недеља, 29. јануар 2017.

Azzaro Belville

Dođoše hladni dani, a sa njima i prva kijavica i želja za odlaskom na neko mirno i ušuškano mesto. Posle malo druženja sa mojim vernim prijateljem Google-om, uspela sam da pronađem restoran koji bi trebalo da odgovara mojim trenutnim zahtevima. Pa da vidimo da li je zaista tako! Pravac na Novi Beograd u restoran Azzaro Belville!

Azzaro Belville
Kao što u imenu stoji, restoran je smešten u naselju Belville, na Novom Beogradu. Kada sam ušla u ovaj restoran, to je bila zaista ljubav na prvi pogled. Malen, ušuškan, otmen, a opet opušten, imao je nešto posebno u sebi. Podsetio me je na neke francuske restorane, a opet sa dozom italijanskog duha, sa velikim tirkiznim žaluzinama koje su me pak asocirale na Mediteran i delovale smirujuće na mene. Jako brzo nam je preljubazna devojka našla mesto gde smo se smestile i na red je došao odabir hrane.

Azzaro Belville - enterijer
Meni je internacionalnog karaktera, i jako mi se svidelo što pored svakog naziva jela stoji i slika, tako da nema nikakvog iznenađenja šta ćete dobiti na tanjiru. Posle jako dugog premišljenja jer izbor jela je zaista zanimljiv, odlučile smo se za Pileće rolnice i Obrok salatau sa piletinom i pomorandžom. Naravno uz jelo sam zbog gore pomenute kijavice naručila kuvano vino. Kao što sam i pretpostavila jela su zaista bila kao sa fotografija. Pileće rolnice su bile nadevene kačkavaljem, tikvicama i paprikom, a kao prilog uz njih je išao rižoto sa karijem i tikvicama, a obrok salata je pored piletine i pomorandže bila poslužena uz slatko ljuti sos, sveže povrće i indijski orah. Pored toga što su jela bila lepo servirana, bila su i ukusna. Cena salate je 450 rsd, a piletine 690 rsd, što zaista spada u jeftiniju varijantu. Kuvano vino bilo je posluženo sa nanom, što mu je zaista dalo savršen ukus.

Pileće rolnice

Obrok salata sa piletinom i pomorandžom

Kuvano vino
Nakon večere, ostalo je još mesta u stomaku, tako da smo se odlučile za desert, a i moram da priznam da nisam mogla da odolim slikama kolača kada sam ih videla u meniju. Tako da je izbor pao na Azzaro čoko tortu i Domaći čizkejk. Čoko torta je bila servirana sa sladoledom i šumskim voćem što joj je dalo dozu svežine i razbilo preslatki ukus čokolade, a čizkejk samim tim što je domaći, znači da nije klasičan, te je bio sa pomorandžom (u Azzaru ga zovu Jaffa čizkejk, tako da možete da naslutite ostale sastojke). Oba deserta su bila savršena, i preukusna (čak i meni koja nisam toliki ljubitelj slatkiša).

Jaffa cheesecake

Azzaro čoko torta
Ekipa koja ovde dolazi su uglavnom lokalci, tako da nemate onaj osećaj uštogljenosti, još kad se tome pridoda izuzetna ljubaznost od strane osoblja, imate osećaj kao da ste kod kuće. Od srca ću preporučiti ovaj restoran svima, jer sam zaista očarana njime. Probudio je neku romantiku u meni, tako da ću mu se rado opet vratiti. A vi, ukoliko želite neku intimnu večericu sa svojom drugom polovinom - Azzaro belville je kao stvoren za to!

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!



Since the cold days arrived, and with them the first cold and the desire for going to a quiet and cozy place. After a little socializing with my trusty friend Google, I managed to find a restaurant that should suit my current requirements. Let's see whether that’s true or not! Heading to New Belgrade, in the restaurant Azzaro Belville!

Azzaro Belville

As its name says, the restaurant is located in Belville, in New Belgrade.When I walked into this restaurant, it was really the love at first sight. Small, tucked away, stylish, yet relaxed, there was something special in it. It reminded me of some French restaurants, but still with a touch of Italian spirit, and large turquoise blinds that turned out to remind me of the Mediterranean and they had a calming effect on me. Very quickly, a kind girl found us a table and the time has come to select the food.

