Ako redovno čitate naše tekstove, primetili ste da moja najbolja drugarica, drugi član Gastro policije malo, malo, pa potencira na svojoj opštini - Vračaru. U ovom postu sam odlučila da i ja malo pokažem svoj lokal-patriotizam.
Nije što oduvek živim tu, ali Novi Beograd zaista može da se pohvali odličnim restoranima/gastro barovima, naročito u poslednjih par godina. Tanker je jedan od njih, u vrhu liste.
Smešten na odličnoj lokaciji, u blizini Merkatora, opštine Novi Beograd, sa pogledom na crkvu Svetog Dimitrija, Tanker će vam odmah zapasti za oko svojom neodoljivom spoljašnjošću i elegancijom. Veliki naziv ovog restorana, koji uveče osvetljava ljubičasta pozadina, mešavina drveta i stakla, sa izuzetno lepom terasom, neće vas ostaviti ravnodušnim, koliko god da su ukusi različiti i navešće vas da makar provirite i osmotrite unutrašnjost ovog paba-restorana.
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Tanker |
Kada uđete unutra, verujem da će utisci biti podjednako dobri. Restoran se sastoji od donjeg dela, sprata i terase. Donji deo je ''ozbiljnjiji'', deluje nekako poslovnije. Kožne garniture, visoko sedenje i šank su ono što dominira donjim delom i ukoliko više volite taj stil, idealno je da se ovde smestite, bilo da želite da popijete piće, kafu, ili biste se radije odlučili za obrok.
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Tanker - enterijer (donji deo) |
Sprat je malo drugačijeg stila, uređen sa dosta ukusa. Tu se nalaze fotelje, drvene stolice bele boje sa drvenim stolovima (koji su i u donjem delu), sa gomilom zanimljivih detalja, kao što su slike na zidu, komoda, glava jelena na zidu, knjige i još mnogo detalja/ukrasa, koje ćete sigurno primetiti.
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Tanker - enterijer (sprat) |
Leti bi zaista bila šteta da ne sednete na terasu koja je em mnogo lepa, em pruža lep pogled na ovaj deo Novog Beograda. Pletene udobne stolice, uz zelenilo i cveće, može da vas navede samo na to da se lepo smestite i odaberete nešto sa bogatog menija (kompletan meni sa cenama imate na njihovom sajtu).
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Tanker - terasa |
Više puta sam ovde jela, što je i logično, s obzirom da živim u blizini i svaki put sam bila prezadovoljna, što potvrđuje to što im se konstantno vraćam. Jela sam ranije ovde i njihova krilca i kobasice i cezar salatu, a ovaj put Gastro policija se odlučila za laganiji letnji obrok - tortilju wrap sa grilovanom piletinom, mocarelom i paradajzom (470 rsd). Pozitivni utisci ni ovaj put nisu izostali, porcije od po dve lepo spremljene tortilje, sa svežim sastojcima, poslužene sa pomfritom su nas i više nego zasitile, tako da je ovaj naizgled laganiji ''letnji'' obrok učinio da budem sita veći deo dana. Veliki izbor piva, vina i odličnih koktela, samo će vam pojačati zadovoljstvo. Moja lična preporuka je, kad su u pitanju kokteli, Mai Tai, koji sam pijuckala posle ručka.
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Tortilja wrap |
Ekipa je uglavnom lokalna, i mlađi i stariji, zaista za svačiji ukus. Jedina zamerka koju imam je na uslugu, nekada, kao ovaj put, uslužiće vas preljubazan konobar koji će u svemu da vam izađe u susret, a nekad će vam zapasti totatno nezainteresovan, koga morate da dozivate više puta i kom ljubaznost nije jača strana i to će vam mnogi potvrditi, da se nisu baš proslavili po ljubaznosti osoblja. Nadam se da će im neko skrenuti pažnju na to, jer trenutno ih definitivno svrstavam u top 5 mesta na Novom Beogradu koje morate da posetite.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Situated in an excellent
location, close to Mercator, Municipality Novi Beograd, overlooking the Church
of St. Demetrius, Tanker will immediately catch your eye with its irresistible
exterior and elegance. The big board with the name of this restaurant, illuminating
purple in the evening, a mixture of wood and glass, with a very nice terrace, it
won’t leave you indifferent, no matter what you prefer, it will make you take a
peek and observe the interior of this pub-restaurant.
I believe that the impressions will be equally good once you enter inside. The restaurant consists of ground floor, upper floor and the terrace. The ground floor looks more '' serious '', somewhat businesslike. Leather furniture, high seating and a bar are what dominates the lower part, and if you prefer that style, it is ideal to sit here, whether you want to have a drink, coffee, or rather grab a bite.
