Želite za male pare odličan srpski roštilj? Dobrodošli kod Dekija! Ne, ovo nije nikakva plaćena reklama, ovo je samo moje najiskrenije mišljenje! Napokon je u centru Beograda otvoreno mesto na kom mogu da se najedem ko čovek, da ne potrošim mnogo, a da uživam u enterijeru, i plus da je osoblje ljubazno! Ali hajde da krenemo otpočetka.
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Ćevap kod Dekija |
U Strahinjića Bana, moram priznati ulici koju kao rođena beograđanka zaobilazim u širokom luku, nalazi se restoran Ćevap kod Dekija. Za restoran sam čula guglajući u potrazi za dobrim roštiljom. I tako nabasam, pogledam cene na sajtu, i u prvi mah sam bila zatečena koliko su niske cene, te nisam znala da li je ovo fast food ili restoran, te sam rešila da sama izvidim situaciju. Petak veče, bez rezervacija, sa punom postavom Gastro policije, uputih se dve ulice niže, i eto me. Bašta krcata, a ja bez rezervacije! Ali uz punu ljubaznost osoblja smestih se nekako i ja.
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Ćevap kod Dekija - enterijer |
Ovo je zaista restoran, a ne fast food (u najmanju ruku očekivala sam nešto tipa Lokija, ali sam se baaaš zeznula). Bašta prepuna što mladih, što starih, što stranaca, što lokalaca, odisala je životom i pravom letnjom euforijom. Ali, kao pravi inspektor odmah sam otišla da bacim i pogled na enterijer. Predivno! Ovo je zaista predivno! Ušuškan mali srpski restoran. Drveni stolovi, stolice, mali drveni šank sa barskim stolicama, separei ušuškani po ćoškovima, zidovi od cigle, imate osećaj da ste najzad otkrili nešto što vredi. Sve je na svom mestu, skladno, sa ukusom. Tako opušteno, a opet tako elegantno, kao da ste kod kuće. Za prostor definitivno čista desetka!
A sada da se bacimo na slađi deo - Meni! U skladu sa prostorom - kratak i sažet. Nema tu mnogo mudrosti, došli ste na mesto gde možete klopati pravi roštilj, uzeti salatu, pomfrit i sve to zaliti dobrim pivom (naravno oduševljenje je poraslo kad sam videla dobri stari Erdinger na spisku). Naša odluka je što se roštilja tiče pala na porciju ćevapa i pljeskavicu sa kajmakom. Sad nam samo ostaje da čekamo.
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Ćevapčići |
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Pljeskavica sa kajmakom |
Posle nekih pola sata, preeeljubazni konobar (koje je zaista teško naći u poslednje vreme) doneo nam je klopu. Hrana je bila servirana u dve male tave i ja sam već samim tim bila preoduševljena. Pomfrit je bio serviran sa činijicom kečapa (što je postalo prava retkost, kao da je od zlata, pa se po restoranima skoro nigde ne servira), salatica koja je odisala svežinom i naravno crni luk serviran posebno - pa ko želi može da se posluži (a hvala Bogu, svi želimo, jer kako roštilj bez luka). Kada sam probala pljeskavicu na kojoj se topio kajmak, moje prve misli su bile - najzad sam našla mesto gde sam oduševljena svim stavkama! I enterijerom, i uslugom i hranom i cenama. Ovo je raj! I nisam subjektivna, zaista je tako! I drugi član Gastro policije, koji je pravi zaljubljenik u roštilj bio je prezadovoljan.