Azzaro Belville - interior

The international menu, and I really liked that next to each meal there is a photo of it, so there's no surprise in what you’ll get on your plate. After a very long thinking, because the choice of dishes is really interesting, we decided to order Chicken rolls and Chicken and orange salad meal. Of course, along with the food, due to the above mentioned cold I ordered some mulled wine. As I assumed, the dishes were really like from the photos. Chicken rolls stuffed with cheese, zucchini and peppers, with a risotto with curry and zucchini as a side dish, and the sweet chili sauce was served with the salad beside chicken and oranges, fresh vegetables and cashew nuts. In addition to the dishes being served nicely, they were delicious as well. The price of the salad meal is 450 rsd, and for the chicken 690 rsd, which is really considered cheap. Mulled wine was served with mint, which was the perfect addition to the perfect taste.

Chicken rolls

Chicken and orange salad meal

Mulled wine

After dinner, there was still some room in the stomach, so we decided to have a dessert, and I must admit that I couldn’t resist the cake photos when I saw them on the menu. So we chose Azzaro  chocolate cake and Homemade cheesecake. Chocolate cake was served with ice cream and wild berries which gave a dose of freshness and it reduced the too sweet flavor of the chocolate, and the cheesecake since it was homemade, it wasn’t a classic one, and it was made with orange (in Azzaro they call it Jaffa cheesecake, so you get a hint of the other ingredients). Both desserts were perfect, and delicious (even to me, and I'm not a big fan of sweets).

Jaffa cheesecake

Azzaro chocolate cake

The guests that come here are mostly locals, so you don’t get that feeling of stiff atmosphere, and when we add the exquisite courtesy of the staff, you feel like you're at home. From my heart I will recommend this restaurant to everyone, because I'm really fascinated by it. It evokes romance in me, so I'd be happy to come back. And you, if you want an intimate dinner with your second half - Azzaro Belville is perfect for it!

Love, Gastro police!!

недеља, 22. јануар 2017.


Toliko puta smo pisale o restoranima na Zemunskom keju da bi neko pomislio da potenciramo na njemu. Ovaj put ćemo isto uraditi, a svako ko je ovde bio makar jednom zna da je ovo deo grada koji je veoma bogat kvalitetnim restoranima.


Restoran Tricolore se nalazi na kraju Zemunskog keja i predstavlja pravu oazu mira i elegancije, pa ko je u potrazi za tim - na pravom je mestu. U ovom italijanskom restoranu bićete dočekani na nivou, a kako popodne nije gužva, možete da birate gde ćete da sednete i na miru odlučite šta ćete da ručate. Prostor je veoma lepo uređen - gomila slika na zidu, sa stilskim nameštajem, kristalnim lusterima. U ovom restoranu je velika pažnja posvećena i toaletima, koji su zaista besprekorni.

Tricolore - enterijer

Meni je striktno italijanski sa velikim izborom tradicionalnih italijanskih jela. Ono po čemu su poznati je da su sve paste, tj. testa homemade, tako da imate priliku da uživate u domaćoj, italijanskoj kuhinji. Nas tri smo se odlučile za Lazanju Toscana (750 rsd), Tagliolini Tricolore (700 rsd) i Il Petto di anatra - Pačije grudi u sosu od četiri vrste bibera (1200 rsd). Drugarice su za piće uzele koktele Mojito i Sex on the beach, jer im je zapalo za oko to što su oni bili izdvojeni kao kokteli dana, po ceni od 290 rsd, a ja sam uzela jedno od svojih omiljenih desertnih vina Graham's Fine Ruby 0.1l (550 rsd), jer su mi rekli da nema kupinovog vina, koje sam prvo tražilia. Uz sve to smo uzele gaziranu vodu Vrnjci 1l (210 rsd), jer smo znale da ćemo sigurno ožedneti. Kao kuver (170 rsd), bilo nam je posluženo parče pice Margarite, koje je bilo ukusno, mada mislim da je kuver mogao da bude kreativniji, ali dobro, dobijete ono što i piše.

Mojito i Sex on the beach
Graham's Fine Ruby


Što se glavnog jela tiče, sve tri smo zaista uživale. Lazanje su bile tople, sočne sa mekim testom, tako da opravdavaju ugled italijanskog restorana, jer danas se u Beogradu svašta naziva lazanjama. Taljolini isto, pravo italijansko jelo, a posebna pohvala za moje jelo, pačije grudi u sosu od četiri vrste bibera. Pačetina pečena taman kako i koliko treba, sa biberom koji je i više nego savršeno doprineo ukusu (u ovom slučaju sam skroz subjektivna, jer mi je to omiljeni začin), poslužena sa odličnim grilovanim povrćem.

