недеља, 17. јул 2016.


Leti su noći najlepše. Još kada ih podelite sa sebi dragom osobom, uz hranu i piće, zadovoljstvo se udvostručuje. Ovoga puta rešila sam da uživam svim čulima, te sam iz tog razloga rezervisala splav Korzo. Moram da naglasim da sam prilikom rezervacije bila oduševljena ljubaznošću. Gospodin sa druge strane žice mi je lepo objasnio da petkom i subotom nastupa DJ, i pitao da li će mi to smetati dok večeram. Naravno da neće. To će mi upotpuniti doživljaj.

Splav Korzo nalazi se na Savskom keju, i jednostavno je nemoguće ne primetiti ga. Kao biser u školjki, izdvaja se iz okoline. Okupan pravim letnjim bojama, belom i bež, sa palmama, daje vam osećaj kao da ste negde na Jadranu. Sav je od stakla, i jedini je splav koji nema zidove na Savskom keju. Ima dve terase, na donjem i gornjem splavu. 

Splav Korzo

Na samom ulasku na splav, moram priznati da sam bila malo šokirana osobom koja me je sačekala. Bez pozdrava, i upita da li imam rezervaciju, čovek je počeo da vergla kako nema mesta, eventualno jedan sto, te da ga nisam prekinula u sred rečenice sa rečima da sam rezervisala, pitanje je koliko bi on još pričao. Međutim kada nas je odveo do stola na gornjem spratu koji je bio savršen, cela nesuglisica pre toga činila mi se nebitnom. Pogled sa visine na reku je bio fantastičan.

Splav Korzo - terasa

Nakon što smo se smestili, red je došao na meni. Moram da naglasim da se cene u meniju razlikuju u odnosu na cene na sajtu, za nekih 50 rsd. Restoran je internacionalnog karaktera, meni je šarenolik i egzotičan, za svakog po nešto. Kompletan meni možete pogledati na sajtu splava Korzo, koji je zaista jedan od bolje urađenih sajtova (ako izuzmemo razlike u ceni koje treba prepraviti). Što se tiče izbora pića, ne zaostaje za hranom. Ja sam bila posebno oduševljena što imaju jedno od mojih omiljenih vina - Radovanović rose. 

Kada je osoblje u pitanju, mnogi su mi rekli kako su ovde svi uvek nasmejani i preljubazni. Ja baš nisam stekla takav utisak. Naš konobar je bio smrknut (oke, kapiram da je vrućina, i da je teško da se radi, ali malo osmeha nije na odmet). Jedva mi je objasnio kada sam ga pitala kako se servira sos uz jelo (pošto na kraju menija imate spisak sosova koje možete da dodate svom jelu, pa mi nije bilo jasno da li se jelo sprema zajedno sa tim sosom, ili se sos dodaje naknadno), tako da definitivno sam nailazila na mnooogo ljubaznije osoblje. Elem, mi smo se na kraju odlučili za Piletinu u kori od slanine ( sa sosom od šumskog voća) i Njoke sa biftekom i tri vrste pečuraka. Kada smo dobili jela, što naš narod kaže, bila su "ki upisana". Sve pohvale za kuvara!!

Piletina u kori od slanine sa sosom od šumskog voća

Njoke sa biftekom i tri vrste pečuraka

Što se tiče cena, malo su više, ali zaista imate potpuni užitak. Večera, vince, talasi i otvoreno nebo - vredi svaku paru.

Za dobru atmosferu zadužen je DJ, te u skladu sa tim, preko dana ovde možete očekivati nešto malo stariju, a uveče mlađu populaciju. Ali opet, ni to nije pravilo, najbitnije kako se neko oseća u duši.

Splav Korzo - uveče

Pa da zaključimo - ovo je zaista po meni najlepši splav na Savskom keju i sa velikim ushićenjem ću ga svima preporučiti, što zbog klope, što zbog pogleda. Pa ukoliko želite da jedan dan provede na moru, ne morate da odlazite iz Bg-a, samo dođite na Korzo.

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija !!



Nights are the most beautiful during summer,. And when you share them with loved ones, along with food and drinks, the pleasure is doubled. This time I decided to enjoy with all of my senses, and for this reason I made a reservation at floating raft Corso. I must emphasize that during the call, I was thrilled with their courtesy. A gentleman on the other side of the telephone, nicely explained that on Fridays and Saturdays they have DJ performances, and he asked me whether that would bother me during dinner. Of course not. That will complete my experience.

Floating raft Corso is located on the Sava quay, and it is simply impossible not to notice it. As a pearl in seashell, it stands out from the environment. Like bathed in  natural summer colors, white and beige, with palm trees, gives you a feeling like you are somewhere on the Adriatic sea. Made completely of glass, and it is the only floating raft on the Sava quay that has no walls. It has two terraces, one in the lower and one in the upper level.
Floating raft Corso

At the entrance, I have to admit I was a little shocked by the person who greeted me. Without saying hello, or asking if I had a reservation, the man started talking that there was no place left in the restaurant, maybe just one table, and if I did not interrupt him in a mid-sentence by saying that I have made a reservation for a table, the question is how long he would have kept talking. However, when he escorted us to a table on the top floor, which was perfect, whole previous misunderstanding seemed irrelevant. The view of the river was fantastic.

Floating raft Corso - terrace

After we got settled, it was time to look at the menu. I must emphasize that the prices on the menu are different as compared to the prices on the website, for about 50 RSD. The restaurant is of an international character, the menu is colorful and exotic, there is something for everyone. A complete menu can be found on the website of Corso, which is really one of the better websites (with the exception of the differences in prices that needs to be updated). Regarding the choice of drinks, it does not fall behind the food choice. I was especially thrilled about them having one of my favorite wines - Radovanovic rose wine.

When it comes to the staff, many have told me that everyone here is always smiling and that they are too kind. I just did not get that impression. Our waiter was depressed (ok, I get that that day it was very hot, and it is hard to work, but a little smile does not hurt). When I asked him how the sauce is served  with the meal (because at the end of the menu you have a list of sauces that you can add to your food, but it was not clear whether the dish allready comes with the sauce or it is added later) , he had some trouble explaining me, so I definitely encountered more polite staff. Anyway, we finally decided to order Chicken in bacon (with forest fruit sauce) and Gnocchi with steak and three kinds of mushrooms.When we got the dishes, they were picture perfect.  Bravo to the chef !!

Chicken in bacon crust with forest fruit sauce

Gnocchi with steak and three kinds of mushrooms

As for the prices, they are a little higher, but you really get a complete pleasure. Dinner, wine, waves and the open sky - it's worth every penny.

DJ is in charge of the good atmosphere, and accordingly, during the daytime, here you can expect a bit older crowd, and in the evening the younger population. But again, that's not a rule, most important is how one feels in his soul.

Floating raft Corso - at night

The conclusion - in my opinion, this is truly the most beautiful floating raft restaurant on the Sava quay and with great enthusiasm I recommend it to everyone, both for the food and the view. So if you want to spend a day at a seaside, you do not have to leave Belgrade, just come to Corso.

Love, Gastro police !!

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