Manufaktura. Toliko u poslednje vreme slušam o ovom restoranu. Neko ga obožava i hvali na sva usta, neko se žali na lošu uslugu i male porcije, nekom je klopa vrh, nekom nije.. Pa daj, da ode i Gastro policija i da da svoj sud o čuvenom restoranu Manufaktura.
Restoran se nalazi u mom kraju, u Starom gradu, u Kralja Petra, te ga ja otkad se otvorio doživljavam kao lokalni restoran, pa verovatno zbog toga nisam nešto bila ni zagrejana da odem. Reših jedno veče sa drugaricom da odem na pićence i večeru, bez rezervacije. Kakva greška!! Utorak veče, bašta krcata. Stojimo mi tako na sred bašte, ni hostesa ni konobari, niko da priđe da nam pomogne da se smestimo. Posle nekih pet minuta tako šetkanja (jer i ako nema mesta, Gastro policija ne odustaje tako lako), prilazi nam hostesa sa idejom da nas smesti za neki minijaturni sto gde jedva dve čaše mogu da stanu, a kamoli večera. Posle nekog vremena snimim sama sto koji je unutar restorana ali odmah pored otvorenog dela, te se najzad smestimo. Prvi zaključak - hostesa neprofesionalna. Idemo dalje.
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Manufaktura - enterijer |
Restoran je u industrijskom stilu. Autentičan, sa drvenim policama sa strane na kojoj su namirnice. U jednom delu restorana vise butkice i pršuta, zaista zanimljiv koncept. Imate utisak kao da ste u nekom velikom špajzu. Fensi špajzu, što bih ja rekla. Bašta je u skladu sa unutrašnjim delom, sa drvenim stolovima i stolicama, ponekim drvenim buretom i slatkim malim jastucima. A iznad vas vise stotine crvenih kišobrana. Originalno, nema šta!
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Manufaktura - eksterijer |
Da vidimo kakva je usluga, pošto sam se na neljubaznost već spremila što zbog pogubljene hostese što zbog komentara koje sam čitala na njihovoj fejsbuk stranici. Pošto izvesno vreme niko nije prilazio stolu, same smo uzele meni. Ok, cene su smešne, preniske, samim tim očekujete i smešno male porcije. O, pojavljuje se i konobar! Za divno čudo preeeljubazan, nasmejan, posvetio nam je dosta pažnje objašnjavajući kakvi su koji ćevapi, ima li priloga, i sve ostalo što nas je zanimalo. Drugi zaključak - konobar za čistu desetku!!
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Manufaktura |
Naručujemo pazarske i leskovačke ćevape, srpsku salatu i točeni Heineken. Usluga je bila brza, zaista smo čekale onoliko vremena koliko i treba da se sve to pripremi. Ok, prvi utisak je bio da su porcije zaista premale. Po pet ćevapa serviranih vrlo originalno sa prženim krompirom i hleb serviran u situ (što me je zaista oduševilo, jer nije bitan samo ukus, bitno je i kako je sve to servirano pred gosta) odaje mi utisak da ću pojesti sve za par minuta i ostati gladna, međutim pogrešila sam. Zaista mi je bilo dovoljno. Zajedno sa salatom i preukusnim hlebom ovo je jedan normalan obrok. Još da smo uzele neko predjelo, pošto zaista imaju preveliki izbor sireva, suhomesnatog i ostalih domaćinskih proizvoda, još bismo se i prejele. Pa da smo posle predjela prvo pojele po čorbicu obrok bi bio i više nego korektan. Tako da sledeći put kad budemo otišle na večeru u Manufakturu, krenućemo po redu. Jer to i jeste princip ovog restorana. Više manjih porcija i dobijate kompletan i raznovrstan obrok za uživanje. Da ne zaboravim, ćevapčići su bili mali, sočni i preukusni. Tope se u ustima. Uživala sam!! Onaj ko kaže da mu klopa u Manufakturi nije ništa posebno, taj vas laže!! Hrana je predivna, jedva čekam da ponovo odem da probam i ta predjela i čorbicu.
