Zapata je naravno meksički restoran, s obzirom da je ime dobio po meksičkom revolucinaru Emilianu Zapati. Shodno tome meni je bogat meksičkim specijalitetima kao što su Chimichanga, Quesada, Enchilada, Burito, Flautas i još mnogi drugi (kompletan meni sa cenama možete da vidite na njihovom sajtu). Ovaj restoran nudi sjajne akcije pa u vreme ručka možete za male pare lepo da se najedete. Ali ono po čemu je Zapata postala najprepoznatljivija u poslednje vreme je njihov čuveni meksički doručak, tako da ću se u ovom postu najviše posvetiti njemu, jer kako već rekoh na početku posta - doručak je najvažniji obrok!
Prvi otvoren Zapata restoran |
Ko nije čuo za doručak u Zapati, taj definitivno nije iz Beograda, mogu slobodno da kažem! Akcija doručka traje svakog dana od 9h-12h, vikendom do 13h, i podrazumeva doručak, sok i kafu za 345 rsd. Mislim da takvu ponudu definitivno nigde u gradu nećete naći, a pod tim mislim na cenu, kvalitet i kvantitet!
U okviru ove akcije imate izbor od 5-6 jela, i sva su preeeukusna i budite sigurni da ćete se teško odlučiti šta da naručite. Ponude se malo razlikuju od restorana do restorana, pa tako Huevos Rancheros možete da naručite u Zapati Ciudad, dok recimo Chimichangu možete da jedete jedino ako odete u Zapata Rio. Naravno pored ova dva jela tu su i Pohovana piletina, Engleski doručak, Quesada, Quesadilla, Club sandwich. Uz svako od ovih jela možete da birate da li ćete da popijete Sprite, Đus ili sok od jabuke, a nakon obimnog obroka na vama je da odlučite da li ćete da popijete espreso, kapućino ili neku drugu kafu. I da! Sve to ćete platiti za 345 rsd, i garantujem vam nećete pola dana osetiti glad, jer sve što vam je potrebno dobićete na tanjiru Zapata restorana. Jaja, piletina, slanina, viršle, povrće, sir, pomfrit, na vama je samo da se odlučite!
Huevos Rancheros |
Pohovana piletina |
Quesadilla |
Quesada |
Engleski doručak |
Kada je usluga ovih restorana u pitanju, mogu vam samo reći da bez obzira što su prepuni i jure od jednog do drugog stola, uvek će vas dočekati sa osmehom na licu. Čak i da vam se učini da su svi stolovi zauzeti što je standardno u Zapati u vreme doručka, oni će naći mesto i za vas. Jer vi ste njihov gost, a oni su vaši domaćini, i potrudiće se da im se svakog jutra vratite. A posle jednog doručka kod njih, shvatićete da nijedno "dobro jutro" nije dobro ukoliko ga niste započeli doručkom u Zapati!
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
I noticed that the
people around my surroundings pay least attention to the most important meal of
the day - breakfast! I don’t know why, perhaps because their daily duties,
but in my case, each Sunday morning, coffee and breakfast at Zapata became a
ritual which I’ll never give up. And after this post, you’ll probably agree
with me.
Zapata Rio |
There are three Zapata restaurants in Belgrade. The
first opened Zapata restaurant is located near Vukov spomenik (monument to Vuk
Karadzic), Zapata Ciudad, which is the second in a chain of these restaurants,
is located in the city center near Knez Mihailova Street, and Zapata Rio is
located in New Belgrade, on the quay at the Hotel Yugoslavia. As for me, since
Zapata Ciudad is in my neighborhood, I go there most of the times, but during
hot summer days, nothing can replace the breakfast and the view of the Danube,
which I get from the garden of Zapata Rio.
Zapata Ciudad |
Of course, Zapata is a Mexican restaurant, since it got
its name after the Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata. Accordingly, the
menu is filled with Mexican specialties such as Chimichanga, Quesada, Enchilada,
Burrito, Flautas and many more (you can find the complete menu with the prices on
their website). This restaurant has some great offers, so during lunch
time you can get a nice meal and eat out on a budget . But lately, the
thing that Zapata became the most recognizable for is their famous Mexican
breakfast, so this post I dedicate to it, because, as I said at the beginning -
breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
The first opened Zapata restaurant |
It’s safe to say that the person who hasn’t heard of breakfast in
Zapata yet, definitely isn’t from Belgrade! The breakfast offer is on the
menu every day from 9 am-12 pm, on weekends until 13h, and it includes
breakfast, juice and coffee for a price of 345 rsd. I think that such an
offer can’t be found anywhere in the city, and by that I mean the price, the quality
and the quantity!
As part of this offer,
you can choose between 5-6 dishes, and they are all delicious, and I guarantee that
you’ll have a hard time to decide what to order. Offers vary slightly from
restaurant to restaurant, so e.g. you can order Huevos Rancheros in Zapata Ciudad,
and you can eat Chimichanga only if you go to Zapata Rio. Of course in
addition to these two dishes, there also are Fried chicken, English breakfast,
Quesada, Quesadilla, Club Sandwich. With each of these dishes, you can
choose whether you want to drink Sprite, orange juice or apple juice, and after
this large meal, it is up to you to decide whether you want to drink espresso,
cappuccino or some other kind of coffee. And yes! All of this you will
pay 345 rsd, and I guarantee you won’t feel hungry almost all day, because all that
you need you will get on the plate of Zapata restaurant. Eggs, chicken,
bacon, sausages, vegetables, cheese, French fries, you only have to choose
which you prefer!
Huevos Rancheros |
Fried chicken |
Quesadilla |
Quesada |
English breakfast |
As for the service in these restaurants, I can only say that it
doesn’t matter that they are almost always full and that they rush from one
table to another, the staff will always welcome you with a smile. Even if
you think that all the tables are occupied, which is normal in Zapata,
especially during breakfast time, they will find a place for you. Because
you are their guest, and they are your hosts, and they will do their best to make
you visit again each morning. And after one breakfast in their restaurant,
you’ll realize that no "good morning" is good enough if it didn’t
start with the breakfast in Zapata!
Love, Gastro police !!
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