Lasagna Toscana

Tagliolini Tricolore

Il Petto di anatra

Uz glavno jelo bila nam je poslužena i Focaccia (200 rsd) - topli hlepčići sa belim lukom i maslinovim uljem koji su bili preukusni, ali mislim da je trebalo da pitaju da li ih želimo, jer je svakako mojim drugaricama ovo uz pastu i lazanju bilo suvišno, a ja ne jedem hleb, probale smo samo radi reda, ali šta je tu je, navikle smo na iznenađenja po restoranima.


Moje drugarice su se odlučile i za desert, tako da je ovaj put izbor pao na Tiramisu (350 rsd), koji je ispunio sva njihova očekivanja i zadovoljstvo je bilo podjednako kao i prilikom konzumacije glavnog jela.


Na kraju je i plaćanje računa bila izuzetno zanimljiva stvar. Pored već pomenute focaccia-e, na računu je pisao da kokteli koštaju 385 rsd umesto 290 rsd. Ovde se uopšte ne radi o razlici od 95, tj. 180 rsd, nego o tome što se te stvari po restoranima redovno dešavaju. Odlučile smo da pitamo konobara o čemu je reč i kada smo to učinile i objasnile mu da u meniju piše da su to kokteli dana i da im je cena 290 rsd, bio je zbunjen. Rekao je da to novi kolega nije znao, da je ta ponuda ranije bila vikendom (nigde nije pisalo vikend), ali je rekao da će korigovati račun, što je i uradio.

Tricolore je mesto gde ćete i više nego uživati u hrani, gde ćete biti ljubazno usluženi, sa malim pratećim iznenađenjima. O ekipi ne mogu ništa da kažem jer je pored nas ukupno bilo još nekoliko osoba, ali verujem da bi se većini svidelo. Ako želite da osetite ukus Italije u Beogradu, ovo je vaša destinacija.

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!



For so many times we wrote about restaurants in the Zemun quay that one would think that we potentiate on it. This time we’re doing the same, and anyone who has ever been here at least once knows that this part of the city is full of high-quality restaurants.


The restaurant Tricolore is located at the end of the Zemun quay and it represents a true oasis of peace and elegance, so if you’re looking for that – this is the right place. In this Italian restaurant, the high- level service will welcome you, and as it isn’t crowded in the afternoon, you can choose where you want to sit and figure out what to eat for lunch. The restaurant is very nicely decorated - a bunch of photos on the walls, antique furniture, crystal chandeliers and the impeccable toilet- you’ll surely enjoy it.

Tricolore - interior

The menu is mainly Italian, but there are other dishes, so there’s something for everyone. Their signature sign are pastas, ie. pasta dough, that are homemade, so you have the opportunity to enjoy local, Italian cuisine. The three of us chose the Lasagna Toscana (750 RSD), Tagliolini Tricolore (700 RSD) and Il Petto di anatra - Duck breast in a sauce of four kinds of pepper (1200 rsd). My friends were drinking cocktails Mojito and Sex on the beach, because they saw the offer on the menu, these cocktails have been singled out as the cocktails of the day, for a price of 290 rsd each, and I had one of my favorite dessert wines Graham's Fine Ruby 0.1l (550 RSD), because I was told that there’s no blackberry wine, which I wanted first. With all that we had mineral water Vrnjci 1l (210 RSD), because we knew that we’ll get thirsty. As Cover charge (170 RSD), we were served a slice of pizza Margarita, which was delicious, nice pastry with a nice topping, but I think that the cover charge could be a bit more creative, but well, you get everything that it says in the description of it.

Mojito and Sex on the beach

Graham's Fine Ruby

Cover charge

As for the main course, the three of us really enjoyed. Lasagna was hot, juicy with soft pasta, so they justify their reputation of an Italian restaurant, since these days you can find a lot of so-called lasagnas in Belgrade. The same for Tagliolini, genuine Italian dish, and a special praise for my dish, Duck breast in a sauce of four kinds of pepper. Duck cooked just how it should be, with the pepper sauce which contributed to this perfect taste (in this case I'm totally subjective, because it's my favorite spice), served with excellent grilled vegetables, all of this was more than enough to make our day beautiful.

