Pivo i kobaja - enterijer na Vračaru |
Pivo i kobaja - eksterijer na Zvezdari |
Što se tiče njihovog menija, sam naziv paba vam kaže da
je ovde najveći akcenat na pivu i kobajama. Pored toga, tu su Cezar salata,
tortilje, krilca i sve što spada uostalom uz pabsku hranu. Osoblje mi je za
nijansu simpatičnije i ljubaznije na Zvezdari, ali zaista su nijanse u pitanju.
Kada su kobaje u pitanju, možete da birate da li želite manju ili veću porciju
(ja sam se opredelila za manju), i zaista sam preoduševljena. Kobaja je
servirana sa prebrancem, i ne zna se šta je ukusnije. Krilca (takođe možete da
birate da li želite manju ili veću porciju) su servirana uz pekarski krompir i
barbecue sos i takođe su bila preukusna sa hrskavom kožicom koja se topi u
ustima. Uz pomfit smo rešile da uzmemo i njihov ljuti sos, ali smo se tu malo
zeznule, sos je bio preljut da jednostavno nije mogao da se jede, tako da smo
ga ubrzo zamenile za dobri, stari kečap. I naravno da ne zaboravim da pomenem
njihove bavarske perece koje su preukusne i uvek sveže. Kada su cene u pitanju
zaista su jeftini, te za male pare ovde zaista možete sjajno da se provedete.
Krilca - mala porcija |
Bavarska pereca i pomfrit |
Kobaja Vrelo sa sirom - mala porcija |
Kada su u pitanju piva izbor je ogroman. Vrste točenih
piva se malo razlikuju na Vračaru i Zvezdari, dok je izbor flaširanih isti na
obe lokacije i malo je reći da je ogroman. Kod točenih piva je interesantno to
što pored standardnih mera od 0,3 l i 0,5 l možete da naručite i pivo od 0,4 l,
0,6 l, 0,7 l, 1 l i 2,5 l. Takođe možete da naručite i pintu piva.
Pivo i pogled iz bašte na Vračaru |
Ekipa je
uglavnom lokalna, atmosfera je domaćinska, a ja sam presrećna jer sam pronašla
još jedno opušteno mesto gde mogu sa društvom da provedem ugodno veče kad god
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija !!
Pivo i kobaja. A pub and a restaurant, as the name suggests. It is located in two
Belgrade municipalities, Vracar (my favorite) and Zvezdara. Of
course, as a big fan of beer, Gastro police visited both locations, and on this occasion we
bring you our impressions in parallel. So let's get to work!
Pivo i kobaja |
At Vracar, this pub is
located at the beginning of Branicevska street, and there's no way to miss it. Located at the corner of
the street, with a big restaurant name board – Pivo i kobaja (in Cyrillic, I
give a big plus for that, let`s respect the Serbian alphabet a little) and a mini
garden, all of this will simply lure you to at least take a look of what this
place is like. If you sit in this little
garden, you will face the Church of Saint Sava, which is really relaxing.On the other hand, if you wish to enjoy in a bigger garden,
then go to their location at Zvedara, because there is a greater emphasis on
the garden. Of course, in both
locations, both the interior and the exterior are of the same design. The garden looks like a typical
pub garden, wooden tables and chairs in light wood color, and small booths with
high seating. The color of dark wood
dominates in the inner area and this is one of the few pubs whose interior impressed
me. The walls are covered in
decorative mugs, photos, signs, decorations and anything else that you can
associate with beer in any way. On the tables you can spot the
table lamps whose stands are in the form of beer bottles, and in the pub there`s
a few Harley Davidson chairs. When it comes to this pub
I'd have only one objection, their toilet, which is so small (at Vracar) that
although you`re a girl, you'll need to be in semi-squat position during your
business there, because it is simply impossible to sit on the toilet (and I am
petite girl) . But the one eventually gets
used to their small toilet.
Pivo i kobaja at Vracar - interior |
Pivo i kobaja at Zvezdara - exterior |
for their menu, the name of the pub itself suggests that here the greatest emphasis
is on the beer and the sausages. Besides those, there
are Caesar salad, tortillas, chicken wings and basically everything that belongs to the pub foods. Their staff is a bit nicer
and more polite at Zvezdara, but it`s barely noticeable. As for the sausages,
you can choose whether you want a small or big portion (I chose a small one),
and I was really impressed. The sausage is served with beans, and I can`t decide which one
is tastier.The chicken wings
(you can also choose whether you want a small or big portion) are served with baked
potatoes and barbecue sauce and that also was delicious, crispy skin that melts
in your mouth. We decided to order their hot sauce along our fries, but we
made a mistake there, the sauce was too spicy and we just couldn`t eat it, so
we soon replaced it with good old ketchup. Of course, not to forget to mention their Bavarian pretzels, which are delicious and
always fresh. When it comes to their prices,
everything is really cheap and for a small amount of money, you can really spend
a great time in here.
Chicken wings - small portion |
Bavarian pretzel and fries |
Wellhead sausage with cheese - small portion |
As for the beer selection, it is huge. The types
of beers are a little different between Vracar and Zvezdara, while the
selection of bottled beer is the same at both locations, and I can`t stress
enough how big the selection is. As for
draught beers, it is interesting that in addition to
the standard ratios of 0.3 l and 0.5 l, you can order a beer in 0.4 l, 0.6 l,
0.7 l, 1 l and 2.5 l. You can
also order a pint of beer.
Beer and the view from the garden at Vracar |
The guests are mainly local, the atmosphere
is home-like, and I'm happy because I found another normal place where I can spend
a pleasant evening with my friends, whenever
I want to.
Love, Gastro police !!
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