Kada je žena u PMS-u nema ništa gore. Niti znam šta mi se jede, niti gde mi se ide. U moru restorana, ovog vikenda u naletu emocija biram staro mesto koje sam često obilazila sa drugaricom kada bismo imale pauzu između vežbi i predavanja na fakultetu. Dve reči - Senjak i Mydan!
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Mydan |
Ušuškan na Senjaku u dvorišnoj kući, Mydan je prava oaza mira (naravno ako preskočite udarne termine, naročito vikendom, kada je prepuno). Proleće je pravo doba za obilazak ovog restorana, jer pored dobre klope možete da uživate i u bašti koja je ušuškana baš kako ja volim, daleko od buke saobraćaja. Unutrašnjost restorana je modernog dizajna, sa stolovima sa visokim i niskim sedenjem, pa ko šta voli (ili bolje rečeno gde ima slobodnog mesta). Ja sam iskreno veći fan visokog sedenja jer su mi ti stolovi nekako intimniji, ali ovog puta nisam imala sreće, te smo se smestile u sam centar restorana.
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Mydan - eksterijer |
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Mydan - enterijer |
Meni ovog restorana je zaista raznovrstan. Salate, paste, pizze, jela od piletine, svinjetine, ćuretine, bifteci, apsolutno sve što vam padne na pamet možete da pronađete u meniju ovog restorana. Najviše mi se sviđa u njihovom meniju što su lepo sistematično odvojena jela po vrsti mesa, pa ne moram da lupam glavu gde se šta nalazi. Mi smo se ovog puta posle dužeg premišljanja odlučile za biftek (ja u sosu od višanja, a drugarica u sosu od bibera). A biftek ne bi bio biftek da se uz njega ne pije crveno vino, ovog puta to je bilo Život teče - Zvonko Bogdan. Što se tiče cena, ovaj restoran spada u zaista jeftina mesta, a to se najbolje vidi po cenama vina, gde čaša gore pomenutog košta 270 rsd. Cene hrane takođe su niže, naročito kada se uzme u obzir da većina gostiju ovde naručuje po pola porcije, jer su im porcije zaista ogromne!
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Biftek u sosu od bibera |
Kada nam je ljubazni konobar doneo tanjire sa hranom, malo je reći da sam vizuelno bila prezadovoljna. Spoj boja na tanjiru je odlično bio uklopljen. A kada sam probala jelo, oduševljenje je bilo duplirano. Isto je bilo i sa mojom drugaricom. Biftek savršeno spremljen, prilozi preukusni, sos od bibera je bio neviđeno sjajan, kao i sos od višanja. Pravi užitak za nepca. Lep je osećaj kada se posle nekog dužeg vremena vratite restoranu koji ste ranije posećivali, i kada se apsolutno ništa nije promenilo. Pa čak ni cene! Hrana im je ostala na zavidnom nivou kao i pre par godina. Apsolutno fenomenalno!
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Biftek u sosu od višanja |
Ovaj restoran voli pretežno mlađa populacija (pod tim mislim na 25-35 godina), kao i neke poznate ličnosti koje ovde često možete da sretnete. Za dobru atmosferu vikendom je zadužen DJ, mada ja lično volim ovde da dođem na ručak kada je mirnije.
I za kraj, svaka vam čast što ste ostali svoji, i niste pokleknuli novim trendovima - minus size porcija i plus size cena, već obrnuto proporcionalno! Verovatno zato i opstajete u moru beogradskih restorana godinama! Gastro policija će nastaviti da bude vaš verni gost i dalje, jer ovakav biftek zaista odavno nismo imale priliku da jedemo.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
There's nothing worse
than a woman having PMS. Neither do I know what I want to eat, nor where do
I want to go. This weekend, in the sea of restaurants, under the influence
of emotions, I chose the old place I often visited with my friend, during our
time off between practice and lectures at the university. Two words -
Senjak and Mydan!
Tucked in in Senjak, in a residential house with a yard, Mydan is a true oasis of peace (of course if you skip prime time, especially on weekends, when it’s full). Spring is the best time for visiting this restaurant, because in addition to good food you can enjoy the garden, which is tucked in just the way I like, away from the traffic noise. The interior of the restaurant is modernly designed, tables with high and low-seating, so you choose according to your liking (or better said, wherever the free table is). Honestly, I prefer high seating because, to me, these tables seem somehow more intimate, but this time I was out of luck, so we got a table in the middle of the the restaurant.
