Prijatno i ušuškano su reči koje ćete u startu
čuti od mene kad se pomene Bajloni bar. Smešten u centru Beograda, u Cetinjskoj
ulici, Bajloni svojim šmekom neodoljivo privlači prolaznike da svrate i uživaju
u onome što nudi.
Kada se odlučite da svratite ovde, prvo ćete
zakoračiti u prostranu i lepo, originalno uređenu baštu, a u skladu sa tim da
li želite da popijete piće ili jedete, odlučićete da li ćete sesti za veći sto
za ručavanje, ili manje stolove gde ćete uživati u piću po vrelom danu, ili za
stolove u obliku šanka, koji se nalaze odmah sa desne strane, pri ulazu u
baštu. Preko puta tog šanka, ispred vas je gomila stolova pod strehom somersby
suncobrana, a ispred njih šank u kom šankeri rade punom parom, tako da je leti
bašta pravi bar na otvorenom. Baš ti drveni stolovi i stolice, pretežno
bele i braon boje su ono što daje šarm ovom mestu, jer istovremeno odaju
domaćinsku toplinu i spoj običnog, a vrlo originalnog. Enterijer će vas,
takođe, kupiti. Kao i u bašti, drveni stolovi i stolice, sa vazama sa cvećem na
stolovima, kredencima i starinskim prozorima, sa zanimljivim crtežima po
zidovima, poput saksofona, peći, ili starog telefona je nešto što zaista ne
može da vam ne izmami osmeh na lice.
Pored takvog ambijenta, kako odoleti i ne
probati nešto sa menija? Pre nego što sam ovde došla, pogledala sam meni na
njihovom sajtu i bila sam i više nego oduševljena zanimljivim, raznovrsnim
menijem. Jedno od jela koje mi je privuko pažnju na sajtu bilo je pileća
rolnica sa kafom i kozijim sirom u sosu od višanja i bila sam prilično sigurna
da ću to naručiti. Međutim, kad sam pogledala meni na licu mesta, tog, kao i
još nekoliko izuzetno zanimljivih jela uopšte nije bilo u jelovniku. Bilo mi je
prilično krivo zbog toga, jer se meni na sajtu i u restoranu dosta razlikuju, a
od malo egzotičnijih jela u meniju je bila samo hobotnica na puteru sa
sokom od pomorandže, što mi je bilo ok, jer sam veliki ljubitelj morskih
plodova. Drugarica se posle malo razmišljanja odlučila za ramstek sa začinjenim
krompirom, pečurkama i boranijom (1140 rsd), u čemu sam je podržala i rekla da
bih verovatno i ja to naručila da ne jedem hobotnicu. Kada je ljubazni konobar
prišao i kad mi je rekao da nemaju hobotnicu moram priznati da sam bila
razočarana. Pored tako bogatog menija na sajtu i oskudnijeg u restoranu oni čak
ni to nemaju... Shodno tome, naručila sam isto što i moja drugarica. Ramstek je
bio srednje pečen, baš po mom ukusu, tako da nemam zamerke, moja drugarica voli
ipak malo pečenije, tako da su možda eventualno mogli da pitaju kako želimo da
bude pečeno, ali ne smatram to za propust, uvek možemo da zamolimo da nam nešto
bude manje ili više pečeno, ako želimo. Bio je i ispunjen papričicom, koja je
bila ljuta, takođe po mom ukusu, a začinjeni kromiri su isto imali dozu ljutine
jer su bili blago začinjeni tucanom paprikom, tako da je uz pečurke i boraniju
ovo jelo skroz odgovaralo mom ukusu i zadovoljilo moje čulo ukusa, tako da sam
relativno brzo prebolela hobotnicu. Karta pića je veoma raznovrsna, bilo da su
u pitanju sokovi, flaširani ili ceđeni, piva, vina, kokteli, itd.
Ekipa je pretežno mlađa, do 35 godina, ima,
naravno, i poneko stariji, ali Bajloni ima dozu hipsterskog, što potvrđuje
mlađa populacija. Cene pića su pretežno kao i svuda u centru grada, poneke malo
jače, ali ništa drastično. Skoro uvek su svi stolovi zauzeti, pa je poželjno
rezervisati ako hoćete ovde na ručak ili večeru, a naročito kad im nastupa dj,
tada je to prava žurka na otvorenom.
