Gastro policija se zaželela sušija, jednog od meni omiljenih jela. Po preporuci, otišle smo da probamo kako ga prave u Go sushi. Nažalost, nisam još bila u Japanu, pa ne mogu da uporedim, ali nadam se da će biti prilike.
Go sushi se nalazi na nekoliko lokacija u Beogradu, a drugarica i ja smo odlučile da posetimo onaj na Banovom brdu. Prvo što ćete primetiti kad uđete ovde je besprekorna čistoća i urednost. Moderan stil koji odiše mirom, elegancijom i harmonijom. Za pušače imam lošu vest, jer je u celom restoranu zabranjeno pušenje.
Kako smo bile mnogo gladne, a i neko vreme nismo jele ovaj japanski specijalitet, odlučile smo da uzmemo 4 različite vrste maki rolnica. Svako jelo sadrži 8 rolnica, pa ćete se sigurno pitati da nije 32 komada mnogo za 2 devojke. To sam i ja prvo pomislila, ali sam posle shvatila da nisam pogrešila što sam poslušala drugaricu. Celokupan meni imate na njihovom sajtu, pošto vrše i dostavu, pa možete da vidite da imaju kako originalne, tako i ''moderne'' varijante sušija, kao i slatku verziju ovog jela.
S obzirom da mi je losos omiljena vrsta ribe, 3 rolnice su bile sa istim: Salmon verde (RSD 530), Salmon cheese fresh (RSD 630) i Tobiko salmon (RSD 630). Da ne bude da ne dolazi u obzir ništa drugo sem lososa, uzele smo i Tobiko crab (RSD 670).
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Suši |
Neću sad pričati o vrstama sušija i sl, jer o tome imate pregršt tekstova na internetu, samo ću preneti svoja iskustva vezana za naš izbor. Svi sastojci su bili sveži i lepo servirani, tako da su mi bila ispunjena očekivanja. Rolnice Salmon verde, u čiji sadržaj ulaze losos, vlašac, krastavac, avokado, korijander i nana mi se možda najviše svideo, bar na prvi zalogaj. Međutim, kada sam probala Salmon cheese (losos, rukola, krem sir), kombinacija rukole i sira me je istovremeno i oduševila i zasitila. Utisak o tobiko rolnicama nije bio ništa manje zadovoljavajuć. Tobiko su inače ikre "leteće" ribe, čisto da napomenem, pošto ga često ljudi mešaju sa kavijarom. Bilo da pričamo o varijatni sa lososom ili krabom, kombinacija sa sirom i avokadom je nešto što će, sigurna sam, zadovoljiti većinu ljubitelja sušija. Soja sos kao nezaobilazni prilog je bio tu, kao i đumbir i wasabi.
Pozitivni utisci ne bi bili potpuni, da osoblje nije za pohvalu. Mlađi, nasmejani konobari, koji će vam odgovoriti na svako pitanje i rešiti sve nedoumice, su nešto što bi svaki restoran trebalo da ima.
Cene su, kao i u većini suši restorana. Pored standardne ponude pića, imaju i voćne sokove i čajeve, kao što su Arizona i sa Aloe vera-om.
Gosti restorana tog dana su bile pretežno mlađe osobe, što i ne čudi, jer suši je i dalje uglavnom popularan među mlađom populacijom.
Ako ste nepušač, imate moje preporuke da posetite Go sushi. Ako ipak ne možete bez nikotina, mislili su i na vas, tako da možete da naručite putem dostave.
The Gastro police longed for some sushi, which is one of my favorite dishes. On someone's recommendation, we visited the Go sushi restaurant, in order to try some of their sushi. Unfortunately, I haven’t been to Japan yet, so I can’t compare it with this one, but hopefully, I’ll get a chance in the future.
Go sushi is located in several locations in Belgrade, and my friend and I decided to visit the one at Banovo Brdo. The first thing you’ll notice upon arrival is the fact that everything is impeccably clean and tidy. A modern style that reflects peace, elegance and harmony. However, I have some bad news for smokers, smoking is banned in this restaurant.
Pozitivni utisci ne bi bili potpuni, da osoblje nije za pohvalu. Mlađi, nasmejani konobari, koji će vam odgovoriti na svako pitanje i rešiti sve nedoumice, su nešto što bi svaki restoran trebalo da ima.
Cene su, kao i u većini suši restorana. Pored standardne ponude pića, imaju i voćne sokove i čajeve, kao što su Arizona i sa Aloe vera-om.
Gosti restorana tog dana su bile pretežno mlađe osobe, što i ne čudi, jer suši je i dalje uglavnom popularan među mlađom populacijom.
Ako ste nepušač, imate moje preporuke da posetite Go sushi. Ako ipak ne možete bez nikotina, mislili su i na vas, tako da možete da naručite putem dostave.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Go sushi is located in several locations in Belgrade, and my friend and I decided to visit the one at Banovo Brdo. The first thing you’ll notice upon arrival is the fact that everything is impeccably clean and tidy. A modern style that reflects peace, elegance and harmony. However, I have some bad news for smokers, smoking is banned in this restaurant.
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Go sushi - interior |
Since we were starving and it’s been a while since we had this Japanese specialty, we decided to order 4 different types of Maki rolls. Each roll consists of 8 pieces, so you must be wondering whether those 32 pieces were too much for 2 girls. I thought the same , but later I realized that I wasn’t wrong for following the advice my friend gave me. You can find the full menu on their website, since they do delivery, there you can see that they offer both original and "modern" types of sushi, as well as a sweet version of this dish.
Since salmon is my favorite fish, we chose 3 rolls with it: Salmon verde (RSD 530), Salmon cheese fresh (RSD 630) and Tobiko salmon (RSD 630). And in order to try some other type of fish, not just the salmon, we ordered Tobiko Crab (RSD 670).
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Sushi |
I won’t talk about the sushi types now, because you can find a lot of reading material about it online, I will only share my impressions regarding our choice. All the ingredients were fresh and nicely served, so my expectations were fulfilled. The Salmon Verde roll includes salmon, chives, cucumber, avocado, coriander and mint, I liked it the most, at least at the first bite. But then I tried the Salmon cheese roll (salmon, rocket salad, cream cheese), and the combination of rocket salad and cheese left me amazed and satisfied at the same time. The impression of Tobiko roll was equally satisfactory. By the way, Tobiko is flying fish roe, just to clear that up as people often mix it with caviar. Whether we speak about the salmon or crab version, I am sure that the combination with cheese and avocado is something that will please most of the sushi lovers. Of course, we got some soy sauce as well as gari (pickled ginger) and wasabi.
And if the staff wasn’t praiseworthy, our positive impressions wouldn’t be complete. Young, kind waiters, who will answer every question and solve all of your doubts, are something that every restaurant should have.
Prices are the same as in most of the sushi restaurants. In addition to standard drinks, they also offer lots of varieties of juice and tea, such as Arizona and Aloe Vera.
On that day, the guests of the restaurant were mostly younger people, which isn’t surprising, because sushi is still mostly popular among the younger population.
If you don’t smoke, I recommend you to visit the Go sushi restaurant. But, if you can’t live without nicotine, they thought about you, too, they have food delivery or takeaway .
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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