Pre nekoliko meseci smo drugarica i ja pričale kako u užem centru grada nema kafane koja je ok, u kojoj možeš lepo da se provedeš i u koju ne dolaze samo klinci. Da se razumemo, nemam ništa protiv mladih ljudi koji su tek počeli da izlaze, i treba da izlaze, ali takođe i nama tridesetogodišnjacima treba mesto gde nećemo biti samo među dečurlijom, pogotovo što ne idemo u lumpovanje često kao pre. Kafana Pivnica ''Jedno mesto'' je dobrim delom ispunila moja očekivanja.
Cetinjska ulica je svakim danom sve poznatija po dobrim mestima, pa tako je i ''Jedno mesto'' dobilo priliku da pokaže da li je ugled ove ulice opravdan.
Ono što ovu kafanu izdvaja od mnogih gradskih kafana je lepo i prostrano dvorište, tako da oni nemaju letnju pauzu, već u vrele dane samo premeste svoj program napolje. Pod strehom drveća i suncobrana, sa lepom kamenom fontanicom u dvorištu u formi vodopada, drveni stolovi i stolice, učiniće da se osećate veoma prijatno, bilo da dolazite preko dana na doručak/ručak, bilo da ste izašli uveče na večeru ili u provod. Enterijer je isto veoma lepo uređen. Drveni stolovi sa kockastim stolnjacima, zavese istog dezena kao stolnjaci, stare slike na zidovima, sa ponekom tarabicom, separei i visoka sedenja, sve to doprinosi da se osećate prijatno i uživate u vremenu koje ste izdvojili da posetite ovo mesto.
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Kafana Pivnica ''Jedno mesto'' - eksterijer |
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Kafana Pivnica ''Jedno mesto'' - enterijer |
Kada smo se smestile i sve lepo osmotrile, odlučile smo se za pravi kafanski obrok - ćevape na metar. Veliki sam ljubitelj roštilja i moram priznati da bih mogla stalno da ga jedem, a ovaj slobodno mogu da vam preporučim. Sveže i ukusno meso sa pomfritom, lepo servirano na drvenoj dasci, uz kečap, senf i tartar sos u činijicama učinili su da nam sve vreme bude osmeh na licu i da poželimo da se vratimo ovde. Ovaj i više nego dovoljan obrok smo zalile sa dva hoegaarden-a. Cene su veoma pristojne,naš ukupan račun je bio oko 1800 rsd. Osoblje je veoma ljubazno i učiniće da se osećate još prijatnije.
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Ćevapi na metar |
Izašle smo ovde par puta i zimi i leti. Uveče je prava kafanska atmosfera, kao i u većini kafana, a leti ta atmosfera ništa ne zaostaje. U letnje dane organizuju svirke većim delom nedelje, pa tako možete da dođete na akustičnu svirku, gde pevač pored poznatih pop/rock pesama izvodi i narodnjake u akustičnom, drugačijem fazonu od originala, pa ćete pored prijatne večeri posle vrelog dana uživati i u nečemu drugačijem. Ekipa je raznolika, i mlađi i stariji, mada zavisi i od dana, nekad će preovladavati 30+, nekad će većinu činiti 18-25, ali uglavnom će biti raznoliko društvo, što dovodi do zaključka da ovde ima za svakog po nešto. Kad je neki bitan sportski događaj iznesu video bim u baštu, pa ljubitelji sporta itekako ovde uživaju.
Slobodno navratite u ''Jedno mesto'', nećete se pokajati.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
A few
months ago, my friend and I were talking and we realized that Belgrade Downtown
lacks a kafana (a distinct type of local bistro), where you can have a nice
time, and which is not overcrowded by too young people. Just to clarify, I have
nothing against young people who are just beginning to go out and explore the
city, I think they should do that , but we, thirty year olds, also need a place
where we will not be surrounded by the „kids“, especially as we do not go out
and party hard as often as we did before. Kafana
Beer house „Jedno mesto“ has largely fulfilled my expectations.
by day, Cetinjska Street is becoming more famous by all the good cafes and
restaurants that are located in this street, and therefore „Jedno mesto“ got a chance to show whether the reputation of
this street is justified.
of the things that makes this kafana different from many others in the city, is
its beautiful and spacious garden, so they continue to work during the summer as well, they just relocate from indoors to
the garden. Under the eaves of trees and parasols, with a beautiful stone garden
fountain in the form of waterfalls, wooden tables and chairs, all that will
make you feel very comfortable, whether you come during the day for breakfast /
lunch, or in the evening for dinner or a night out. The interior is also very nicely decorated. Wooden tables with checkered tablecloths, window
curtains with the same pattern as the tablecloths, old photos hanging on the
walls, a few wooden beams, booths and high seating, all of these contribute to
making you feel comfortable and enjoying the time you've made to visit this
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Kafana Beer house ''Jedno mesto'' - exterior |
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Kafana Beer house ''Jedno mesto'' - interior |
we settled and perused everything, we chose a real kafana meal – 1 meter kebabs. I'm a big grill fan and I admit that I could eat
it every day, and I feel free to recommend you the grill in „Jedno mesto“. Fresh
and delicious minced meat with French fries, nicely served on a wooden board, little
bowls filled up with ketchup, mustard and tartar sauce, all these put a smile on
our faces and instantly we knew we wanted to come back here in the future. Along
with this more than sufficient meal, we ordered two
Hoegaarden beers. Prices
are very decent, our total bill was about 1800 rsd. The staff is very friendly and will make you
feel even more comfortable.
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1 meter kebabs |
We visited
this place a couple of times, during winter and summer. It
is really lively in
the evening, as in most kafanas, even during summer time. In summer days, almost every day of the week,
they organize live gigs, therefore you can choose to go to an acoustic gig, where
the singer, beside the famous pop / rock songs, performs folk music in acoustic version, different than the original way,
so in addition to a nice evening after a
hot day, you enjoy in something new. The type
of guests is diverse, younger and older people, although it depends which day it is, sometimes 30+ will prevail,
sometimes those between 18-25, but it is usually mixed, which leads to the
conclusion that everyone likes to come here. When there is some important sporting event,
they have a big tv screen in the garden, so the sport fans can enjoy here as
free to drop by the “Jedno mesto“, you won’t regret it.
Gastro police !!
Mislim da su dobili novog kuvara i hrana je zaista predivna.