A sad malo mesta za kulturu! Ako želite nešto drugačije,
mesto gde ćete osetiti duh starog Beograda, gde ćete osetiti nostalgiju za
nekim boljim vremenima, gde ćete u potpunosti osetiti da ste poštovani kao gost
i gde ćete videti kako je kad vas usluže pravi profesionalci, u tom slučaju put
može da vas navede samo u Klub književnika.
Smešten u strogom centru grada, u Francuskoj 7, ovo je
restoran koji je bio okupljalište beogradskih intelektualaca, ali nije bio
stran ni inostranoj eliti. Decenijama su ovde provodili dane i noći pisci,
filozofi, glumci, političari, jednostavno rečeno, ovo je bio restoran
akademskih građana. I danas je
restoran zadržao taj akademski duh.
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Klub književnika |
Kad prođete
kapiju i dvorište Francuske 7, ulazite u ovaj čuveni restoran, gde će Vas
dočekati preljubazna hostesa i pored toga što će vas upitati za rezervaciju,
ponudiće vam da vam ostavi stvari u garderobu, što svakako preporučujem,
naročito ako dolazite ovde zimi. Iz predsoblja stepenicama silazite do restorana, gde
možete da birate da li želite da sedite unutra ili u bašti. Nećete pogrešiti za
koji god od ova dva ambijenta da se odlučite, jer su i jedan i drugi veoma
lepi. Ako se odlučite da sednete unutra, nećete moći da se mislima ne vratite u
period od pre nekih 60-70 godina, kad verovatno niste bili ni rođeni. Salonac,
hrastov parket, klavir, stilski nameštaj i još mnogo detalja, navešće vas da
zamislite kako je ovde dolazio Andrić, kome je ovo bio omiljeni restoran, ili
kako je Žan-Pol Sartr uvek voleo da svrati ovde kad bi došao u Beograd. Ako je
letnji dan, sigurno ćete želeti da sednete u baštu, pod strehom koja daje hlad,
mada nećete pogrešiti ni ako ovde sednete zimi, jer je lepo zatvore i zagreju,
tako da ćete uživati u svom obroku dok gledate kako veje sneg. Prizor kao iz bajke.
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Klub književnika - enterijer |
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Klub književnika - bašta |
je veoma zanimljiv, mešavina domaće i internacionalne kuhinje. Pored stalne
ponude, imate opciju i dnevne ponude jela, gde možete po veoma pristupačnim
cenama, oko 600 rsd (od 12h-16h) da pojedete izuzetno ukusan obrok. Pre glavnog jela, u
okviru kuvera, poslužili su nam rotkvice u preslatkim činijicama, što nam je
bilo izuzetno simpatično. Posle malo razmišljanja, ja sam se odlučila za
specijalitet ovog restorana - dorćolsku mućkalicu, jelo koje je više od dve
decenije na meniju (mućkalica od svinjskog filea i povrća u tortilji, zapečena
u pećnici), a drugarica za Budinu salatu od bifteka (goveđi file, paprika,
zelena salata, suncokretove semenke, parmezan i dresing). Odmah da naglasim da
nisam neki ljubitelj svinjskog mesa, ali nisam bila skeptična kad sam naručila
svoje jelo, jer sam računala da je specijalitet restorana sa ovakvim ugledom i
tradicijom sigurno nešto što će me oduševiti. I nisam pogrešila - preukusna
tortilja, meso pečeno taman koliko treba, sa savršenim spojem povrća i začina,
ostavila je takav utisak na mene da sam se više puta vratila u ovaj restoran da
počastim svoja čula ovim jelom. Što se tiče drugaricine salate, mislim da je
dovoljno da napišem to što je ona od ove salate postala ljubitelj obrok salata,
i ona je, kao i ja, uzela nešto što nije tako često jela, verujući prethodnim
pohvalama drugih ljudi. Porcije su i više nego dovoljne, već na polovini smo se
zasitile, ali jela su bila toliko lepa da zaista nismo imale srca da ostavimo
nešto u tanjiru, već smo se polako, ali sigurno, izborile i pojele sve.
dolaze ljudi svih generacija, a naročito oni koji i dalje veruju da je od tog
starog duha Beograda ipak ostalo nešto sem sećanja. Nije retko da ovde sretnete
nekog istaknutog pisca, voditelja, retke primerke današnje intelektualne elite.
Celokupan utisak je bio i više nego prijatan i osetile smo se kao da smo u
nekom drugom vremenu, kad su lepo ponašanje i kultura bili stub svakog
civilizovanog društva.