Lasagna Toscana

Tagliolini Tricolore

Il Petto di anatra

With the main course, they served us Foccacia (200 RSD) - warm buns with garlic and olive oil, they were delicious, but I think they should’ve asked us whether we even want them, because it was needless to my friends with the pasta and lasagna, and I don’t eat bread, we only tried it to see what’s it like, but it is what it is, we’re used to surprises in restaurants.


My friends wanted dessert as well, so this time the choice was Tiramisu (350 RSD), which met all their expectations and the satisfaction was about the same as it was during the main dish.


In the end, the bill payment was very interesting. In addition to the above-mentioned foccacia, it said on the bill that each cocktail costs 385 rsd instead 290 rsd. It’s not about the difference in 95, ie. 180 rsd, but instead in the fact that these things happen regularly in restaurants. We decided to ask the waiter what it was about and when we asked and explained to him that in the menu those cocktails were on the Cocktails of the day list and that their price is 290 rsd on that same list, he was confused. He said that the previous waiter, who just started working for them, wasn’t familiar with the fact that this offer is only during weekends (even though, in the menu, it doesn’t say that it’s weekend only offer), but he said the bill will be corrected, and indeed it was.

Tricolore is the  restaurant where you will more than enjoy the food, where you will be kindly served with some little surprises. I can’t say anything about the type of guests, because there were only a few people, but I believe the majority of people would like this restaurant. If you want to feel the taste of Italy in Belgrade, this is your destination.

Love Gastro police!!

недеља, 15. јануар 2017.


Ove nedelje verovali ili ne, Gastro policija nije patrolirala ni po Novom Beogradu, ni po Vračaru! Ove nedelje zaputili smo se u malo udaljenije delove Beograda, da izvidimo kakvo je stanje po restoranima tamo. Na preporuku par prijatelja rešile smo da posetimo Borču i bar restoran La'gano. 


Bar restoran La'gano će vam zapasti odmah za oko velikom baštom sa preudobnim foteljama u nijansama bele kafe. U skladu sa eksterijerom, namešten je i enterijer gde preovlađuju tople zemljane boje. Izuzetno šarmantan, na dva nivoa, sa velikim šankom i ljubaznim osobljem mogu slobodno da kažem da svojim izgledom može da parira bar restoranima koji se nalaze po centru Beograda. Ali da vidimo da li i po hrani može da parira?

La'gano - eksterijer

La'gano - enterijer

Što se tiče menija, izuzetno je šarenolik. Pored svakog jela i cene, imate i fotografiju jela, i sudeći po njima zaista deluje da za male pare možete lepo da jedete. Mi smo ovoga puta naručile Klub sendviče, Losos salatu, Svinjski file i Naćose. Pa da krenemo redom!

Klub sendvič (340 rsd) bio je serviran sa pomfritom za koji zaista nemam zamerki, međutim piletina u sendviču mi je bila isuviše suva i nezačinjena. Losos salata (390 rsd) me je oduševila, prvo zbog ogromne količine lososa, drugo zbog savršenog ukusa! Po gradu sam navikla da za tri puta višu cenu dobijem tri puta manju količinu lososa. Povrće u salati je bilo sveže, a dresing od maslinovog ulja i limete savršeno se uklopio u celo jelo. Svinjski file (470 rsd) je opet kao i piletina bio malo suvlji za moj ukus, ali s obzirom da je bio rolovan pršutom i dimljenim kačkavaljem bilo je manje primetno (ali nepcima Gastro policije ne može ništa da promakne). Uz ovo jelo kao prilog služio se začinjeni krompir koji je bio savršen. Naćosi (150 rsd) su bili servirani sa soja sosom i slatko ljutim sosom (koji naravno nisu bili home made već gotovi kupljeni proizvodi), ali za ovu količinu para nema potrebe za žalbom.

Klub sendvič

Losos salata

Svinjski file

Jednom rečju - šarmantan lokalni bar. Osoblje na nivou, prostor izuzetno prijatan (po meni je donji nivo mnogo prijatniji od gornjeg), odnos cena-porcija savršen!! Pa tako, da ukoliko želite malo da izađete iz gradske gužve, i da za male pare lepo prezalogajite, toplo preporučujem ovo mesto. Nama je zaista prijala promena lokacije na kratak period, a sigurne smo da će i vama.

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!



