dessert and when I want to eat
something sweet, they are usually my choice, but this time I wanted a cheese
cake so bad, and I was kind of skeptical of this filling in pancakes. That
day, my dear friend had a better feeling for the choice of dishes, her pancakes
were fantastic, and my cheese cake, it might be best to say,
unusual. Somehow rustic, definitely different, neither it looked like the
classic cheese cake nor it tasted like one. The menu said it was a blueberry
cheese cake, but next to it, something else gave a specific note, it tasted
like a homemade pie, that would be the closest description. It certainly wasn’t
a classic cheese cake, I think that some things are not to be changed and that
they should stick to the classic recipe, and to emphasize otherwise.
Cheese cake |
Cold crepes with French filling and orange dressing |
An interesting restaurant, worth a visit, especially after taking a
good walk down Zemun quay.
Love, Gastro police!!
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