недеља, 27. новембар 2016.

Jolly Roger

Sećam se vrlo dobro dana kada sam otkrila Jolly Roger - sedela sam u restoranu Burrito i bacivši pogled preko puta videla sam da se otvorilo nešto novo. Posle večere sam svratila tamo na kratko piće i to što sam videla mi se veoma svidelo, tako da smo vrlo brzo moja najbolja drugarica i ja sa društvom posetile ovo mesto.

Lokacija ovog gastro paba je u atrijumu, kod Poštanske štedionice, malo ''zabačena'', za nečiji ukus, ali svakako lako za nalaženje. Kad je lepo vreme, radi i bašta, koja po vrelom danu pruža dobar hlad, tako da je u tim situacijama idealno što se nalaze baš ovde.

Jolly Roger - eksterijer

Enterijer je lepo osmišljen i zanimljiv - tipičan pabski ambijent sa električnim gitarama na zidovima, koji su negde od cigle, negde drveni, gusarskim motivima,  par tepiha na podu i binom na kojoj uvek nastupa neki bend. Ako na sve ovo dodam da imaju i točeni Paulaner, moje omiljeno pivo, možete da zaključite da mi se ovo mesto veoma svidelo, kako na prvi, tako i na drugi pogled.

Jolly Roger - enterijer

Kako je ovo jedan od prvih gastro pabova u Beogradu, moram priznati da sam bila oduševljena idejom što se otvorilo mesto gde ću cirkati svoje omiljeno pivo, uz nastupe dobrih bendova, što ću moći nešto da prezalogajim kad mi Paulaner otvori apetit i što ne moram da idem kući u 1h ako mi se još ostaje, jer Jolly Roger vikendom radi do 4h. Svi preduslovi dobrog provoda su bili tu.

Taj prvi put kad smo otišle, drugarica i ja smo, naravno, večerale. Jelovnik je, takođe, u duhu paba - burgeri, krilca, salata, kao i ponuda doručka. Mi smo se odlučile za burgere, čiji je izbor solidan. Tada smo bile baš zadovoljne, jer je sve bilo preukusno, sveže, tek spremljeno i lepo servirano - burgeri posluženi sa pomfritom i kečapom i majonezom u odvojenim činijicama, kao i kolutićima luka, bili su ono što je te večeri savršeno išlo uz Paulaner. To veče smo otišle malo ranije, negde oko 23:15, bend još nije počeo da svira, ali znali smo da ćemo se vratiti, nakon ovako lepih utisaka.

Italian job burger

Mouthwatering cheeseburger
Još nekoliko puta smo drugarica i ja ovde dolazile, nekad samo na piće i svirku, a još jednom i na večeru i nažalost, utisci tada nisu bili kao prvi put - dobile smo podgrejan pomfrit, kao i lepinju, što nas je, posle onako lepih utisaka zaista razočaralo. Da li je to praksa da se gostima daje podgrejano jelo ne znam, ali znam da je dovoljno i samo jednom da se desi pa da se stalnim gostima pokvari kompletan utisak.

Još jednu stvar koju moram da navedem kao manu je to što bend veoma kasno počinje sa svirkom. Bile smo na nastupu više različitih bendova i nijedan nije počeo da svira pre 23:30. Kad rezervišete kažu vam da dođete do 21h-22h, što nije problem, ali bend sve vreme ima probu i osećate se kao da ste došli na njihovu probu u studio, a ne u pab. Ima još gastro pabova po gradu i nigde te probe ne traju toliko dugo i nigde bend ne počinje tako kasno sa svirkom, a ti pabovi isto rade do nekih 3h-4h. Inače, same svirke su kvalitetne i bendovi znaju da naprave super atmosferu, što se samih svirki tiče, tu od mene imaju najvišu ocenu.

Ekipa je svih generacija, mada koliko sam ja primetila, uglavnom je 25+, što je bio još jedan od razloga što sam volela ovo mesto.

Za kraj ne znam šta bih rekla. Nadam se da će ispraviti greške koje sam navela, jer je konkurencija velika, sve je više gastro pabova sa dobrim svirkama. Kad se to desi, neće postojati nijedan razlog da ih ne posetim opet.

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!


I remember very well the day I discovered Jolly Roger - I sat in the restaurant Burrito and glancing across the street, I saw that some new place opened. After dinner, I stopped there for a quick drink and I really liked what I saw, so, shortly after, my best friend and I visited this place with some friends.

This gastro pub is located in the atrium, near the Post Office Savings Bank, a little ''isolated'' to one's taste, but certainly easy to find. When the weather is nice, the garden is open, it provides a good shade, on a hot day, so in these situations, their location is ideal.

Jolly Roger - exterior

The interior is nicely designed and very interesting - a typical pub atmosphere with electric guitars hanged on the walls, there are walls made out of brick, but also some made out of wood, pirate motifs, a couple of carpets on the floor and a stage, where a band performs every night. And if I add the fact that they have draught Paulaner, my favorite beer, you can conclude that I like this place very much, both love at first sight, as well as the second.

Jolly Roger - interior

As this is one of the first gastro pubs in Belgrade, I must admit that I was thrilled by the idea that there is a place where I can sip my favorite beer, enjoy some gigs of good bands, with the ability of having a snack when Paulaner whets my appetite and by the fact that if I want to stay longer, I don’t have to go home at 1AM, because Jolly Roger is opened ’till 4AM on weekends. All requirements for having a good time were checked.
The first time we visited, my friend and I had a dinner, of course. The menu is also in the spirit of the pub - burgers, chicken wings, salads and they also serve breakfast. We chose burgers, there is a solid choice of those. That time, we were very satisfied, because everything was delicious, freshly made and nicely served - burgers served with fries and ketchup and mayonnaise in separate little bowls, and with the onion rings, all that went well with the Paulaner. That evening we left the pub a little earlier, around 23:15, the band has not yet begun to play, but we knew we'd be back after such beautiful impressions.

Italian job burger

Mouthwatering cheeseburger

My friend and I came here a few times more, sometimes just for a drink and the gig, and once more for dinner and unfortunately, that time the impressions were not like the first time - we got reheated fries and bun, which left us disapponted after that lovely first experience. Is it a standard to serve your customers a reheated dish, I don’t know, but I know that it is more than enough to happen only once to spoil the overall impression of regular guests.

Another thing I have to mention as a drawback- the gig starts very late. We were on a few gigs of different bands and none of them started playing before 23:30. When you call to make a reservation, they tell you to be there around 21-22h, which is not a problem, but around that time, the band is rehearsing and you feel like you've come to their rehearsal studio, not a pub. There are more gastro pubs in the city and in neither one these rehearsals last that long, nor the gigs starts so late, and those pubs are also open ’till 3-4AM. Anyway, the gigs are great and the bands know how to make a great atmosphere, so as far for the gigs themselves, I give them a highest rating.

The guests are of all ages, although as far as I noticed, mostly 25+, which was another reason why I loved this place.

I don’t know what more to say. I hope they will correct the mistakes that I mentioned, because their competition is strong, there is a lot more gastro pubs with good gigs nowdays. When this happens, there will be no reason not to visit again.

Love, Gastro police !!


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