Believe it or not, this week, Gastro police wasn’t patrolling neither across New Belgrade, nor Vracar! This week we went to a bit more distant parts of Belgrade, to scout the situation in restaurants over there. On the recommendation of some friends, we decided to visit Borca and the bar restaurant La'gano.


Bar restaurant La'gano’s large garden, with comfortable armchairs in shades of white coffee, will immediately catch your eye. In keeping with the exterior, the interior is also designed in warm earth colors. Extremely charming, on two levels, with a large bar and friendly staff, I can freely say that with its design, this place can compete the bar restaurants in the city center. But let's see if the food can compete as well?

La'gano - exterior

La'gano - interior

As for the menu, it is very versatile. Next to the name of each dish and the prices, there is the photo of the dish, and according to those, it really seems that you can get a good, budget-friendly meal. This time, we ordered Club sandwiches, Salmon salad, Pork fillet and Nachos.So let's start!

Club sandwich (340 RSD) was served with fries for which I really have no complaints, however the chicken in my sandwich was too dry and unseasoned. I was thrilled with the Salmon salad (390 RSD), firstly because of the huge quantity of salmon, secondly because it tasted perfect! In the city center, I got used to getting three times smaller amount of salmon for three times bigger price. The vegetables in the salad were fresh and the olive oil and lime dressing was a perfect fit in the whole dish. Pork fillet (470 RSD), again like the chicken, was a little dry to my taste, but since it was rolled with prosciutto and smoked cheese, the dryness was less noticeable (but nothing can escape the palates of Gastro police). Seasoned potatoes were served as a side dish with this fillet and they were perfect. Nachos (150 RSD) were served with a soy sauce and with sweet and spicy sauce (of course, those weren’t home made but store bought), but for this price there’s no need for complaining.

Club sandwich

Salmon salad

Pork fillet


In a word - a charming local bar. High level staff, very pleasant ambiance (in my opinion, the lower part of the restaurant is much cozier than the upper one), the perfect price-portion ratio!! So I highly recommend this place if you want to escape the city noise a little, and have a good meal on a budget. We really enjoyed in changing the location for a short period of time, and we are sure you will, too.

Love, Gastro police !!

недеља, 8. јануар 2017.

Stara Carinarnica

Kad hoću da vodim veće društvo na neku proslavu, to je uvek večita muka - treba udovoljiti svima i svim ukusima. U tim situacijama uvek biram proverena, stara mesta u Beogradu, sa tradicijom, i posle malo dužeg premišljanja ovaj put je izbor pao na Staru Carinarnicu.

Stara Carinarnica je restoran koji je poznat beogradskim gurmanima. Nalazi se na Zemunskom keju, u boemskoj četvrti, koja je poznata po dobrim restoranima i koja već decenijama održava svoj ugled. Gastro policija je došla da proveri da li je opravdan glas koji prati ovaj restoran.

Stara Carinarnica

Ovo mesto je raj za romantične duše - sav u cigli, starinske zavese i lusteri, sa vatricom koja pirka iz kamina, kada se smestite za sto i osmotrite enterijer, uz bogat i raznovrstan meni, prvo što će vam pasti na pamet je da želite ovde duže da ostanete i uživate, što čulom vida, što čulom ukusa. Leti je otvorena i bašta, koja je prostrana i lepo uređena, tako da romantika ni tad ne zaostaje.

Stara Carinarnica - enterijer

Odlučili smo da gastro užitak započnemo predjelom, po predlogu šefa kuhinje - njeguški i užički goveđi pršut, sjenički sir, turšija, ajvar i mladi kajmak. Sve je bilo zaista odlično, od nas čista 10-ka za predjelo, posebno zbog toga što su to njihovi domaći proizvodi, a ne nabavni.


Nakon bogatog i preukusnog predjela, usledila je Teleća čorba (220 rsd). Za nju isto imamo samo reči hvale, kao i za predjelo, preukusna, domaća, kao kod bake.

Teleća čorba

Potom je usledilo glavno jelo - kao što je već rečeno, trebalo je udovoljiti svim ukusima, tako da smo se odlučili za Jagnjeće (1800 rsd) i Teleće pečenje (2200 rsd) ispod sača, što su, ujedno, i specijaliteti ovog restorana. I ja i moja najbolja drugarica smo ljubitelji telećeg pečenja i za njega nemamo zamerke, bilo je besprekorno. Što se tiče jagnjećeg, bez obzira što nam ''ne leži'', i mi i ostatak ekipe (koji su, itekako, ljubitelji istog) smo se složili da je bilo više kostiju nego krtine, meso je bilo odlično, ali pošto su dominirale kosti nije bio potpun užitak. 

