Moderno i izuzetno opuštajuće - to su dve reči kojima bih opisala još jedan u nizu super mesta na Novom Beogradu, tj. Kaldi! Smešten u egzotičnom delu NBG-a, između Merkatora i Arene, ovaj gastro bar mami i svojom lokacijom i onim što se nudi u njemu.
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Kaldi |
Ono što je u meni prvi put probudilo želju da dođem ovde bila je veoma lepa bašta sa palmama, koje su u par navrata učinile da se osećam kao da sam na moru. Posle kraćeg razmišljanja da li sesti u baštu ili unutra, odlučile smo da se smestimo za sto pored prozora. Enterijer nikako ne zaostaje za eksterijerom. Prostran i lepo uređen šank svakako će vam privući pažnju i ostaviti na vas utisak velike urednosti, a kada sednete u izuzetno udobne i prostrane stolice ili fotelje, jedino što posle toga treba da uradite je da lepo pogledate kartu pića i meni i uživate i vizuelno i u dobrim ukusima.
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Kaldi - eksterijer |
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Kaldi - enterijer |
Nije mi bilo lako da odlučim šta da jedem. Meni je internacionalnog karaktera (detaljan meni imate na njihovom sajtu) tako da sam više puta listala. Drugarica se lako odlučila za beef burger (juneće meso, džem od luka, paradajz, iceberg, gauda, aromatični krompirići, barbecue sos), ali zato sam ja bila na teškim mukama, s obzirom da sam tog dana pravila pauzu od dijete. Posle mnooogooo razmišljanja i premišljanja, odluka je konačno pala na ramstek u blue cheese sosu (ramstek, orasi, šampinjoni, plavi sir, puter, bundeva, cimet), međutim, ljubazni konobar je rekao da trenutno nemaju bundevu i ponudio da mi umesto nje stave pire od celera, što mi nimalo nije smetalo i nije pokvarilo opšti utisak o jelu. Ramstek je bio lepo pečen, a svi ovi dodaci su ga učinili dodatno ukusnim i time ga stavili na listu jela koja obavezno morate da probate, ako ste ljubitelj mesa. Kako pauza od dijete zna često da izmakne kontroli, morala sam da probam i burger svoje drugarice i bila sam oduševljena - preukusni, sa lepo prženim i svežim mesom, uz barbecue sos koji daje finu slatkastu notu i super pomfrit, uverila sam se da su čula moje drugarice zadovoljena isto koliko i moja. Pijuckanje erdingera samo je doprinelo našem uživanju.
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Beef burger |
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Ramstek u blue cheese sosu |
Ekipa se sastoji pretežno od mlađe i srednje generacije, mada ima i dece i starijih osoba, što potvrđuje kvalitet Kaldija, kao i svih dobrih mesta, uostalom, a korektne cene takođe ukazuju na to da ovde mnogi sebi mogu da priušte izlazak.
Jedino što bih izdvojila kao manu je što iz jednog dela restorana imate pogled na veliki Maxi preko puta, što, složićemo se, nam nije želja kad odemo u restoran, ali pošto je to jedina mana, smatraću da nema manu, jer ipak ne mogu oni da utiču na to šta će da se nalazi pored njih. Uvek možete da sednete u baštu, ili pored prozora, gde ćete imati pogled na šetalište, tako da Maxi nećete ni primetiti.
Na kraju mogu samo da zaključim da je Kaldi mesto koje vredi posetiti i da ću im sigurno opet biti gost, samo neka tako nastave i posao će im još više cvetati, a verujem da su i oni svesni svojih kvaliteta, ja ih samo potvrđujem.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija !!
The first thing that evoked my desire to visit this place was a very beautiful garden with palm trees, which have made me feel like I was by the sea, on several occasions. After some thinking whether to sit in the garden or inside, we decided to sit at the table by the window. The interior does not fall behind the exterior. Spacious and beautifully decorated bar will definitely attract your attention by its great neatness, and when you sit in a very comfortable and spacious chairs or armchairs, the only thing you need to do then is to peruse the drink list and the menu, and enjoy in the view and tasty food.
It was not easy to decide what to eat. The menu is of an international
character (you have detailed menu on their website) so I looked it several
times. My friend easily
decided for a Beef burger (beef, onion jam, tomato, iceberg, gouda, aromatic
potatoes, BBQ sauce), but I was in torment, since that day I paused my restricted
diet. After a lot of
thinking and deliberation, the decision was finally made, I chose the Rump
steak in blue cheese sauce (rump steak, walnuts, mushrooms, blue cheese,
butter, pumpkin, cinnamon), however, the kind waiter said that currently they do
not have a pumpkin and he offered me that instead of it they serve me some
celery puree, which I did not mind at
all and it did not spoil the overall impression of the meal. Rump steak was
nicely cooked, and all of these added ingredients have made it extra
delicious and thereby this dish was added on the list of dishes that you must try
if you love meat. As a break from my
restrected diet can often get out of control, I had to try the burger of my
friend, and I was thrilled - delicious, with a nicely roasted, fresh meat with BBQ
sauce, which gives a nice sweet note, and tasty fries, I was assured that the palate
of my friend was satisfied just like mine. Sipping Erdinger
beer only contributed to our enjoyment.
The guests are mainly of young and middle generation, but there are also children and the elderly, which confirms the quality of Kaldi, like of every good restaurant, after all, and normal and fair prices also suggest that many can afford to visit this place.
Modern and extremely relaxing - these are the two words to
describe yet another great restaurant in New Belgrade, ie. Kaldi! Located in the
exotic part of NBG's, between Mercator and Arena, this gastro bar lures us with
its location and with what it’s offering.
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Kaldi |
The first thing that evoked my desire to visit this place was a very beautiful garden with palm trees, which have made me feel like I was by the sea, on several occasions. After some thinking whether to sit in the garden or inside, we decided to sit at the table by the window. The interior does not fall behind the exterior. Spacious and beautifully decorated bar will definitely attract your attention by its great neatness, and when you sit in a very comfortable and spacious chairs or armchairs, the only thing you need to do then is to peruse the drink list and the menu, and enjoy in the view and tasty food.
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Kaldi - exterior |
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Kaldi - interior |
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Rump steak in blue cheese sauce |
The guests are mainly of young and middle generation, but there are also children and the elderly, which confirms the quality of Kaldi, like of every good restaurant, after all, and normal and fair prices also suggest that many can afford to visit this place.
The only thing I
would single out as a disadvantage is that from one part of the restaurant you
have a view of a big local supermarket Maxi, which is across the street, and
that, you will agree, we do not want to look when we go to the restaurant, but
since this is the only drawback, I'll consider that there is no flaws, because
they still can not choose what will be located next to them. You can always sit in the garden or by the window, where you have
a view on the park, so you won’t even notice the supermarket.
In the end, I
can only conclude that Kaldi is a place worth a visit and I will definetely be
their guest again, if they continue like this, their business will flourish
even more, and I believe that they are aware of their qualities, I am just
acknowledging them.
Love, Gastro
police !!
Super restoran
ОдговориИзбришиKod mene u kraju, super bar, najbolji na Novom Beogradu.
ОдговориИзбришиHrana izgleda prelepo!