Kada vam pomenu srpsku kuhinju, na šta prvo pomislite? Pa na roštilj, naravno! Gastro policija je obišla pregršt restorana u nadi da pronađe savršen roštilj, ali i posle toliko pojedenog roštilja, nijedan nije mogao da se uporedi sa ukusom roštilja u jednom malom restoranu na Zrenjaninskom putu, i baš zbog toga mislim da zaslužuje da mu Gastro policija posveti jedan post! Dobrodošli u Pribojski roštilj!
Pribojski roštilj |
Čim uz roštilj stoji Priboj, to već miriše na dobro. Smešten na Zrenjaninskom putu, ovaj mali restoran ćete odmah zavoleti. Drvene klupe, zelenilo, i domaćinska opuštena atmosfera su njihovo obeležje. Kad god me put ovde nanese, svratim na klopu, jer me apsolutno nikada nisu razočarali. Naravno, ukoliko niste u mogućnosti da dođete ovde, možete i da poručite roštilj preko kućne dostave, mada ja uvek više volim da ih posetim, jer roštilj bez prostora sa drvenim klupama nije roštilj.
Pribojski roštilj - eksterijer |
Roštilj je ovde zaista fenomenalan! Meso savršeno, ćevapčići sočni, lepinje vrele! Cene u skladu sa cenama po fast food-ovima, pa tako pet ćevapa košta 180 rsd, lepinja 30 rsd, a pomfrit (velika porcija) 110 rsd. Jeftinije nego da sami spremate kod kuće. Kada sam prvi put jela ovde ćevape, prva misao mi je bila, Bože zašto ovo mesto ne postoji negde u mom kraju? Pored roštilja, imate izbor od preko deset salata koje možete da uzmete kao prilog. Ja se uvek odlučim za urnebes, koji je kao i roštilj ovde savršeno začinjen, i ljut baš koliko treba! Naravno roštilj ne bi bio roštilj, ako se ne bi zalio pivom, tako da ovde možete da popijete Amstel, Heineken ili Tamno zaječarsko. Pored roštilja, spremaju i pice, a ukoliko želite da zasladite tu su i palačinke.
Ćevapi sa urnebes salatom |
Pomfrit |
Tamno zaječarsko pivo |
Gastro policija je još jednom uživala svim svojim čulima, a ukoliko i vi želite pravi ukus roštilja, i opušteno mesto svratite u Pribojski roštilj! Jer kada jednom ovde budete pojeli ćevape, nećete poželeti nigde drugde, to vam garantujem!
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
When someone speaks of Serbian cuisine,
what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? The barbecue, of course! Gastro
police visited a handful of restaurants in the hope of finding the perfect
barbecue, but after eating a lot of different kinds of it , none could be
compared with the taste of the barbecue in one small restaurant on the
Zrenjanin road, and because of that, I think it deserves an entire post by
Gastro police! Welcome to the Pribojski rostilj (Priboj barbecue)!
Pribojski rostilj |
If the word Priboj stands next to the word barbecue, that’s
already a good sign. You will instantly fall in love with this little
restaurant, which is located on the Zrenjanin road. Wooden benches, greenery
and relaxed, homely atmosphere are their key features. Whenever the road
takes me here, I stop to eat, because I’ve never been disappointed with them. Of
course, if you’re not able to visit them, there’s a delivery option, although I
prefer to visit them, because eating barbecue while not being in ambiance with wooden benches, is not a proper barbecue
Pribojski rostilj - exterior |
The barbecue is truly phenomenal here! Perfect meat, juicy kebabs, hot
flatbreads! The prices in line with the prices in fast food restaurants, so
you get five kebabs for 180 rsd, a flatbread for 30 rsd, and French fries
(large portion) for 110 rsd. Cheaper to eat here than preparing it at home. When
I first tried kebabs here, my first thought was: My God why doesn’t this place exist
somewhere in my neighborhood? In addition to barbecue, you have a choice
of over ten salads that you can choose as a side dish. I always choose
Urnebes salad, which is, like the barbecue itself, perfectly seasoned, and
spiced just how much it should be! Of course, there’s no good barbecue without
having a beer along with it, so here you can drink Amstel, Heineken or Zajecarsko
Dark beer. Apart from the barbecue, they have pizzas, too, and if you want
something sweet, they have sweet crepes.
Serbian kebabs with Urnebes salad |
French fries |
Zajecarsko dark beer |
Once more, Gastro police enjoyed with all senses, and if you also want
to have a taste of a real barbecue, and enjoy in a place with cozy atmosphere, just
visit Pribojski rostilj! Because once you try the kebabs here, you won’t
want them anywhere else, I guarantee that!
Love, Gastro police!!
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