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Leskovački ćevapčići |
Što se tiče atmosfere i ljudi koji dolaze na ovo mesto, zaista je šarenoliko. Veselo, prepuno, puno graje, mladih, starih, parova, ma svega ima. Manufaktura zaista spaja sve generacije. Račun smo malo duže čekale, ali posle sjajne klope i dobrog piva, ništa vas više ne može iznervirati.
Manufakturu od srca preporučujem svima koji nisu bili da posete. Ja ću svakako ići ponovo, samo što ću ovoga puta prvo da rezervišem, jer želim da osetim tu atmosferu u bašti koja odiše životom.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Manufaktura. I hear about this restaurant so much
lately. Someone worships and praises it, someone complains about the poor
service and small portions, someone loves the food, some not .. So, let the Gastro
police check this place and make a judgment about the famous restaurant
The restaurant is located in my neighborhood, in the Municipality
of Stari grad, in Kralja Petra street, so ever since it opened I think of it as
a local restaurant, and that’s probably why I wasn’t too excited to go there.
So one evening, I decided to go for a drink and dinner with a friend, without making
a reservation. What a mistake !! Tuesday night, restaurant’s garden
is packed. We are standing in the middle of the garden, not the hostess nor
the waiters, nobody came over to help us find a table. After about five
minutes of walking in circles (because even if there is no free tables, Gastro
police do not give up so easily), the hostess approached us with the idea to
put us on a tiny table where barely two cups can stand, let alone
dinner. After a while I find a table by myself, that is inside the
restaurant but next to the open area, and we finally settle. The first
conclusion - hostess unprofessional. Moving on.
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Manufaktura - interior |
The style of the restaurant is industrial. Authentic, with
wooden shelves on the side where the groceries are placed. In one part of
the restaurant hams and prosciutto are hanging, a really interesting
concept. You feel like you're in a large pantry. Fancy pantry, I
would say. The garden is in accordance with interior, with wooden tables
and chairs, occasional wooden barrel and cute little pillows. A over our
heads hundreds of red umbrellas. Original, indeed!
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Manufaktura - exterior |
Let's see what the service is like, since I was already prepared to
unkindness because of the undone hostess and because of the comments that I
read on their Facebook page.Since some time no one approached the table, we
took the menu by ourselves. Ok, the prices are ridiculous, too low, and
therefore you expect small portions. Oh, here comes the waiter! Miraculously polite, smiling, he
devoted a lot of attention to us explaining each kind of kebabs, side dishes, and everything else we
wanted.The second conclusion – the waiter gets an A+!!
We order Pazar kebabs and Leskovac kebabs, Serbian salad and draught
Heineken beer. The service was fast, we waited just as long as it needs to
get it all cooked. Ok, the first impression was that the portions are
really small. Five kebabs served with fried potatoes and bread served in old
wooden sieve (which really impressed me, because it is not only about the
taste, it is also important how it is all served to the guests), it gives me
the impression that I would eat everything in a few minutes and stay hungry,
but I was wrong. It really was enough. Together with salad and delicious
bread this is one normal meal. If we had taken a starter, since they indeed have a large selection of cheeses, dry meats
and other homemade products, we would have been gormandized . And if we
had a soup after the appetizer it would be more than enough. So next time,
when we go here for dinner, we will try everything. Because it is the
principle of this restaurant. Several smaller portions and you get a
complete and varied meal to enjoy. Not to forget, kebabs were small, juicy
and delicious. Melting in your mouth. I enjoyed!! Anyone who
says that the food in Manufaktura is nothing special, he is lying to you!! The
food is wonderful, can not wait to go back and try those appetizers and soups.
As for the atmosphere and the people who come to this place, really
versatile. Cheerful, crowded, a lot of chatting, young people, elders,
couples, everyone.Manufaktura really connects all generations. We waited a little
longer for the bill, but after great food and good beer, nothing can upset you.
I heartly recommend Manufaktura to anyone who had not been there. I
will definitely go again, only this time I will first make a reservation,
because I want to feel the atmosphere of a garden that is full of life.
Love, Gastro police !!