Upper floor is a little different in style, tastly decorated. There are armchairs, white wooden chairs with wooden tables (the same as in ground floor), with a lot of interesting details, like photos on the wall, a dresser, a deer head on the wall, books and many more details / decorations that you will surely notice.
During summer, it would be a shame not to have a seat at the terrace, which is very nice and there is a beautiful view over this part of New Belgrade. Comfortable knitted chairs, greenery and flowers, all of that can only make you get comfortable and relaxed and proceed to choose something from their rich menu (you can find a complete menu with prices on their website).
I have eaten here many times, which is logical, given that I live nearby, and each time I was more than satisfied, which explains why I keep coming back. In the past, I've eaten chicken wings, sausages and Caesar salad, and this time the Gastro police opted for a light summer meal - a tortilla wrap with grilled chicken, mozzarella and tomato (470 RSD). The impressions were positive again, one portion consists of two beautifully prepared tortillas with fresh ingredients, served with fries, our stomachs were more than full, so this seemingly light ''summer'' meal made me full for a long time of the day. Great selection of beers, wines and delicious cocktails, it will only intensify the pleasure. When it comes to cocktails, my personal recommendation is Mai Tai, which I sipped after lunch.
The guests are mainly local, both younger and older, a place for everyone. The only criticism I have is the service, sometimes, as in this case, you’ll be served by a really polite waiter, who will meet your every demand, and sometimes by a waiter that is disinterested, whom you have to call many times and to whom hospitality is not a strong feature, many people will confirm that the kindness of the staff is not something this restaurant is famous for. I hope that someone will draw some attention to it, because at the moment, I definitely classify them under the top 5 restaurants in New Belgrade, that you must visit.
If you are a regular reader of our blog, you may have noticed that
my best friend, the other member of the Gastro police, emphasizes her municipality
– Vracar, from time to time. In this post, I decided to show some of my
local patriotism.
Not to think that it’s because I have always been living here, but
Novi Beograd can be really proud of excellent restaurants / gastro bars,
especially in the last few years. Tanker is one of them, on the top of the
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Tanker |
I believe that the impressions will be equally good once you enter inside. The restaurant consists of ground floor, upper floor and the terrace. The ground floor looks more '' serious '', somewhat businesslike. Leather furniture, high seating and a bar are what dominates the lower part, and if you prefer that style, it is ideal to sit here, whether you want to have a drink, coffee, or rather grab a bite.
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Tanker - interior (ground floor) |
Upper floor is a little different in style, tastly decorated. There are armchairs, white wooden chairs with wooden tables (the same as in ground floor), with a lot of interesting details, like photos on the wall, a dresser, a deer head on the wall, books and many more details / decorations that you will surely notice.
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Tanker - interior (upper floor) |
During summer, it would be a shame not to have a seat at the terrace, which is very nice and there is a beautiful view over this part of New Belgrade. Comfortable knitted chairs, greenery and flowers, all of that can only make you get comfortable and relaxed and proceed to choose something from their rich menu (you can find a complete menu with prices on their website).
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Tanker - the terrace |
I have eaten here many times, which is logical, given that I live nearby, and each time I was more than satisfied, which explains why I keep coming back. In the past, I've eaten chicken wings, sausages and Caesar salad, and this time the Gastro police opted for a light summer meal - a tortilla wrap with grilled chicken, mozzarella and tomato (470 RSD). The impressions were positive again, one portion consists of two beautifully prepared tortillas with fresh ingredients, served with fries, our stomachs were more than full, so this seemingly light ''summer'' meal made me full for a long time of the day. Great selection of beers, wines and delicious cocktails, it will only intensify the pleasure. When it comes to cocktails, my personal recommendation is Mai Tai, which I sipped after lunch.
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Tortilla wrap |
The guests are mainly local, both younger and older, a place for everyone. The only criticism I have is the service, sometimes, as in this case, you’ll be served by a really polite waiter, who will meet your every demand, and sometimes by a waiter that is disinterested, whom you have to call many times and to whom hospitality is not a strong feature, many people will confirm that the kindness of the staff is not something this restaurant is famous for. I hope that someone will draw some attention to it, because at the moment, I definitely classify them under the top 5 restaurants in New Belgrade, that you must visit.
Love, Gastro Police!!
Tekst o hrani u kome se pominje jedno jelo?
ОдговориИзбришиTakodje, ne moze da ne upada u oci da je ovaj kafic predimenzioniran i zauzeo pola trotoara, a drugu polovinu zauzimaju bahati posetioci istog.
Sve u svemu, od mene jedan veliki minus
Krilca savršena!