недеља, 21. август 2016.


Želite odličan koktel po vrelom letnjem danu? Onda put pod noge i na Cruise!

Ako sam na nekom mestu u Beogradu bila, bila sam na Cruise-u, tako da slobodno mogu da kažem da sam ovde domaća i samo to što sam njihov gost već godinama mislim da itekako govori o njihovom kvalitetu. Nego, počnimo!

Smešten na Savskom keju, u bloku 70, ovaj splav će vas prvo osvojiti svojom lokacijom. Sav u drvetu, poznat po savršenim koktelima, nikako ne može da ne izazove želju u vama da vidite šta je to što ima da ponudi. Jedan je od prvih splavova u nizu na Savskom keju, blizu okretnice nekoliko autobusa, tako da mu je lokacija izuzetno pristupačna, bilo da dolazite gradskim prevozom ili kolima. Kao što sam već rekla, splav je sav u drvetu, sastoji se od nivoa i sprata, koji je namenjen za nepušače. Lično uvek biram donji deo, bez obzira što nisam pušač, ali dole je leti idealno jer se, pored zatvorenog dela, tu nalazi i terasa, a sedenje na otvorenom uz ljuljuškanje talasa je ono što mi najviše treba po vrelom letnjem danu. U unutrašnjem delu nalaze se prostrani stolovi sa foteljama, kao i barski stolovi sa visokim sedenjem, tako da je prostor i u formi restorana i kluba, po potrebi.

Cruise - enterijer

Kada se smestite, dok vas ljuljuškaju talasi, prvo što ćete uraditi je to da ćete se baciti u detaljnu analizu karte koktela, jer došli ste na jedan od najpoznatijih koktel barova u gradu, zaista bi bila gre'ota da ne probate neki, zar ne? Izbor koktela je ogroman, slobodno mogu da kažem da ima sve što vam padne na pamet, a čak i kad bi se desilo, nekim čudom, da vam nijedan koktel ne odgovara, ljubazni i predusretljivi konobari će vam ponuditi da vam šankeri naprave koktel po vašem izboru, ne morate da kažete sastojke, dovoljno je da kažete koju kombinaciju ukusa želite i verujte mi, dobićete baš ono što ste zamislili. Za one koji nisu ljubitelji alkohola ima i veliki broj bezalkoholnih koktela, tako da ima za svakog po nešto. Cene koktela variraju, ali prosečna je oko 400-500 rsd.


Kada vam kokteli lepo otvore apetit, možete da se bacite na raznovrstan i bogat jelovnik. Dominira mediteranska kuhinja, što je jedan od razloga zbog kojih ćete imati osećaj kao da ste na moru, ali ima i drugih specijaliteta, da ne bih sad nabrajala imate kompletam meni na njihovom sajtu. Drugarica i ja se uglavnom, kad god dođemo ovde na klopu, odlučimo za tortilju sa piletinom u čili sosu ili mediteransku salatu sa dimljenim lososom i mocarelom. Ova piletina u čili sosu je jedno od mojih omiljenih jela koje sam jela u beogradskim restoranima, pileće belo meso sa pasuljem i kukuruzom, uz crni luk i savršenim spojem paprike i ljute paprike sa pelatom i slaninom daje pravi egzotični ukus Meksika, što mi daje osećaj kao da sam na nekom meksičkom letovalištu, npr. u Kankunu ili Akapulku. 
Dnevna doza Meksika za 590 rsd, zaista i više nego povoljna opcija. Što se tiče salate sa dimljenim lososom i mocarelom, uz miks zelenih salata, masline, čeri paradajzom i bosiljkom i nju zaista moram da pohvalim jer sam veliki ljubitelj lososa, kao i obrok salata. Pravi lagani letnji obrok koji će vas zasititi, a u zavisnosti od apetita imate L (445 rsd) i XL (850 rsd) porciju. Kad poručite jelo, konobari će vas pitati da li želite i kuver, preukusne, tople hlepčiće uz namaz koji se sastoji od lepo začinjenog sira, putera i maslina, a za simboličnih 95 rsd smatram da vredi počastiti čulo ukusa.

