Beograd. Petak. Trideset stepeni. Treba mi neki obrok koji će da me osveži i da mi da energije da izdržim ovaj vreli petak. Zovem drugaricu koja je na dijeti (khm, pardon, zdravom režimu ishrane) da mi preporuči neki restoran gde imaju dobre salate. Garden food bez razmišljanja! Pa hajmo da ga obiđemo.
Ovaj mini restoran (koji inače radi i dostavu) nalazi se u Kosovskoj ulici. Odmah vam zapada za oko izlog restorana od svetlog drveta sa malom baštom i mnogo cveća. Na svakom stolu nalazi se biljka začina u saksiji. Jasno vam je na samom startu da je ovo restoran zdrave hrane. Enterijer restorana je izuzetno sladak, sa trešnjicama po zidovima, foteljama u jarkim bojama, cvetićima na stolovima, i drvenim stolovima, odiše svežinom. Da li će i klopa biti takva?
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Garden food - enterijer |
Smeštamo se za jedan sto u bašti. Meni je preeeobiman. Ima svega što je povezano sa zdravim načinom života. Supe i potaži, obrok salate, rižota, paste, deserti, ceđeni sokovi. Mada nisam mogla da sakrijem oduševljenje kada sam videla da u meniju imaju i Grimbergen, moje omiljeno pivo. Znam, znam, ko će još da pije pivo u restoranu zdrave hrane? E, pa, ja ću! Konobar, mlad, simpatičan, prijatan obavestio me je da nema Grimbergena, ali zato ima Erdingera. Tako da smo se odlučile za po obrok salatu i pivce. Mislim da nema lepše kombinacije za ovakav dan. Posle petnaestak minuta stižu nam Italiana i Easy sweet obrok salate. Ja lepšu salatu nisam jela!! Svi sastojci su bili vrhunskog kvaliteta, povrće sveže, ukombinovano sa savršenim dresinzima. Može da se bira da li želite srednju ili veliku salatu. Mi smo se odlučile za po srednju i bile su nam i više nego dovoljne! E to se zove obrok salata! Da ne bih opisivala koji sastojci idu u koju salatu, ceo meni zajedno sa cenama možete da pogledate na njihovom sajtu.
Što se tiče posećenosti i atmosfere, mi kada smo bile nije bila nešto preterana gužva. Zaista ne znam koji su im udarni termini, ali zar vam je potreban još neko pored ovakvih salata?
Garden food zaista opravdava ime i želim im da još više napreduju. Zaista zaslužuju sve pohvale. Mislim da recimo Ada ciganlija treba da ima jedan ovakav restoran i mislim da bi im proširenje u tom smislu donelo itekako profita, pa sad da li će me poslušati ili ne, ne znam, ali dok god su ovolike vrućine u gradu, nastaviću da budem njihova stalna gošća.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Belgrade. Friday. Thirty celsius degrees. I
need a meal that will refresh me and give me the energy to endure this hot
Friday. I call my friend, who is on a diet (cough, cough, excuse me, healthy
diet nutrition), to recommend me a restaurant where they have good salads.
Garden food, without thinking! So let's go and visit.
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Garden food - exterior |
This mini restaurant (which has a delivery option)
is located in Kosovska Street. Immediately you see a show-window of a
restaurant made of light wood with a garden and many flowers. On each table
there is a potted spice plant. It is clear that this is a healthy food
restaurant. The interior of the restaurant is very cute, with wallpapers with
cherries on it, chairs in bright colors, flowers on the tables, and wooden
tables, looking so fresh. Will the food be like that, too?
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Garden food - interior |
We pick a table in the garden. The menu is huge.
It has everything that is associated with a healthy lifestyle. Soups and
pottages, salads, risottos, pastas, desserts, juices of freshly squeezed fruit.
I could not hide my enthusiasm when I saw Grimbergen beer on the menu, my
favorite beer. I know, I know, who else will drink a beer in the restaurant of
healthy food? Well, I will! The waiter, young, likable and friendly
informed me that there was no Grimbergen, but they had Erdinger beer. So we
decided to get a meal salad and a beer. I think that there is no better
combination for a day like this. After fifteen minutes, Italiana salad and Easy
and sweet salad arrive. I have not eaten a nicer salad!! All the ingredients
were top quality, fresh vegetables, combined with a perfect salad dressings.
You can choose whether you want a medium or a large salad. We chose the medium
ones and that was more than enough! That's a real meal salad! I would not
describe the ingredients that go into a salad, you can look their whole menu
along with prices at their website.
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Italiana salad |
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Easy sweet salad |
As for the prices, you do not need a lot of
money to enjoy here. Price of the medium salad is about 500 rsd, a for the
large around 600 rsd. More than fair than, isn’t it?
As for the attendance and atmosphere, there
was not a lot of people when we were there. I really do not know when their
prime time is, but do you really need someone else in addition to such a salad?
Garden food has justified the name, and I want
them even more progress. They really deserve all the praise. I think that Ada
Ciganlija ("Belgrade's Sea") should have a
restaurant like this and I think if they expand over there, it would bring them
much profit. It doesn’t matter if they listen to me or not, but as long as
the weather is this hot in the city, I will continue to be their regular guest.
Love, Gastro police !!
Najbolje salate u gradu!
ОдговориИзбришиMesto je super, salate su jako ukusne i osvežavajuće!
ОдговориИзбришиHvala na recenziji, samo tako nastavite 😎
Ljudi, totalno ste u pravu, vec duze vreme narucujem kod njih i stvarno su najbolji!