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Pomfrit i Šopska salata |
Ceo ceh od dva Erdingera, pet ćevapa, pljeskavice sa kajmakom, porcije pomfrita i jedne šopske salate koštao nas je 1250 rsd. Pa ja mislim da je ovo zaista i više nego korektno. U Strahinjića Bana, što bih posebno naglasila! I tako je Gastro policija punih stomaka, sa velikim osmehom otišla kući. Ovaj restoran je ono što je zaista falilo Beogradu. Nakon nedelju dana ponovo sam im bila gost, ovog puta sa mojom jačom polovinom, čisto da se uverim još jednom da ovakvo mesto zaista postoji, a i da vidim da li sam bila objektivna. I kada sam dobila potvrdu od svog dragog (koji je izuzetno čangrizav kada je hrana u pitanju) da ćevapi kod Dekija spadaju u bolje koje je jeo, to je bilo TO! Preporučujem svima ovde da dođu jer nema šanse da se pokaju!
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Want excellent Serbian BBQ for a small amount
of money? Welcome at Deki`s! No, this is not a paid advertisement,
this is just my most honest opinion! Finally, in the center of Belgrade this
place opened, the place where you can eat a lot and not spend a lot of money, and
also enjoy the interior, plus the staff is friendly! But let's start from
the beginning.
A restaurant Ćevap kod Dekija is located in
Strahinjića Bana street, and I must admit, that as a person that was born and
raised in Belgrade, I avoid this street
as much as possible. When I google searched for a good BBQ, this
restaurant came up in my search feed. So I bumped into this, looked at the
prices on the website, and at first I was surprised by how low the prices are,
and I did not know if this was a fast food or a restaurant, so I decided to
scout the situation by myself. Friday night, the full lineup of Gastro
police, without a reservation for a restaurant, I wended my way through the
streets, and here I am. Garden was crowded, and I didn`t make a
reservation! But with the full hospitality of the staff, I found myself a
table somehow.
This is really a restaurant, not a fast food
(at least I was expecting something like Loki, but I made a mistake). Garden
was crowded with people- young people, elders, foreigners, locals, it was
lively, a real summer euphoria. But, as a true investigator, I immediately
went to take a look at the interior. Wonderful! This is really
wonderful! Tucked small Serbian restaurant. Wooden tables, chairs, a
small wooden bar with bar stools, booths tucked in the corners, brick walls,
you feel like you finally found something worthy. Everything is in its
place, harmonious and tasteful. So relaxed, and yet so elegant, as if you
are at home. I give them a straight A for the interior!
Now let's get to the sweeter part - Menu! In
accordance with the space - short and concise. There isn't' a lot of commotion
about it, you've come to a place where you can eat a real BBQ, have a salad,
french fries and along with all those drink a good beer (of course the
excitement grew when I saw the good old Erdinger beer on the list). As for
the BBQ we chose a portion of kebabs and a burger with kaymak(a creamy dairy
product similar to clotted cream). Now we only need to wait.
After about half an hour, polite waiter (which
is really hard to find in these days) brought us our food. The food was
served in two small pans and that already thrilled me. French fries,
served with a small dip bowl filled with ketchup (which has become a rarity,
like ketchup is made of gold, so the restaurants do not provide it almost
anywhere), fresh salad and , of course, onions served separately - so who wants
to eat it can mix it with his food ( but naturally, we all want it, because what
is a BBQ without onions). When I tried a burger with the melted kaymak on
top, my first thoughts were - I finally found a place where I'm thrilled with
all of the things! With the interior, and the service and the food and the
prices. This is paradise! I'm not subjective, it really is like that! And
the other member of Gastro police, who is a real BBQ lover, was very satisfied.
whole bill, for two Erdingers, five kebabs, a burger with kaymak, fries and a
salad, was 1250 rsd in total. So I think that this is more than
fair. In Strahinjića Bana street, which I would stress! And so the Gastro
police went home with a full stomach and a big smile on their faces. This restaurant
is what Belgrade really needed. I visited the restaurant again after a
week, but this time with my stronger half, just to see once again that such a
place really exists, and to see if I was objective. And when my beloved (who
is very picky when it comes to food) said that kebabs at Deki`s are among the
better ones he ate, that was it! I recommend to everyone to come here
because there is no chance to regret it!
Love, Gastro police !!
Eh, bas razmišljam sta za ručak, odoh kod Dekija
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