The menu of this restaurant is truly diverse. Salads, pasta, pizzas, dishes with chicken, pork, turkey, steaks, absolutely everything that you can think of can be found in the menu of this restaurant. I especially like that, in their menu, the dishes are systematically separated by the type of the meat, so I don’t have to bang my head about where everything is. This time, after some longer thinking, we decided for a steak (for me the one in cherry sauce, and for my friend the one in pepper sauce). And because a steak wouldn’t be a good steak without drinking red wine along with it, this time we chose the wine Zivot tece - Zvonko Bogdan. As for the prices, this restaurant is one with lower prices, and you can see that by the prices of wine by a glass, where the above-mentioned one costs 270 RSD. Food prices are also lower, particularly when you take into consideration that most of the guests here order half of the portions, because the portions are really huge!
When the friendly waiter brought our food, it is an understatement to say that I was visually more than satisfied. Mix of colors on the plate was excellent. But when I tasted the dish, the delight was twice as big. The same thing happened to my friend. Steak perfectly cooked, tasty side dishes, pepper sauce was incredibly great, blueberry sauce as well. A real treat for the palate. It's a nice feeling when after a long time, you come back in the restaurant that you previously visited, and when you see that absolutely nothing has changed. Not even the prices! The food remained at a high level, as a few years ago. Absolutely awesome!
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Mydan |
Tucked in in Senjak, in a residential house with a yard, Mydan is a true oasis of peace (of course if you skip prime time, especially on weekends, when it’s full). Spring is the best time for visiting this restaurant, because in addition to good food you can enjoy the garden, which is tucked in just the way I like, away from the traffic noise. The interior of the restaurant is modernly designed, tables with high and low-seating, so you choose according to your liking (or better said, wherever the free table is). Honestly, I prefer high seating because, to me, these tables seem somehow more intimate, but this time I was out of luck, so we got a table in the middle of the the restaurant.
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Mydan - exterior |
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Mydan - interior |
The menu of this restaurant is truly diverse. Salads, pasta, pizzas, dishes with chicken, pork, turkey, steaks, absolutely everything that you can think of can be found in the menu of this restaurant. I especially like that, in their menu, the dishes are systematically separated by the type of the meat, so I don’t have to bang my head about where everything is. This time, after some longer thinking, we decided for a steak (for me the one in cherry sauce, and for my friend the one in pepper sauce). And because a steak wouldn’t be a good steak without drinking red wine along with it, this time we chose the wine Zivot tece - Zvonko Bogdan. As for the prices, this restaurant is one with lower prices, and you can see that by the prices of wine by a glass, where the above-mentioned one costs 270 RSD. Food prices are also lower, particularly when you take into consideration that most of the guests here order half of the portions, because the portions are really huge!
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Steak in pepper sauce |
When the friendly waiter brought our food, it is an understatement to say that I was visually more than satisfied. Mix of colors on the plate was excellent. But when I tasted the dish, the delight was twice as big. The same thing happened to my friend. Steak perfectly cooked, tasty side dishes, pepper sauce was incredibly great, blueberry sauce as well. A real treat for the palate. It's a nice feeling when after a long time, you come back in the restaurant that you previously visited, and when you see that absolutely nothing has changed. Not even the prices! The food remained at a high level, as a few years ago. Absolutely awesome!
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Steak in cherry sauce |
Younger population (by that I mean those between 25-35 years) likes
this restaurant a bit more than the elders do, as well as some celebrities,
that you can often meet in here. DJ's in charge for a good atmosphere on
weekends, although I personally like to come here for lunch when it’s quieter.
And finally, I salute you for remaining true to yourself, and not
succumbing to new trends - minus size portion and plus size price, but inversely
proportional instead! That’s probably why you are surviving for years, in
a sea of restaurants in Belgrade! Gastro police will continue to be your
loyal guest, because we really didn’t have a chance to eat a steak like this
for a long time.
Love, Gastro police !!
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