Tortilja sa piletinom u čili sosu
Mediteranska salata sa dimljenim lososom i mocarelom

Pored fenomenalnih koktela, Cruise se ističe i po izuzetnom gostoprimstvu, osoblje je preljubazno i hoće da vam izađe u susret po pitanju svega, bilo da se radi o koktelu koji želite, o objašnjenju nekog jela ili mesta gde želite da sednete i za ovih skoro 10 godina koliko sam im gost nikad nisam doživela nikakvu neprijatnost. Kao i na svakom dobrom mestu, ima svih starosnih grupa, pretežno mlađi, ali svako, koga ovde put nanese, ovde nađe svoje mesto pod suncem.

Ne razmišljajte, put pod noge i idite na Cruise, popijte koktel po vrelom letnjem danu i budite hedonista par sati, to vam od srca preporučuju oba člana Gastro policije!

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!


Want an excellent cocktail on a hot summer day? Then hit the road and visit Cruise! 

Cruise is among the places I have visited the most in Belgrade, so I can say that I feel like at home in there, and I think that solely the fact that I have been their guest for years, says a lot about their quality. Anyways, let's start!

Located on the Sava quay, in Block 70, New Belgrade, this restaurant (floating raft) will first win you over by its location. All made out of wood, known for its perfect cocktails, simply allures you to see what it has to offer. One of the first restaurants in row, on the Sava quay, near the last bus stop of several buses, so it's at an extremely convenient location, whether you come by public transportation or by car. As I have already said, it’s all made out of wood, consisting of lower area and the first floor, which is designed as a non-smoking area. Personally, I always choose the lower part, even though I do not smoke, but during the summer, the lower area is ideal because beside the indoor part, there is a terrace, and sitting there, while water ripples slowly rock the raft, is what I need the most on a hot summer day. In the inner part there are large tables with chairs, and bar tables with high seating chairs, so this place can be both a restaurant and a club, as needed.

Cruise - interior

Once settled in, while being gently rocked by the ripples, the first thing you will do is analyzing the cocktail list in details, as you have come to one of the most popular cocktail bars in the city, it would be really pity not to try some of the cocktails, right ? A selection of cocktails is huge, I can freely say that they have everything you can think of, and even if it happened, by miracle, that you do not like any of these cocktails, the polite and attentive waiters will offer you that the bartenders make a cocktail by your choice and liking, you do not have to tell the ingredients, it is sufficient to say the combination of flavors you like and trust me, you will get exactly what you imagined. For those who are not fans of alcohol there is a large number of non-alcoholic cocktails, so there is something for everyone. Prices of the cocktails vary, but the average price is about 400-500 rsd.

When the cocktail whet your appetite, you can take a look on a big and various menu. Mediterranean cuisine is dominating, which is one of the reasons that make you feel like you're by the sea, but there are other specialties as well, you can check out the complete menu on their website.
 Whenever we come here to eat, my friend and I mainly choose the Enchilada or the Mediterranean salad with smoked salmon fillet and mozzarella. This Enchilada is one of my favorite restaurant dishes that I ate in Belgrade, chicken breast with red kidney beans and corn, along with onions and a perfect blend of peppers and chili peppers with tomato sauce and bacon, it gives a real exotic taste of Mexico, which makes me feel like I'm on a vacation in some Mexican resort, for example in Cancun or Acapulco. The daily dose of Mexico for 590 rsd, more than a good offer. As for the salad with smoked salmon fillet and mozzarella, with a mix of green lettuces, olives, cherry tomatoes and basil, I’m full of praise for it because I am a big fan of salmon, and meal salads. A light summer meal salad that will fill you up, and depending on your appetite there is a choice of L (445 RSD) and XL (850 RSD) portion. When you order a meal, the waiters will ask you if you want a cover charge, delicious, warm buns with a spread that is made of a nicely spiced cottage cheese, butter and olives, for a symbolic 95 rsd, it's worth to treat your taste buds.
Mediterranean salad with smoked salmon fillet and mozzarella

In addition to the phenomenal cocktails, Cruise stands out for its exceptional hospitality, the staff is very kind and they want to meet with your demands, be it on the cocktail you want, the explanation of a dish or the area where you want to sit, and in almost 10 years I've been their guest, I have never experienced any problem. As in every good restaurant, the guests who visit it are of all ages, mostly younger, but everyone who ever comes here, will find their place under the sun.

Do not even think, hit the road and visit Cruise, have a cocktail on a hot summer day and be a hedonist for a few hours, both members of Gastro police heartily recommend you to do that!

Love, Gastro police !!

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