недеља, 28. август 2016.

Le Petit Bistro

Neki će možda reći da sam dosadila i Bogu i narodu sa Vračarom, ali to je jače od mene. Vračar je jednostavno deo grada u kome sam odrastala, i iz tog razloga mu se iznova i iznova vraćam. Ali voleli ga vi ili ne, Vračar je oaza najboljih beogradskih restorana (kako po nezvaničnoj, tako i po zvaničnoj statistici). Tako da ovoga puta rešila sam da provedem mirno i opuštajuće veče sa svojom najboljom drugaricom. Idemo u Le petit bistro.

Le petit bistro

Kada šetate Braničevskom, ne možete da prođete, a da vam za oko ne zapadne bašta ovog bistroa. Ograde prepune cveća, diskretnog osvetljenja uveče, ovo mesto je idealno za relaksaciju. Bašta prepuna zelenila i stolovi i stolice u bež nijansama doprinose nežnosti ovog mesta. Volim bašte koje se nalaze u mirnijim ulicama, gde zaista možete da se opustite i uživate, a ne one gde kada sednete zapuhnu vas izduvni gasovi iz auspuha (nikada mi nije bilo jasno koja je poenta sedenja po takvim baštama, ali avaj, de coloribus et gustibus non disputandum est). Što se tiče unutrašnjosti, apsolutno opravdava naziv. Mali bistro sa zelenim nijansama pomešanih sa notama tamnog drveta. Hedonizam u malom pakovanju.

Le petit bistro - eksterijer

Nakon što smo se smestile za sto u bašti, bacile smo pogled na meni (na sajtu možete detaljno da ga pogledate, sa sve cenama). Mali meni ali sa zaista interesantim izborom jela i pića. Vinsku kartu naknadno dobijate od konobara. Imate izbor naručivanja vina na čašu, i na flašu, pa ko koliko može da popije. Mada u bistrou je zaista greh ne uzeti flašu vina. Uz dve salate sa lososom, naš izbor je pao na belo vino Zvonko Bogdan - 8 tamburaša. Konobar je bio preljubazan, sve pohvale za njega. A što se tiče salata bile su fantastične. Taj sklad nežnih roze nijansi boje lososa sa šarenolikošću svežeg povrća na tanjiru pravi je melem za čulo vida, a kus-kus je doprineo da čulo ukusa u potpunosti uživa u ovom spoju.

Insalata Primavera

Što se tiče cena - izuzetno korektene, kako hrane tako i vina. Salata košta 790 rsd, što je neki standard po beogradskim restoranima. Čašu vina možete da popijete po ceni od 300 rsd do nekih 500 rsd. Cene točenih piva kreću se od 220 rsd do 320 rsd.

Kada je tip gostiju u pitanju, zaista može sve i svašta da se vidi. Od lokalaca koje je zaista lako prepoznati po opuštenom stavu i načinu oblačenja, do uštogljenih pridošlica koje su došle samo da ispozerišu (tako da u neku ruku imate i komičan show za pogledati gratis). Vikendom je za atmosferu zaslužan DJ.

Le petit bistro - enterijer

Sve u svemu, Le petit bistro je ostavio odličan utisak na mene. Preporučujem svima da ga posete (dobro ne baš svima, već onima koji u sebi imaju gen hedonizma), jer uživanje svim čulima ovde je moguće.

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija !!


Some may say that I bored them to death with Vračar Municipality, but it's stronger than me. Vračar is simply the part of the city where I grew up, and for this reason I keep coming back to it again and again. Whether you like it or not, Vračar is an oasis full of best restaurants in Belgrade (as by unofficial as well as by official statistics). So this time I decided to spend a quiet and relaxing evening with my best friend. We went to Le petit bistro.

Le Petit Bistro

When you take a walk down Braničevska Street, you can not bypass, and not notice this bistro’s garden. Fence full of flowers and discreet lighting at night, this place is ideal for relaxation. Garden full of greenery and tables and chairs in beige hues contribute to tenderness of this place. I love gardens that are located in the more peaceful streets, where you can really relax and enjoy, not the ones where you get surrounded by the exhaust gases (it was never clear to me what was the point of sitting at these gardens, but alas, de coloribus disputandum gustibus non est). As for the interior, absolutely justifies the name. Small bistro with green hues mixed with notes of dark wood. Hedonism in a small packaging.

Le Petit Bistro - exterior

After we settled for a table in the garden, we took a quick look at the menu (on the website you can look at it in detail, with all the prices). A small menu but with really interesting selection of dishes and drinks. Subsequently, you receive the wine list from the waiter. You have the choice of ordering wine by the glass or by the bottle, it is up to your drinking skills. Although, it’s really a sin not to take a bottle of wine in the bistro. With two salmon salads, our choice fell on the white wine Zvonko Bogdan – 8 tambura players. The waiter was really nice, big well done for him. As for the salads, they were fantastic. That harmony of delicate shades of pink salmon with colorful fresh vegetables on the plate was a real sight for sore eyes, and couscous had contributed so my sense of taste fully enjoyed this combination.

Insalata Primavera

As for the prices – they are extremely fair, as both for food and wine. Salad costs 790 RSD, which is a regular price in Belgrade restaurants. A glass of wine you can drink at the price from 300 RSD to about 500 RSD. Price range of beers is from 220 RSD to 320 RSD.

Le Petit Bistro - interior

When it comes to the type of guests, you can actually come across all sorts of things. From the locals which are really easy to recognize by the relaxed attitude and way of dressing, to stuffy newcomers who came just to be seen (so you get a comical show for free). On weekends DJ is responsible for the atmosphere.

All in all, Le petit bistro has left a great impression on me. I would recommend anyone to visit it (well not exactly everyone, but those who have hedonism gene in them), because enjoying with all of your senses, here is possible.

Love, Gastro police !!

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