Ne morate da budete akademski građanin ili
poznata ličnost da biste uživali u čarima ovog restorana. Dovoljno je da
poželite da malo odstupite od svakodnevnice i da se prisetite nekih dobrih,
starih vremena. Na vama je samo da dođete, a osoblje Kluba književnika će se
pobrinuti za ostalo.
Voli vas vaša Gastro
Make a little
room for culture! If you want something different, a place where you will feel
the spirit of old Belgrade, where you will feel some nostalgia for good old better
times, where you will feel trully respected as a guest and where you will see
how it is when you are being served by the true professionals, if that’s the
case, the only road you need to take is the one to Klub književnika.
Located in the
city center, in 7 Francuska street, this is a restaurant where the
intellectuals of Belgrade gathered, but the foreign elite knew about it as well. He writers,
philosophers, actors, politicians spent their days and nights here for decades,
simply put, this was a restaurant for academics. Today the restaurant
kept that academic spirit.
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Klub književnika |
When you pass
the gate and the garden in 7 Francuska street, you enter this famous
restaurant, where you will be welcomed by a kind hostess, she will ask if you
have a reservation, and then she will offer you that you leave your coat or
jacket in their dressing room, which I recommend, especially if you come here
in the winter. From the hallway, you take the stairs down to the restaurant,
where you can choose whether you want to sit inside or in the garden. You won’t make a mistake
for whichever of these two environments you choose, because they are both beautiful. If you choose to sit
inside, you will have an impression of returning to a period of some 60-70 years
ago, when you probably weren’t even born. Parlor
floor apartment with high ceilings, wooden floors, a piano, parlor furniture and many more
details would make you imagine of Ivo Andrić visiting this place, to whom this
was a favorite restaurant, or of Jean-Paul Sartre who always liked to stop by
here when he came to Belgrade. If you come during summer,
you will want to sit in the garden, under the eaves that provides shade, though
you will not make a mistake if you choose to sit here in the winter time,
because it is nicely closed and heated, so you can enjoy your meal while
watching the snow fall. The sight of a fairytale.
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Klub književnika - interior |
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Klub književnika - the garden |
The menu is a very
interesting mix of local and international cuisine. In addition to their
standard offer, you have the option of a daily menu, you can eat a very tasty
meal at very affordable prices, about 600 RSD (12h-16h). Before our main
course, within the cover charge, they served us radishes in a cute little bowl, it was really
nice. After some thinking, I chose a specialty of this restaurant –
Mućkalica a la Dorćol, a dish that has been on the menu for more than two
decades (pork fillet, kaymak, stewed
onions, sweet peppers, hot peppers, mushrooms served in tortilla, baked in the oven), my friend ordered Salad a la Buda (beef
fillet, sweet peppers, lettuce, sunflower seeds, parmesan, dressing).Immediately to
emphasize that I am not a big fan of pork, but I wasn’t skeptical when I
ordered this dish, because I thought that the specialty of a restaurant with
such a reputation and tradition, would certainly be delightful. And I wasn’t wrong -
delicious tortilla, meat roasted perfectly well, perfect harmony of vegetables
and spices, it left such an impression on me that I have repeatedly returned to
this restaurant just to treat myself with this dish. Regarding my friend’s
salad, I think it is enough to write that since this salad she became a fan of salad
meals, and she, like myself, chose a dish that wouldn’t be her first choice of
food, we took a chance and believed the previous praises of other people. Portions are more
than adequate, after eating half of it we were already full, but since the dishes were so beautiful, we
really didn’t have the heart to leave something on the plate, so we continued and,
slowly but surely, ate everything.
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Mućkalica a la Dorćol |
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Salad a la Buda |
The waiters are too kind and professional, trained in the old school
way. When we finished our
meal they offered us coffee or dessert, on their behalf (to point out, back then
this blog wasn’t even an idea, so it had nothing to do with that). We did
not have the heart to refuse such kindness, so we split one serving of pancakes
with eurocream and plasma (I don’t know how we managed to eat that too, but we
did). The price of both
dishes is around 1000 RSD each, while the prices of other dishes are like the
prices in any other good Belgrade restaurant.
People of all
ages come here, especially those who still believe that there is something left
from that old spirit of Belgrade , not just a memory. Here, it is not uncommon to encounter a prominent
writer, tv presenter, rare specimens of today's intellectual elite. The overall
impression was more than nice and we felt like we were in another period of
time, the time when good manners and culture were the pillar of any civilized
You do not have
to be an academic or a celebrity to enjoy the delights of this restaurant. It is enough wanting to take a rest from everyday life and take a
walk down memory lane of some good old times. Just come visit this restaurant and the staff of Klub književnika will
take care of the rest.
Love, Gastro police !!
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