Jagnjetina i teletina ispod sača

Uz jelo smo pili Crno vino kuće - Merlot (900 rsd), za koje slobodno možemo da kažemo da je jedno od najboljih vina koja smo pili u životu (a probali smo ih mnogo), tako da su i time dokazali zašto drže ugled tolike godine.

Ručak ne bi bio kompletan da na kraju nije išao desert, a pošto je do sad sve bilo u domaćinskom fazonu, odlučili smo se za miks domaćih pita (jabuka, višnja, bundeva - 200 rsd po komadu) i one su, takođe, učinile da se osetimo kao da smo kod bake na nedeljnom ručku.

Miks domaćih pita (jabuka, višnja, bundeva)

Kada se osvrnete oko sebe videćete ljude svih generacija, što znači da romantika ne zna za godine i da svi vole da uživaju u njoj.

Osoblje moram posebno da pohvalim, za njih bi morala da se smisli nova reč jer je preljubazno blaga - u svakom trenutku su tu za vas i sve će vam odgovoriti sa širokim osmehom.

Za kraj mogu samo da kažem da je ovo mesto koje ne smete da zaobiđete, kad krenete da posećujete restorane u ovom delu zemunskog keja, a uverićete se i zašto.

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!



When I want to go out with a larger company for a celebration, it’s always hard to choose a restaurant according to everyone’s taste. In these situations, I always choose traditional, respectable, old restaurants in Belgrade, and after some long thinking, this time I chose the Stara Carinarnica restaurant.

Stara Carinarnica is the very well known restaurant among Belgrade gourmets. It is located on the Zemun quay, in the Bohemian quarter, which is known for good restaurants and which maintains its reputation for decades. Gastro police came to check whether the reputation that accompanies this restaurant is legitimate.

Stara Carinarnica

This place is a paradise for romantics - all in brick, antique curtains and chandeliers, with cozy fire crackling in the fireplace, when take a seat and observe the interior, and rich and varied menu, the first thing that’ll come to your mind is that you want to stay here longer and enjoy, both with the sense of vision and taste. There’s a garden open during summer, which is spacious and nicely decorated, so the romance lasts during that time, too.

Stara Carinarnica - interior

We decided to start this culinary delight with the appetizer, recommended by the chef - Njegus and Uzice beef prosciutto, Sjenica white cheese, pickled food, ajvar and young kaymak. Everything was really perfect, A+ for the appetizer, especially because all of these products are home-made, not store bought.


After the rich and delicious appetizer, it was time for the Veal soup (220 RSD). We have nothing but praise for it, like for the appetizer, delicious, home-made, like grandma used to make.

Veal soup

Then came the main course - as I already said, it was necessary to satisfy everyone’s taste, so we chose the Lamb roast (1800 RSD) and Veal roast(2200 RSD) under the bell, which are the specialties of this restaurant. Both my best friend and I are fans of veal roast and we have nothing bad to say about this one, it was flawless. As for the lamb roast, no matter the fact that it’s not our “cup of tea”, the two of us and the rest of our friends (who are, indeed, fans of the lamb roast) agreed that there were more bones than the lean meet, the meat was excellent, but since the bones dominated, the satisfaction wasn’t complete.

Lamb and veal roast under the bell

With the meal we drank Red house wine - Merlot (900 RSD), for which we can say that it is one of the best wines we drank in our lives (and we have tried a lot of them), so even by the wine they proved why they maintain the good reputation for so many years.

Lunch would not be complete without some dessert at the end of it, and since so far everything was home-made, we decided for the mix of home-made pies (apple, cherry, pumpkin - 200 RSD per piece) and those also made us feel like we're at grandma's on Sunday lunch.

When you look around, you’ll see people of all ages, which means that the romance doesn’t have any age boundaries and that we all like to enjoy it.

The staff I have to commend in particular, for them I would have to come up with a new word because“ kind“ is not good enough - at any time they are there for you and they will give you an answer to any of your questions with a big smile on their face.

All in all, I can only say that this is the place you shouldn’t  pass while visiting restaurants in this part of the Zemun quay, you will see why.

Love, Gastro police !!