Ako pratite naše tekstove, primetili ste da Gastro policija veoma voli Vojvodinu. Kao neko čija je baka odatle, prosto ne mogu da se zateknem u nekom gradu ove regije, a da ne navratim u neki restoran, jer ipak je ovaj deo Srbije poznat po odličnoj kuhinji. Zanimalo me je da li je to slučaj i sa Etno kućerkom.
Prilikom posete Zrenjaninu malo smo se raspitale o gastro sceni ovog grada i sve preporuke su nas odvele u navedeni restoran. Konačno sam shvatila značenje rečenice "kao kod bake", u pravom smislu. Ambijent je veoma lep, čak i bajkovit na neki način. Pregršt detalja na zidovima, poput starih slika, na policama staro posuđe, starinske komode, gitara i cegeri koji vise na kaminu, kao i čuvene drvene stolice sa srcima i kockasti stolnjaci. Sve to stvara romantičnu atmosferu zbog koje se osećate prijatno i koja vraća u neka dobra, stara vremena, mene konkretno kod moje bake na selo.
Etno kućerak |
Sam naziv etno govori da je ovo mesto nacionalne kuhinje. Dan je bio veoma topao, a mi veoma gladne i domaća hrana je bila idealan izbor za nas. Ljubazni konobar kao da nam je pročitao misli i kad nam je prišao rekao je: "Izvolite devojke, imamo sve od roštilja!" Kako smo tek sele i nismo još ni pogledale meni, ja sam na to pitala da li imaju ražnjiće, na šta mi je on kroz smeh odgovorio da samo ražnjiće nemaju. Nije mi bilo strašno što neću ručati ražnjiće, jer svakako sam planirala da jedem roštilj, pa smo se odlučile za Punjenu pljeskavicu (RSD 465) i Ćevape u slanini (10 komada - RSD 445). Šopska salata (RSD 200) je neizostavan prilog uz ove specijaliete. Porcije su veoma obilne i veoma ukusne. Uz oba jela je bio serviran
ukusan krompir, koji ja, iskreno, nisam mogla da pojedem, jer mi je onih
10 ćevapa bilo i više nego dovoljno. Uz pristupačne cene, nakon obroka u ovom restoranu sigurno će svi biti siti i zadovoljni. Mi tog dana nismo večerale, a sigurna sam da bi to bio slučaj i sa onima sa većim apetitom.
Punjena pljeskavica |
Ćevapi u slanini |
Šopska salata |
Lepinja |
Osoblje je, kao što sam već napomenula, ljubazno i srdačno. Gosti su bili od 7-107, što govori u prilog odnosu cena kvalitet. Kad me put navede u Zrenjanin, sigurno ću opet da navratim.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
If you follow our posts, you can see that the Gastro police is very fond of Vojvodina. As someone whose grandmother was born in that part of the country, I just can’t find myself in a town of this region, and not visit some restaurant, because, after all, this part of Serbia is famous for its excellent cuisine. I was wondering if this was the case with the restaurant Etno kucerak (Ethno Hut).
During our visit to Zrenjanin, we inquired a bit about the gastronomic scene of this town and all the recommendations led us to the above-mentioned restaurant. I finally understand the meaning of the phrase "like grandma used to make", in the right sense. The ambience is very nice, even fairytale-like in some way. Plenty of details on the walls, like old photos, antique dishes on shelves, antique china cabinets, guitars and grocery bags hanged by the fireplace, as well as famous wooden heart chairs and checkered tablecloths. All this creates a romantic atmosphere that makes you feel comfortable and it takes you back to some good old times, in my case, to my grandma’s at the countryside.
Etno kucerak(Ethno Hut) |
The word Ethno in the name itself says that this is the national cuisine restaurant. It was very hot that day, and we were really hungry, so traditional food was the right choice for us. The polite waiter seemed to read our thoughts and when he approached us he said: "Hello girls, we have everything from the grill menu!" As we were just seated, we didn’t have a chance to look at the menu yet, I asked him whether they have skewers, to which he smiled and told me that those are the only dish they didn’t have. Not having skewers for lunch didn’t upset me, I planned to eat some grilled dish, by all means, so we ordered Stuffed burger (RSD 465) and Bacon-wrapped kebabs (10 pieces - RSD 445). Shopska salad (RSD 200) is the essential side dish to these specialties. Portions are really big and delicious. Some tasty potatoes were served with both dishes, which, frankly, I couldn’t finish, because those 10 kebabs were more than enough for me. With affordable prices, after a meal in this restaurant, everyone’s stomach will be full and satisfied. We didn’t eat dinner that day, and I'm sure that would also be the case with those with a greater appetite.
Stuffed burger |
Bacon-wrapped kebabs |
Shopska salad |
Bun |
The staff is, as I already mentioned, kind and polite. The guests were from 7 to 107 years old, which speaks in favor of the price quality ratio. When the road takes me to Zrenjanin, I’ll surely visit this place again.
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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