Ne znam za vas, ali mene mesec maj asocira na izlete u prirodi i piknike. I baš kada sam pomislila kako bi bilo lepo posetiti neki restoran sa takvom tematikom, na facebook-u mi je iskočila notifikacija da jedan splav restoran svakog vikenda organizuje tkzv. piknik ručkove u okviru Fish fest-a. U pitanju je restoran Vodenica.
Splav restoran Vodenica |
Splav restoran Vodenica nalazi se na Dunavskom keju, na 25. maju i najstariji je splav koji se otvorio u ovom delu grada, pa samim tim ima i dugu tradiciju. U pitanju je riblji restoran koji osim što svoje goste ugošćava na splavu, ima i baštu koja se nalazi na obali.
Bašta |
I baš u toj bašti na obali svakog vikenda (kada vremenski uslovi to dozvole) organizuju piknik druženja u okviru Fish fest-a. Svakog vikenda ovde možete da očekujete malo izmenjenu ponudu hrane. Ovog vikenda na meniju su bile girice, pastrmke, lignje, dagnje na buzaru, razne vrste priloga, salata, dalmatinskog variva, kao i nezaobilazna riblja čorba, jedno od najvažnijih jela svakog ribljeg restorana. Mi smo se odlučili da probamo Dagnje na buzaru i Pastrmku, a od priloga Krompir salatu i Rižoto sa povrćem. Porcije su bile mnogo veće nego što sam očekivala, a cena je jedinstvena za bilo koje jelo sa prilogom za koje se odlučite i iznosi RSD 300. A kada je ukus u pitanju mogu samo da kažem da sam ovde pojela najukusnije Dagnje na buzaru!! Apsolutno sve pohvale za kuvara!!
Pastrmka sa krompir salatom |
Rižoto sa povrćem |
Dagnje na buzarru |
Dagnje na buzaru |
Osim što je hrana servirana kao da ste na pikniku, cela atmosfera vikendom u ovoj bašti podseća na prava druženja u prirodi, praćena muzikom i dobrim raspoloženjem kako gostiju tako i osoblja. Iako se nalazite u centru grada, u ovoj bašti nemate takav osećaj.
Ukoliko nemate planove za naredni vikend, a ljubitelj ste prirode i morskih specijaliteta, posetite ovaj restoran i uz savršenu klopu uživajte u jedinstvenom pogledu na Dunav.
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
I don’t know about you, but the month of May reminds me of nature tours and picnics. And just when I thought it would be nice to visit a restaurant with that theme, I got a Facebook notification about one raft restaurant which organizes so-called Picnic lunches under Fish Fest. That restaurant is Vodenica.
Raft restaurant Vodenica |
The raft restaurant Vodenica is located on the Danube quay( 25. maj) and it’s the oldest raft opened in this part of the city, hence it has a long tradition. It’s a fish restaurant, which, in addition of welcoming their guests on the raft, has a garden located on the quay.
Garden |
And in that garden on the quay, every weekend (when the weather allows it), they organize a picnic meeting under Fish Fest. Every weekend you can expect a slightly different food offer. This weekend, on the menu were: whitebait, trout, squid, mussels alla buzara, various types of side dishes, salads, Dalmatian garnish, as well as the unavoidable fish soup, one of the most important dishes of every fish restaurant. We decided to try Mussels alla buzara and Trout, and the side dishes we ordered were Potato salad and Vegetable risotto. The portions were much bigger than I expected, and the price is the same for any main+side dish you choose, and it is RSD 300. And when it comes to the taste, I can only say that here I had the most delicious Mussels alla buzara I have ever tried!! Absolutely all the praise for the chef!!
Trout with potato salad |
Vegetable risotto |
Mussels alla buzara |
Mussels alla buzara |
Besides the fact that the food is served as if you were at a picnic, the whole atmosphere during the weekend in this garden reminds you of some nature get-togethers, accompanied by music and good mood of both the guests and the staff. Although you are in the city center, you don’t feel like it while being in this garden.
If you don’t have any plans for the next weekend, and you are a fan of nature and seafood specialties, visit this restaurant and enjoy the amazing view of the Danube while eating great food.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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