Ono što mogu da izvedem kao zaključak je da
ovaj bar definitivno treba posetiti, to će vam zaista biti jedno prijatno iskustvo
gde ćete uživati. Samo bih kao sugestiju zamolila menadžment da uskladi meni sa
sajta sa menijem u restoranu, kao i da jela koja su u meniju u restoranu, a
nema ih, ili nabave, ili sklone sa menija, to je prijateljski savet. Vreme
provedeno ovde mi je zaista bilo lepo i rado ću se vratiti, naročito po ovim
vrelim, letnjim danima.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija !!
Nice and cozy are the two words that I would
use when you mention Bajloni bar. Located in the center of Belgrade, in
Cetinjska street, using its charm Bajloni attracts passers-by to stop by and
enjoy what it offers.
When you decide to visit this place, you will
first step into a spacious and beautiful, originally decorated garden, in
accordance with whether you want to drink or eat, you will decide between a larger
dining table, or smaller tables where you will enjoy a drink on a hot day, or
tables in the form of the bar, which are located immediately to the right, at
the entrance to the garden. Across this bar, in front of you is a bunch of
tables under the eaves Somersby parasols, a bar in front of them where
bartenders work at full speed, so during the summer this garden is a real
outdoor bar. Exactly those wooden tables and chairs, predominantly of
white and brown colors, are what gives the charm of this place, because at the
same time they give homely warmth and blend the ordinary and original
together. The interior will also get to you. As in the garden, wooden
tables and chairs, with vases with flowers on the tables, cupboards and antique
windows, with interesting drawings on the walls, like the saxophone, stoves, or
old wire phone is something that really can not fail in making you smile.
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Bajloni - exterior |
In addition to such environment, how to resist
and not to try something from the menu? Before I came here, I looked at
the menu on their website and I was more than delighted with interesting,
varied menu. One of the dishes that caught my eye on the site was The
chicken roll with coffee and goat cheese in sour cherry sauce and I was pretty
sure I'm going to order that one. However, when I looked at the menu on
the spot, that dish wasn`t on it as well as several other very interesting
dishes. I felt bad about it, because it believes the menu in the
restaurant and the one on the website are quite different, and the only little
more exotic dish was Octopus in butter with orange juice, which I was ok with
because I am a big fan of seafood. After some thinking, my friend ordered Rump
steak with seasoned potatoes, mushrooms and green beans (1140 rsd), I approved
her choice and said that I'd probably order the same if there was no
octopus. When the friendly waiter came over and when he told me that they
do not have the octopus, I must admit that I was disappointed. Such a rich
menu on the web site and slimmer version menu in the restaurant, they do not
have this dish as well... Accordingly, I ordered the same thing as my
friend. Rump steak was medium rare, exactly according to my taste, so no
mistakes there, my friend likes it a little more cooked, so they might have ask
us how it should be done, but I do not consider that as a mistake, we can
always ask for something to be more or less done, if we want to. There was
a bit of hot chili pepper in the steak, which was nice, and seasoned potatoes
were also a bit spicy , because they were mildly spiced with grounded hot
pepper, so, along with mushrooms and green beans this dish completely suited my
taste and satisfied my taste buds so I got over that octopus fairly
quickly. Drink list is very diverse, whether it comes to juices, bottled
or of fresh fruit, beers, wines, cocktails, etc.
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Rump steak with seasoned potatoes, mushrooms and green beans |
The guests are mostly young, to 35 years old, there is, of course, someone older, but Bajloni has this hipster dose, which the younger population confirms. Drink prices are mainly as everywhere in the city center, some little higher, but nothing drastic. All the tables are almost always occupied, so it is advisable to make a reservation if you want to come here for lunch or dinner, especially when there is a DJ show, then there is the real outdoor party in here.
What I can conclude is that this bar is definitely
worth visiting, it will truly be an experience where you will enjoy. I'd
just, as a suggestion, ask the management to align the menu from the website
with the menu in a restaurant, and about the dishes that are on the menu at a
restaurant, but there do not have them actually, either purchase them or take
them off the menu, it's friendly advice. Time spent here was really nice
and I'll happily come back, especially on these hot, summer days.
Love, Gastro police !!
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